the course in miracles chapter one


the course in miracles chapter one, 1, principles of miracles

1. there is no order of difficulty in miracles. one is not harder or bigger than another. they are all the same, all expressions of love are maximal.

love is all powerful and from that love miracles have no difficulty as they are all equal.

2.miracles as such do not matter, the only thing that matters is their source, which is far beyond evaluation.

the source of love is all that matters, not the individual miracle.

3.miracles occure naturally as expressions of love. the real miracle is the love that inspires them. in this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle.

any miracle that doenst' come from love is not a true miracle, and a small miracle of love is equal to a big miracle of love for there is no seperation in love.

4.all miracles mean life. and creator is the giver of life. creator voice will direct you very specifically. you will be told all you need to know.

the creator will tell you how to give miracles of love as it is the giver of all life and love is life.
since miracles mean life and the creator is the giver of life, the miracles in truth come from the creator. the voice of the source will direct you in all that you need to know.
one shouldnt' have to force love as it should be a habit as natural as breathing.

5.miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. they should not be under conscious control, consciously select miracles can be misguided.

"conciously selected miracles can be misguided"
this means that if we share love due to reasons , it is forced and misguided for the love doens't come from the source of life within you.
hence sharing love for reasons of the conciouss leads to ego drivine love.

6.miracles are natural. when they do not occur something has gone wrong.

to not to give love is for something to have gone wrong, for it is not natural to give anything but love.

7.miracles are everyone right, but purification is necessary first.

miracles being natural means they belong to everyone but "purification" must come first.
that leads back to letting go of the conscious reasons for loving others and comeing from the flow of the creator.

8.miracles are healing because they supply a lack. they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those who temporarily have less.

we are all equal, and love is equal, however until we realize this, miracles are only tempory for their purpose they are designed for is only temporary.

9. miracles are a kind of exchange. like all expressions of love, which are alwasy miraculous in the true sense. the exchange reverses the physical laws. they bring more love both to the giver and the reciever.

giving love to others creates a miracle becuase "they supply a lack" which means they fill a vacum. hence when a person is sad, and in need of comfort the miracle of giving love to another is necessary and tempory.
for miracle of love are an exchange and bring blessings to both the giver and the reciever. this reverses the physical laws of scarcity and energy exchange that when you give something you have to give something back from the person.
in this view of the giving love to others , you are blessed as a giver of of love and need require anything back from the person you have given to.

10.the use of miracles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose.

to give love to induce believe in the creator is never purpose of love, for it simply is.

11.prayer is a the medium of miracles, it is a means of communication of the created with the creator. though prayer love is recieved and through miracles love is expressed.

instead let prayer be your focus for miracles as you the created work with your creator . for as you pray you recieve love and through the miracles that come with prayers your express your love.

12.miracles are thoughts . thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience or the higher or spiritual experience. on makes the physical. and the other creates the spiritual.

it is up to you if you shall come from divine love or personal love with conditions such as judgement, punishment and right or wrong.

13.miracles are both the beginnings and endings. and so they alter the temporal order. they are alwasy affirmations of rebirth., which seem to go back, but really go forward. they undo the past in the present and thus release the future.

miracles they exist in the past, present and the future through their affirmation of rebirth this means love can let go of the past, change your future by living in the now.

14. miracles bear witness to the truth. they are convincing because they arise from conviction. without conviction they deteriorate into magic. which is mindless and therefore destructive. or rather the uncreative use of the mind.

true miracles then come from the truth and are convincing from that truth and without that knowledge of the truth, miracles can detiroate into mindless magic represent the uncreative use of mind in destructive term
that means any miracles that come from the unloving mind are not real miracles.

15.each should be devoted to miracles. the prupose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. it is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilating learning.

just as miracles are natural they should happen everyday for it means the day is devoted to love instead of the illusion of anger, fear and hate. and as we do so it will make time unuseful and will time will end.

16. miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to recieve. they simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength of the reciever.

so miracles are teaching devices to showing it is blessed to give and recieve by blessing the giver and the reciever as the creator love flows through.

17.miracles transcend the body. they are suddent shifts into invisibilityaway from the bodily level. that is why they heal.

hence the miracles move past the body in sudden shifts into the invisbile spirituality and that is how they heal.
giving love heals the spirit not the body. the body doesnt' exist just the mind of spirit does. and so when you give love, you give it to the person spirit always and never to the body.

18.a miracle is a service. it is the maximal service you can render to another. it is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. you recognize your own and your neighbor worth simultaneously.

miracles are to serve others for as you do so ,, you also serve yourself. your worth is equal to your neighbor not no more nor no less in any shape or form.

19.miracles make minds one in creator. they depend on cooperation because the createdship is the sum of all that creator crated. miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time.

miracles make your minds one with the creator by depending on your cooperation or co-creation because the sonship here known by me as createdship is the all that the creator created.
miracles are the laws of eternity not time in doing this. which means miracles are not limited in any form by the ideals of time that we adher to in today world, yesterday world, or tomorrow world, as long as time exists.

