Inner Child Cards- Two of Wands

Golden Angel

Two of Wands

There is a girl (faery) maybe bearing the age of 7 years with a yellow play suit perched up by a rock along a stream of water. In her hand is a wand. She too has wings like the butterfly on her wand. She looks into the stream and sees a reflection of herself with a halo/crown of white daisies. You see a swan/duck, lily pads in this stream.

Wings- the ability to take off, no restrictions
Wand – Creativity, Work
Young Girl – maturity acquiring a sense of self
Water – deep emotions, deep insight
Reflection – The bouncing of light and dark to make an image, the mirror that provides us with the reversal of who we are (the light and dark sides of ourselves)
Rock- We're learning more about ourselves, but need some type of support (partnership).

Personal Interpretation of the Card:
I think this card tells us that we are starting or we should acquire a sense of self. Take a look in the mirror to engage in the changes we want to see in ourself. The girl's reflection shows her in the future, as a beautiful woman, goddess/faery. Sometimes we need help in seeing our true hidden talents and self (self-worth). But it tells us to take time to go inward (with the stream of concious) to see what's preventing us to see our higher, beautiful self, and to accomplish these future goals.

This Card in a Reading:


Meanings for the Card:
A period of waiting. Faith in the future. A waiting period where you are prepared for change where one is in the early stages. Take charge of your life. Moving to a new home, travel. A partnership (two wands). The Lerners say this is a card of inner transformation. One's reflection is a vital part of one's soul.

Reversed Interpretation:
As always, the Lerners do not believe in reversed interpretation of their deck. But I take the card in reversed as your plans being submerged in some way (by outside forces or inner messages of self doubt, negative realization). Where one is not having control towards the future, but the fate of the future seems to have more control over you. You have lost faith in the future. Have lost faith in one's self, self-confidence.

Illustration of Card:

Lerners Interpretation of Card from the Aloha Spirit site: