Escaping Card!


Ask the Cards!

Ask the cards what it means.

I really, really do have to make a sticky of this...when you get a card turning up over and over again, here's what you do:

1) if you don't know what it might be referring to in your life (is it work? is it family?), shuffle the deck and cut it up into four piles according to the 4 suits: communications/study (swords), work/health (pents), passions/career--or moral dilemmas (wands), and family/romance (cups). (Those are very general).

Now go through each pile and find the Page/Cups. THAT is what the message is about. Something having to do with the things ruled over by that suit.

(2) Take out the Page/Cups and put it down. Shuffle the deck. Ask the Deck "What message about _____________ are you trying to tell me with this card?" Lay down a few cards as you like to help you understand. You can do whatever works. Just one card down for clarification, or one card to the left and one to the right of the Page/Cups to make it into a Past-Present-Future spread, or a full-on Celtic Cross if you like with the Page as the signifier.

The cards have been flashing this at you to get your attention--like a flashing red light on a phone. It's time to retrieve your messages, and you can't do that from us. You can only do that by consulting the deck. So consult the deck.

Hope that clears things up!


Thanks Thirteen that was great and I haven't used that before!

When I split them into 4 the Page of cups came under the family/ romance section.

I shuffled the cards and pulled out 2 for clarification - the sun and the 9 of pentacles.

I would see this to mean that it is a good message (good news)... what do you think?

Thanks everyone for your help! I can read others but I can get too emotionally involved in my own cards lol


Is there any reason to suspect pregnancy? You've got the Page of Cups, Temperance (blending of two things) and now the Sun comes up. Might that be a possibility?


Grizabella said:
Is there any reason to suspect pregnancy? You've got the Page of Cups, Temperance (blending of two things) and now the Sun comes up. Might that be a possibility?

Hi Grizabella, no chance I'm afraid! My boyfriend and I split up a while back so unfortunatley no... The cards are very confusing lol!


Because for me the jumping at me card was the Page Of Swords, I checked out my books and besides the meanings already mentioned, each Page also signifies a beginning - the energy of the suit at its early beginning, the power of the Ace is not yet present but still, something is at the stage of a seed. I haven't done what Thirteen suggested as I don't do readings these days for myself but just sharing that the Page Of Cups may be telling you that something in the family/relationships area is to be soon a fact. You may not even know it yet.
As about the other cards - the Temperance in this case could mean "Just be patient, it's in the works". Then the Sun of course is such a fantastic future, and the Nine Of Pentacles too - you will be very, very content. Just my 2 cents. :)


Thanks Ronia that's a really good way of looking at it. Temperance was always a sort of 'chill' card lol...

Looks as if things may be looking up lol

Ronia said:
Because for me the jumping at me card was the Page Of Swords, I checked out my books and besides the meanings already mentioned, each Page also signifies a beginning - the energy of the suit at its early beginning, the power of the Ace is not yet present but still, something is at the stage of a seed. I haven't done what Thirteen suggested as I don't do readings these days for myself but just sharing that the Page Of Cups may be telling you that something in the family/relationships area is to be soon a fact. You may not even know it yet.
As about the other cards - the Temperance in this case could mean "Just be patient, it's in the works". Then the Sun of course is such a fantastic future, and the Nine Of Pentacles too - you will be very, very content. Just my 2 cents. :)


katiec950 said:
I would see this to mean that it is a good message (good news)... what do you think?
It does sound good! And I'm with Griz. You may not be preggers, but it's possible that you'll be getting news from close family, maybe someone you care about a lot, finally getting their wish to have a child, or something like that.

Or, given 9/Pents, maybe a new home or apartment will become available to you or your family.

Even if it's not that, it does sound like your Thanksgiving with family and friends is going to go very well indeed. The home will be cozy, the kids happy, and disagreements will be worked out toward new love (Page/Cups). Very positive message.


Maybe you are going to have a new romance in your life that springs from a newfound ability within yourself to have learned to be content alone.


OK, I was really curious. so I did what Thirteen says and posted it in the Your Readings section. Any feedback is welcome, I am quite puzzled!


Hi all - just want to say thanks - very interesting!

I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open to see what happens and keep you updated!