20.miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the alter of truth. this is the recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle.

miracles make aware that the spirit is the alter of truth not your body which is your temple. this leads to the healing power of the miracle of true pure love. for in truth the body needs not healing but the mind connection to its pure spirit which is creator and the body shall heal on its own.

21.miracles are natural signs of forgivness. through miracles you accept creator forgiviness by extending it to others.

you will find that the creator sees there is nothing to forgive for everyone spirits is perfect so jesus saw this and knew there was nothing to forgive of others when he walked the world, and so is asking us to realize this as well.

22.miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. you believe that what you physical eyes can not see does not exist. this leads to a denial of spiritual sight.

our true sight therefore is not physical sight but spiritual sight which clairovantly is the beginning of. once we let go of fear we will see miracles of love wherever we look, until we do we see darkness everywhere for we limit ourselves to physical eyes of the body which is a seperation in itself.

23.miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. this is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.

miracles fixes this by placing all levels in true perspective , which is healing as sickness come from confusing the levels. the answer is there is no level while sickness sees levels everywhere.

24. miracles enable you to heal the sick, raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself and can therefore abolish both. you are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your creator. everything else is your own nightmare and does not exist. only the creations of light are real.

the love of the creator which flows through you can help you to heal the sick, raise the read, for we made themselves with the seperation, and so we thought they were real. in truth. our spirits never died, and they are not sick. for we are real.

25. miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which when completed, is the atonement.

atonement works all the time and in all dimension of time. to be at one with everything is the only answer how else can it be, for time is a seperation of everything into minutes, and illusions that are, and things that never will be. the future is the past for there is no seperation. forgive the past, forgive the future, only to realize eternity is only there for creation will exist alwasy and so will our spirits.

26. miracles represent freedom from fear. atoning means undoing. the undoing of fear is an essential part of the atonement value of miracles.

mircles are universal blessings from the creator through the christ within to all his brothers which are christ themselves. there is nothing to fear from your fear self.

27.a miracle is a universal blessing from creator through me, jesus to all my brothers, it is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive.

which means just as you are forgiven that is your privlege to forgive others and your divine right I may see when jesus forgave everything, he was forgiven, not by god, not by angels not by ourselves, but he forgave himself as he forgave everything. in doing so, he realize he was the son of god, the daugther of goddess, the created of creator. and that we as his brothers and sisters were in fact the created with him.. for in truth we are no sex. just spirits in materil forms believing we are seperated.

28.miracles are a way of earning release from fear. revelation induces a state in which fear has already been abolished. miracles are thus a means and revelation is an end. .

revelations as a state of which fear is no more and miracles which leads to that state . pratice miracles until you reach revelations.

29.miracles praise source through you, they praise creator by honoring it's creations, affirming their perfections. they heal because they deny body indentification, and affirm spirit-identification.

miracles as act of love not only release from fear but praise creator as you offer it to everything. you are offering it to the true indentity of everything,, its spirit. we are all perfect spirit, regardless of what we made with our illusions of seperation. once we realize this we will be able to love everyone, including those who hurt us, for they do not know what they do.. as they havent' remembered that they are perfect and you are perfect and so they cannot hurt you.

30. by recognizing spirit, miracles adjust the levels of perception and show them in proper alignment. this places spirit at the center where it can communicate directly.

once you realize the spirit of everything, you will place spirit at the center of your being where it can commumicate directly with you. the spirit of everything is creator.

31. miracles should inspire gratititude not awe. you should thank creator for what you really are. the children of god, the creation of creator,
thus miracles insipire gratitude and never awe for you should thank the creator for what you are, for you are holy and miarcles honors your holiness as creations of the creator and the miracles honor their holiness, which can be hidden but never lost.

always be thankful never in awe of acts of true love which has no conditions, for as you share that love you honor yourself, which is a creation of your source, the creator. you are perfect and that perfection can never be lost just hidden in your mind.

32. I jesus inspire all miracles which are really intercessions. they intercede for your holiness and make your perceptions holy. by placing you beyond the physical laws, they raise you into the sphere of celestial order. in this order you are perfect.

jesus inspires all miracles which is not to say he directs everything once we are at one,, as we will have our own connection to the creator to follow and we will be like him listening to the creator. however until that moment we are inspired by jesus to see ourselves as perfect.

33. miracles honor you because you are lovable. they dispel illusiosn about yourself and percieve the light in you. they thus atone for your errors by freeing you from your nightmares. by releasing your mind from the imprisionment of your illusuions they restore your sanity.

the miracle of sharing creator love honor everything for whatever creator created is loveable. as they are shared they dispell the illusions about ourselves. (how many times have we done something out of love which is not in character for ourselves and we think to ourselves we are not bad person ). coming totally from this perspective will free our minds from our personal hells.

