Stumped with 9 wands

Little Owl

Hoping I can gain some insight into this card please. I am using the Buckland Romani tarot ( there isnt much on the study group about this card )
A man sits on a piece of carpet outside in the open air while he works on making whips,( wands ) He holds one whip as he works on it , 3 whips stand against the wagon which he has finished and the others lie on the ground. Behind the man is a cup and saucer.
The meaning given is preparedness , ready for fight, defense .
In a reading I find it difficult to interpret this card. How would this relate to a relationship or a work reading for instance. What do you think of the cup behind him ?

Little owl

Miss Divine

For me it usually means being on guard. Especially with relationship readings.
It has often come up for someone who's been hurt, and is careful about letting the other get close out of fear of getting hurt again.
Ofcourse it depends on the exact question. This has just been my experience.

ETA: I don't have that deck so I have no idea what that image looks like.


I've heard/seen this card, in general, to mean...waiting to heal before going into battle/giving something another final try. But specific to this deck...well, it looks like the guy is taking his time preparing for something...and we can only guess that he's creating the whips for something that's obviously worth his time/efforts.

I've attached a picture for those who want to see this card.



  • BR9W.jpg
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Miss Divine

That image looks so different from the RWS image. It really often makes a difference which deck is being used for a good interpretation IMO.


As Miss Divine says, it's difficult to interpret the card without seeing the specific image given it in this deck.

I can give you my experience of the card though, for what it's worth, and in readings I've found this card (in a number of decks) to signify duty, or doing something because you have to do it and not because you want to.

Course, this interpretation might mean nothing at all in relation to your deck... :)


Hi haven't got this deck but looked at image.......

For me...
Staves/ Wands Fire Creativity.....
Man working hard, taking his time........
Cup- emotions..... so the man has invested emotions into being creative, working hard, being patience with his craft......
Wagon in background- movement on his journey/standing still not moving....stagnant?
Earthy Tones-being creative outdoors, within nature.....
9- nearing completion...... have you done all that you need to, to complete the project.?

Inregards to relationship./work....
he has worked hard and is ready to fight for what he wants within the relationship or for his job/ promotion....he may need to defend his actions.......

hope that helps..........


Little Owl

Thanks everyone for the help with this card.It is always helpful to hear peoples different opinions. i personally find it quite a difficult card and feel that the image does not trigger much with me.
It was interesting to hear how the cup fitted in '' Cup- emotions..... so the man has invested emotions into being creative, working hard, being patience with his craft......''
this would also tie in with what miss divine said about being hurt in past relationships.
Thanks for adding the picture Goddess Artemis, I wasnt sure how to do that.
I appreciate all of your help.

Little Owl


This was one of my first decks and I can tell you a couple of my perceptions of it. He's put his emotions behind him--represented by the cup. He can't let his emotions get in the way of what he has to do to protect himself and his family or his group.

As it would have to do with a relationship, I'd say this would indicate someone who was always on the defensive rather than letting down his defenses so his emotions could enter into the relationship.

Maybe we should go get the study group going again. :)

Little Owl

Hi Grizabella

I would love for the study group to get going, some of the cards aren't covered there and hopefully others would be interested too.

Thanks for your help on this card, what you say makes a lot of sense.


The companion book discusses the Rom as craftsman who can make useful items from ordinary materials and touches on the experience needed to do so. The teacup indicates the ability for him to take a break when he wants to without interrupting his work flow.

The brown of the carpet represents the hesitation that's necessary for decision-making. The gold represents confidence and attraction and the white represents sincerity and truth. This is the foundation he uses to accomplish his work.

The wagon represents his mobility and his ability to work when and where he pleases.

The book also questions whether he travels alone or as part of a tribe and whether he's solitary, has a family, is part of a tribe, etc.