34. miracles resore the mind to its fullness. by atoning for lack they establish perfect protection. the spriti strength leaves no room for intrustion.

the coming from love restores our mind to its whole state instead of its splintered state it is now., we come therefore into contact with our full spirit strength which leaves no room for ego thoughts to intrude.

35.miracles are expressions of love, but they may not alwasy observable effects

when we giver miracles to another, they not notice it,, or we may not notice it, but in some way they have recieved it and are grateful but it in their past, or future selve or on some subsconsciou level for you see the spirits alwasy recieve love.

36. miracles are examples of right thinking, aligning your percpetions with truth as creator created it.

to come from love is the only way to think, as we align how we see everything with the truth of creator. that spirit is everything and that spirit is creator.

37. a miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me, jesus, as it acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perceptions and reorganizing it properly. this places you under the atonement principle. where perception is healed. until this has occurred, knowledge of the divine order is impossible.

miracles then alwasy serve to correct our perceptions, and work to heal them into we are reach the atonement. until then we cannot know the divine order, despite what jesus has shared with us for we would not believe as our minds would still come from the seperation.

38.the holy spirit is a mechanism of miracles. It recognizes both creator creations and your illusions. the holy spirit seperates the true from the false by its ability to percieve totally rather then selectively.

the holy spirit exists in our mind and the creator mind , as such it has the ability to see both creation and making and see the differences between the two. it is the holy spirit who will guide us and comfort us from our illusionary world to the true world of creation.

39.the miracles dissolves error becasue the holy spirit identifies errors as false or unreal. this is the same as saying that by percieving light , darkness automatically disappears.

it is true, that percieving love and light will make darkenss disappear. light doesnt' attract darkness, light just reveals it and as it is revealed we can either believe in the darkness or not,, however as we percieve the light the darkness just dissolves.

40.miracle acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine(jesus). it is a way of percieving the universal mark of creator.

as see everyone as our brother,, our fellow creation we realize that we are not seperate and so we are jesus as well. for the creator is everyone and within everyone

41.wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles. they thus correct, or atone for, the faulty perceptions of lack.

to be whole would mean that everyone is supplied for , which they are,, how many of us really need a computer, a car, a big manson, when all we need is food, as an example. those fancy jobs in order to generate income is to support the ego idea of lack. for you are preparing for the one day you will have nothing, and in doing so you have made that day come. in truth you have all that you need and all that you will ever need. yet in order to see it as so you must realize that creator is everywhere , around you and within you and so it is there for you to call upon.

42. a major contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing you form your false sense of isolation, deprivation, and lack.

once you recieve the love of the creator which never ending, is everywhere and is constant, the only trouble was that you wouldn't recieve it.. how can you see yourself as isolated from the creator , deprived of its love, and lacking in anyway.

43.miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind, or a state of miracle-readiness.

you have to be in a loving state, not only in body, and spirit, but your mind which sets forth the intention that you are ready to perform miracles and that jesus will see that and work with you to do so.

44.the miracle is an expression of an inner awareness of christ and the acceptance of christ atonement.

to accept christ atonement is to be atone with the christ and the christ of everything and everywhere. the miracle is an expression of the inner awareness and doesnt have to be totally atoned in order for you to give miracles, you just have to be ready to do so and as you share it, you move further along your path to realizing everything is at one.

45.a miracle is never lost, it may touch many people you have not even met, and produce undreamed of changes in situations of which you are not even aware.

since love is not defined by time nor space, when it is given it is never lost but could be recieved in the past, the future, the other dimension upon which you exist. remember alwasy give love with no expectations and no conditions and it recieving will be 100 fold. at least.

46. the holy spirit is the highest communication medium. miracles do not involve this type of communication, because they are temporary [communication devices.
when you return to your orignal form of communication with creator by direct revelation the need for miracles is over

once you accept your holy spirit, and is revelations become your being,, there will be no need for miracles for your entire live, and being will be filled with so many miracles of love that you will know no other way of being.

47.the miracle is a learning device that lessens the need for time. it establishes an out of pattern time interval not under the usual laws of time. in this sense it is timeless.

miracles are timless for they do not follow the laws of time but go to where it is needed i.e. someone future, past self, to your future, past self. remember that you are not a spect of grain in the sands of time, but you are every grain in the sands of time.

48.the miracle is the only device at your immediate disposal for controlling time. only revelation transcends it, having nothing to do with time at all.

know that this doesnt' work for controlling time aka the butterfly effect movie. but instead only controls time by love, ie. works to correct errors not to make further errors. once you realize the revelation state you will not see time at all.

49.the miracle makes no distinction among degrees of misperception. it is a device for perception-correction, effective quite apart from either the degree or the direction of the error. this is its true indiscriminateness.

the errors you have made be it great, or be it in impossible direction you think to yourself to correct, realize that it is never impossible as the miracles makes no disinctiction among degrees of seperation in your perceptions for the creator sees no seperation and see no errors that we have made.

50.the miracles compares what you have made with creation, accepting what is in accord with creation as true, and rejecting what is out of accord as false.

there is some light in what you have made, and so all good expereinces you have made in accordance with creation will never be lost, but that which is not in accordance aka, smacking one relative as a children, til accidently killing a person, til massacring many in war, be it in this life or the last, will never be kept for its is not real in accordance with the creator.


Reading this inspires me to find my Course in Miracles book. Thank you for the kickstart, Holmes!

If seen as our illusions falling away as the lightening of new awareness strikes, I think the Tower card represents the totally new perspective and crumbling of human-structure that miracles bring. But that shift in seeing scares the ego into often quickly rebuilding another tower to hide ourselves from the Light pouring down.

And we love drama--it's hard to release that craving for a big show to go along with the miracle so that others are impressed (ego again).

Onward . . .


hail imagemaker

thanks for replying
ah you have the book as well ?
you may notice that instead of paraphrasing and just giving a what does it mean to me statement
i was lead to clarify every statement which involved a lot of typing and took an hour.
i didnt' realize the amount of work it will take to do these :) .

notice in the text instead of drama
the author uses "the use of miracles as spectacles to induce beliefs is a misunderstanding of their purpose. "
i am guilty of what the people did to the bible, they retranslated it to fit what they thought it should mean over time.
as a clarifier of light , that is my purpose to try to make it more understandable it is a trade off i suppose.


Thanks Holmes for kickstarting the course in miracle lessons


I think your paraphrasing is fine--and a drama is a spectacle, is it not? Just passing the spectacle of a car accident leads one to dramatic thoughts.

Keep trusting to your core intent of love and the source will bring good words to mind.

And yes, I could tell how long that post took to write! I wanted to acknowledge your time and effort with thanks!


Holmes - thankyou for this. I can't say that I fully understand it all, I think its going to take some studying on my part but thankyou anyway.

Imagemaker said:
If seen as our illusions falling away as the lightening of new awareness strikes, I think the Tower card represents the totally new perspective and crumbling of human-structure that miracles bring. But that shift in seeing scares the ego into often quickly rebuilding another tower to hide ourselves from the Light pouring down.

That is quite amazing and fits beautifully to a reading I did this morning. Am I right then in thinking that the Tower could then represent the breaking down of misconceptions and barriers that we have built?


Yes, that's how the Tower often appears in my readings. I'm glad this helped your reading today--synchronicity!


a course in miracles chapter one"revelation time and miracles"

1.revelation induces complete but temporary suspension of doubt and fear. It reflects the orginal form of communication between creator and its creations, involving the extremely personal sense of creation sometimes sought in physical relationship. Physical closeness cannot achieve it.
Miracles, however are genuinely interpersonal, and result in true closeness to others.
revelation unites you directly with creator. Miracles unite you directly with your brother. Neither emantes from consciousness, but both are experienced there.
Consciouness is the state that induces action, though it does not inspire it. you are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe.

revelation as defined by the course in miracles reflects the original which i am going to take to mean purest form of communication with your creator it does this by letting go of doubt and fear. In doing this, it creates a highly personal relationship which physical closeness cannot achieve or come close to. miracles are interpersonal and result in true closness to others.
so the course is saying that revelations bring you closer to your creator and miracles to your brother.
they can not enmante from your mind, yet both can be experienced
in this sense "you are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe"
this brings to mind the quote that jesus is said to have made,
if i am doing my fathers works believe me, but if i am not, rebuke me.

2. Revelation is intensely personal and cannot be meaningfully translated. That is why any attempt to describe it in words is impossible. Revelation induces only experience. Miracles, on the ohter hand, induce action. They are more useful now because of their interpersonal nature.
In this phrase of learning working miacles is important because freedom from fear cannot be thrust upon you. Revelation is literally unspeakable because it is an experience of unspeakable love.

revelations as it is personal can not be translated into words and to attempt to do it is impossible, as revelation only induces experience like enlightment.
miracles however cause action so for now they are more meaningful as they bring you freedom from fear which can not be forced upon you.
the revelation being personal is unspeakable as it is unspeakable love.

3. Awe should be reserved for revelation, to which it is perfectly and correctly applicable. It is not appropriate for miracles because a state of awe is worshipful, implying that one of a lesser order stands before their creator. you are a perfect creation, and should experience awe only in presence of the creator of perfection.
the miracle is therefore a sign of love among equals.
equals should not be in awe of one another because awe implies inequality. it is therefore an inappropriate reaction to me, jesus. An elder brother is entitled to respect for his greater expereince and obedience for his greater wisdom. he or she is also entitled to love because they are a brother or sister and to devotion if they are devoted.
it is only my devotion that entitles me, jesus to yours. there is nothing about me, jesus that you cannot attain. I jesus have nothing that does come from creator. the difference between us now is that i jesus have nothing else. that lives me jesus in a state of which is only potential in you.

if there is reason for awe, it should be only applied to the revelation due to its direction communication with the creator whereas miracles should not be worshipped. for the act of love causing awe hints that a lesser being stands before his creator.
it would mean that the great being has decided in his great divinity to bestow love on the unworthy . which is not the case at all.
for you are a perfection creation and through revelation experience awe only in the presence of the creator.
so miracles are shared with your equals as you are all perfect. which is why miracles should not inspire awe
christ as your elder brother because of his greater experience should be respected, and loved for he is your brother and devotion as he is devoted.
yet there is nothing that requires awe as he supports you for there is nothing about him that we cannot achieve in ourselves.
remember in the bible what i do, you can do, and ye are gods?
the only differnce between you and him is he has nothing but the creator in his life while you still seek the creator who has alwasy been there for you.
hence what he is, is unfurfilled potential within you yet it can be filled
in this manner as you become elder brothers to your brothers , you are entitiled to their respect of experience, and love, and devotion if you are devoted to the creator, but never awe. as that would indicate that you are more then your brother , more then your sister.
and be sure to watch for that within yourself. as you consider your own being of perfection. the fact that you are perfect makes you not special then the others, it makes you as special as they are.

4. "No man cometh unto the father but by me"
does not mean that I jesus am in any seperate or differnt from you except in time and time does not really exist.
the statement is more meaningful in terms of a vertical rather then a horizontal axis. you stand below me jesus and i jesus stand below creator.
in the process of "rising up" I, jesus am higher because with me, jesus the distance between creator and man would be too great for you to encompass.
I jesus, bridge the gap between the distance as elder brother to you on the one hand, and as a creation of creator on the other.
my devotion to my brothers has place me, jesus, in charge of the sonship, which i jesus render complete because I jesus share it.
this may appear to contradict the statement
"I and my father are one"
but there are two parts to the statement in recognition that the father is greater.

"no man cometh unto the father but by me"
keeping in mind the principles that we have just discuess it doesn't meant that jesus is the only one who can bring you to the father, nor does it mean that he is seperate from you in special ways.
what it does means is without his awakening the imagined distance to the creator would be far for our minds to understand. he completes the sonship in serving at the bridge to the creator by sharing it.
think of it in the terms that "i and the father are one" the christ knows that he is the creator and the creator lives within him, yet he also knows that he is the brother to us all, which means that in order for the the father and the son are one to be true, it would mean the father and all the sons are one.
that the creator and all created are one without any seperation.
without that knowledge that there is a son to lead us,how would we come to know the creator?
if you look at it in terms of time since he is first he should be first , thus held on a pedestal, but in truth time exists not,
so the only thing to do by coming onto the christ to learn about the creator is learn through his devotion, his love for his sisters, and his experienes

5. Revelation are indirectly inspired by me because I jesus am close to the holy spirit and alert to the revelation-readiness of my brothers. I jesus can thus bring down to them more then they can draw down to themselves. The holy spirit mediates higher to lower communications keeing the direct channel from creator to you open for revelation. revelation is not reciprocal. It proceeds from creator you, but not from you to creator.

revelation is then not directly inspired by the christ but they are a result of his presence for the christ self is aware of how ready for revelation and for the miracles his brothers really are. due to its nature he can bring down more light then we can do as we think of ourselves as seperate.
the revelations alwasy comes from the creator to the creator not from the created to the creator so the spirit which is in the creator and yourself is the holy spirt connecting your spirit to your creator, and in that process is how it become holy.

6.the miracle minimizes the need for time. In the longitudinal or horizontal plane the recognition of the equality of the members of the sonship appears to involve almost endless time.
however the mircles entails a sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception. This introduces an interval from which the giver and reciever both emerge farther along in time than they would otherwise have been. the miracles thus has the unique property of abolishing time to the extent that it renders the interval of time it spans unnecessary.
there is no relationship betweeen the time a miracle takes and the time it covers. The miracle substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years. it does so by the underlying recognition of perfect equality of giver and reciever on which the miracle rests. The miracle shortens time by collapsing it, thus eliminating certain intervals within it. it does this however, within the larger temporal sequence.

the sonship, or the createdship seems to invovled all time yet miracles serve to reduce the need for time. for through them both the giver and the reciever appear further along in time and in this manner they are blessed as well.
in this manner miracles abolish the time they reduce, yet is not dependent on the time the miracle took to happen and the time that you moved forward.
in otherwards miracles can change your reality of the past, now, and help you create your further in doing so cut through the illusions of time.
with the help of miracles it makes thousand years learning possible.
it does so by realizing the perfectness within the giver and reciever and that is what the miracles rests on.
without the miracles principles there would be no reduction of time,
and so within the larger context it reduces interverals yet keeps the sequence of events.

what does this mean?
to put into pratical terms, consider a bad event that happened in your past,
and realize that the person who did this to you is a perfect being just as you are. that your divine essences were not harmed in anyway, just the illusions of the body.
one could let that those bad events huant you for the rest of your days, believing that you are unworthy, weak, hated secretly by the world
yet consider how strong you will be realizing that you are worthy, strong, and loved , not hated.
as you project so shall you create in your reality.
and as you realize that you are worthy, and a perfect being, you can bring yourself to forgive the person who did the bad event to you
(it doesnt have to be dramatic, it could be something as simple as telling your secret, making a lie about you in order to make themselves feel good,to more dramatic, a person destroying your family as they stole their way into your house and caused incredible horrors to your bodies.
in addition you may think that your spirits are damage for you haven't been able to sleep at night due to fear of being hurt again )

yet the perfect being who told the lie didnt' realize the perfectness of everything and so believed in telling the lie they would somehow raise in status at their expense. did that affect your relationship with your creator , no, not in the slightest. according to the creator who sees you as pure love.

for you who told the secret of someone in order to reduce your guilt for people may judge you, in the world of illusionary matter and seperation, the ego was trying to attack others before they attack you,
but in truth your divine self did nothing to their divine self, so why let the past hunt you ?
that time can be erased in the next moment and years of living reduce to your life as you are freed from anger, and fear , and self crufixation.

to the person who came in and caused bodily harm, realize he wasnt' coming from his perfect self for he wasnt' awakened. it doesnt mean to see yourself as higher then he is, but to see that sooner or later your precious brother will awaken and you shall laugh together in the light as the illusions fall away.

the enemies shall hug, the lost shall find each other, and there shall be true love in everything.
this is through the reduction of time until there is no more time , and no more space left , just the divine pure essences of revelation with no time, and miracles have served their purpose.

(note the last half isnt' in the course)


a course in miracles, chapter one, "atonement and miracles"

1. I jesus in charge of the process of atonement,which I undertook to begin. When you offer a miracle to any of my brothers, you do it to yourself and me. the reasons you come before me is that i do not need miracles for my atonement, but i stand at the end in case you fail temporaily. My part int he atoneemtn is the cancelling out of all errors that you could not otherwise correct. When you have been restored to the recognition of your original state, you naturally become part of the atoneemnt yourself. As you share my unwillingess to accept error in yourself and others, you must join the great crusade to correct it; listen to my voice, learn to undo error, and act to correct it. the power to work miracles belong to you. I will provide the opoortunities to do them, but you must be ready and willing. Doing them will bring conviction in the ability, because conviction comes through accomplishment. The ability is the potential , the achievement is its expressions, and the atonement , which is the natural profession of the children of creator, is the purpose.

the at one ment with the creator is being directed by christ, or the created for he undertook it to begin with. when you offer a pure miracle to your brother you also offer it to him and yourself as well.
the christed one does not need miracles, but he stands in case you fail temporily.
as our minds are conflicted, his purpose is to correct errors we can not see for ourselves.
the atonement is a state which you become a part of naturally as the power to work miracles belongs to you.
as you come to share the unwillingness to accept error in yourself and others , you will have the inspiration to correct it. by listening to his voice, learn to undo error and act to correct it.
this is no differnt then listening to your inner voice which is part of the creator within you. however the conflict only comes from learning to discern from your true inner voice and the voice of the ego within you as well.
the opportunities to do the miracles in your life will come yet you have to ready to do them. and in doing the miracles in your life you will have conviction as you accomplish them.
so the purpose of the atonement is potential in ability and to achieve it is to express it.

2."heaven and earth shall pass away" means that they will not continue to exist as seperate states. My word , which is the resurection and the life, shall not pass away because life is eternal. you are the work of creator and its work is wholly lovable and wholly loving . This is how a man and woman must think of themselves in their heart. because this is what they are.

the quote from the bible "heaven and earth shall pass away" does not mean they will end and there shall be nothing, it means that they shall no longer be seperate and cease to be and be one. in that sense there is no context of heaven or earth but oneness.
life is eternal and you are works of the creator and so by that nature your divine essences are eternal as well . you must think of yourself as that in your hearts and mind in order to percieve it. that the creator is loving and all that she creates is lovable and loving as well.

3the forgiven are the means of the atonement. Being filled with spirit, they forgive it in return. Those who are released must join in releasing their brothers, for this is plan of the atonement. miracles are the way in which minds that serve the holy unite with me for the salvation or release of all creator creations.

absolutely nothing that can not be forgiven in the eyes of the creator. consider that as you ponder this,
that you who are released must join in releasing your brothers from the seperation.
you see the seperation is nothing but a frame of mind that conceals for a short time the atonement. miracles are the way in you all unite wtih each other and the divine essence within for the release of all your creator creations from their ideal of seperation.

4. I jesus am the only one who can perform miracles indiscriminately, because I jesus am the atonement. You have a role in the atonement which I christ will dictate to you. Ask me which miracles you should perform . This spares you needless effort because you will be acting under direct communciation. The impersonal nature of the miracle is an essential ingredient , because it enables me christ to direct its application, and under my guidance miracles lead to the highly personal expereince of revelation. A guide does not control but he does direct leaving it up to you to follow. "lead us not into temptation" means "Recognize your errors and choose to abandon them by following my guidance"

the created is the only who can perform miracles without ego reasons for the created is the example and living atonement.
as the christ is the director of the atonement his only purpose is to direct you in achieving the atonement,
and since they who were first in achieving the atonement must be also be the last.
consider that if you went on a mission together with your brothers as you percieve them, there would not one of you who would leave you brother behind if you percieve him as a true brother. so you would wait til everyone is with you before moving on.
that is what he is doing, and all those who have awaken since time began are doing with him as well.
so ask them which miracles to perform and that will spare you conflict within you.
as a result you will be giving miracles impersonally which is it essential componet in order for those who have awaken to direct it, which will lead to a highly personal experience of revelation. he does not control but guide you and leaving it up to you to follow if you so choose,
hence this phrase "lead me not into tempation "means recognize your errors and chose to abandon them by following the guidance of the creator and the those who have awakend fully to that truth they too are at one with the creator.

so please as you read that , think of personal temptation and the power of the ego.. there should no choice in giving miracles yet as the mind is conflicted the mind thinks well this person is my friend so i will give him this miracle meanwhile a brother temporary needs the miracle more then your friend.
what is that need ? nothing in relation to who is better or worse, higher in status or lower in status, but truly is ready for the miracle.
for the friend is using the form of attachement to force you to help them while they could be capable of helping themselves or recieving help from other fields yet come to you for they know that you are more easy.
but the person who is truly asking for help has given up all hope, and who knows could be thinking to themselves if this person doesnt' help me,, i give up on this world and shall destroy myself. !!
then again perhpas your friend truly needs your help for they are in temperory need while the person trying to use your spirituality to con you is trying to say if you pratice what you preace help me.
for many they would pick the personal relationship over the interpersonal one, or vice versa they refuse to have personal relationship and so choose interpersonal ones while the person who was their friends is just in as much tempory need as the ones who aren't.
do you feel the conflict as you read this scenario ?
only those who are awakened with the creator as they are at one ment with the creator can truly know.

this is how jesus knew who was ready to be healed, and who wasnt' ready, that some minds arent' ready to accept the truth so he planted the idea in their mind in a story so eventually as time is just an illusions they will understand. how he knew where to go, what to say, how to offer help even if it was refuse by some.
that the creator guided his use of miracles and not his ego mind.

well back to the course

5.Error cannot really threaten truth, which can always withstand it. Only the error is actually vulnerable. You are free to establish your kingdom where you see fit, but the right choice is inevitable if you remember this
"spirit is in a state of grace forever.
your reality is only spirit
therefore you are in a state of grace forever.
Atonement undoes all errors in this respect, and thus uproots the source of fear. whenever you are experience creator reassurances as threat, it is always because you are defending misplaced, or misdirected loyalty. When you project this to others you imprision them, but only to the extent to which you reinforce errors they have already made. This makes them vulnerable to the distortions of tohers, since their own perceptions of themselves is distorted. The miracles worker can only bless them, and this undoes their distortions and frees them from prison.

truth can withstand error, as truth can't not be destroyed if it is the true truth, only the error that is trying to attack truth can be destroyed for as the truth is revealed the error shall be no more for it was just an illusion.
think of your lives as your kingdoms and remember while you are free to establish it where you see fit, how to run it, what to do with it.,
that the right choices in governing your kingdoms are inevitable if you study this and remember it
"spirit is a state of grace forever
your reality is only spirit
there you are in a state of grace forever"

so in your kingdom of your life , know that you are spirit, and in a state of grace forever with the creator. and with that in mind what is the use of trying to use the resource of other kingdoms to further your own or sacfricing illusionary your own kingdoms for the betterment of others .
you are all in a state of grace forever, once that is realize then there shall be harmony, and the world as you know it will cease to exist as heaven shall exist on it.

so atonement uproots the source of fear and undoes all errors that we create for the errors can not stand to the creator timeless truths.
the buildings we create as example of our personal glories, the songs we create, will fade in the seas of time for they are not eternal.
but the buildings you create with the truth behind it shall never fade.
and that is why should the temple fall it will be rebuilt in three days.
for what is three days but a moment in eternity ?
so whenever we experience the reasurance of the creator as a threat.

you are loved,, society will say that i am making that up
you are me, society will say that i am having illusions of grandeur
you are your brothers, society will say that you are too senstative,

it is because you are defending misplaced or misdirected loyalty.
and imprision others as it is project to others.
yet know that you have cause no harm for your projections have done nothing that theyselves have projected as well.
you can only bless your brothers and that undoes their projections and frees them from their prision.
(even if they say what are you an holy man who are to bless me, for in truth it is the ego trying to undo that which can not be done )

6. you respond to what you percieve, and as you percieve so shall you behave. The golden rule asks you to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means that the perception of both must be accurate. The golden rule is the rule for appropriate behavior . Since you and your neighbor are equal members of one family, as you percieve both so you will do to both. you should look from the perceptions of your own holiness to the holiness of others.

as you percieve so shall you behave, and as you do unto others as you would have to do onto you this is the teaching behind your perception.
percieve judgement onto yourself, you do it onto others , percieve hatred onto others and you do it onto yourself. percieve crazyiness onto others and deep down you wonder if you are crazy.

that person killed my brothers , 6 million of them, HE MUST GO TO HELL.
my dear , hell is an illusion, what you have done is commit your brother to an illusionary prision for however time exists when you should bless him that he should awaken to the atonement and move past his egoness.
the golden rule is the approiate rule for behavior and you can not behave well unless you percieve well.
look out from the perception of your divine essence and you will see yourself, and your brother as divine and that frees them their prisions even they stone you to the illusionary death for your divine essence is not damaged in anyway.

7.Miracles arise from a mind that is ready for them. By being united this mind goes out to everyone, even without the awareness of the miracle worker himself. The impersonal nature of miracles is because the Atonement itself is one, uniting all creations with their Creator. As an expression of what you truly are, the miracles places the mind in a state of grace. The mind then naturally welcomes the host within and the stranger without. when you bring the stranger, he becomes your brother.

in order to be able to do miracles with and for your sisters, know that miracles can only arise from a mind that is ready for them.
for as you are atonement with the creator, then that revelation state brings about miracles easily and flawlessley to your brothers without your awareness.
hence the impersonal nature of the miracles is because the atonement itself is one uniting all creations with their creator as expression of what you truly are.
all strangers become your brothers and there is no freind, no mother, no daughter, no enemies for there is only brothership and sistership ,, which is inself seperation as many percieve it .
so let us change that to createdship shall we without gender specifics

should aliens come unto your planets right now and look at you ,, it would be without species specifics as well. (that is not in the course but i threw that in there)

8. That the miracle may have effects on your brothers and sisters that you may not recognize is not your concern. The miracles will always bless you. Miracles you are not asked to perform have not lost their value. They are still expressions of your own state of grace, but the action aspect of the miracle should be controlled by me, christ, because of my complete awareness of the whole plan. The impersonal nature of miracle-mindedness ensures your grace, but only I am in a position to know where they can be bestowed.

what the effect of the miracles in your atonement be it not a concern for it shall bless you alwasy and forever. so miracles you are not asked to perform do not lose their value, but the plan to go forward for all live, give that which is in the plan and time shall speed up , slow down however you see it but it will truly do one thing,, cease to exist.
only the divine self, atonement with the creator shall know where the miracles are to be bestrowed.
and that is what this course is for, to bring you to know where the miracles are to be shared, how to share them, through love.

9. Miracles are selective only in the sense that they are directed towards those who can use them for themselves. Since this makes it inevitable that they will that they will extend them to others, a strong chain of atonement is welded. However, this selectivity takes no account of the magnitude of the miracle itself, because the concept of size exists on a plane that is itself unreal. Since the miracles aims at restoring the awareness of reality, it would not be useful if it were bound by the laws that goven the error it aims to correct.

miracles can only be used by those use them for themselves so all brothers who recieve the miracles use them for themselves until they reach atonement when they have no need of miracles.
and recall that miracles have no limits to the boundry of laws that govern the error to correct.

that would mean that, that lifelong grudge you have nurture can end in a second, that the healing of the sicked of a terminal life long cancer can happen in a minute,

and truly i say to you, that interpersonally, all brothers shall recieve the miracles where as personally they were selected by whatevver criteria does not apply in anyway.

all that is required is that a brother is ready, a mind be open and ready, and your heart be loving and receptive.
til next moment


a course in miracles, chapter one "the escape from darkness"

1. The escape from darkness involves two stages : first the recognition that darkness cannot hide. This step usally entails fear. Second, the recognition that there is nothing you want to hide even if you could. This step brings escape from fear. When you have become willing to hide nothing, you will not only be willing to enter into communication but will understand peace and joy.

the first step entails(to make something necessary in dicionary) fear. the first step then makes fear not because it is designed to do so but because our egos feel fear at the concept.
the second step releases fear that was believed to be necessary by those who first realize the first step.
to escape darkness is to realzie that it can not hide, and the second step is realization that you do not want to hide anything.
and that is what will bring you to communion willingly and bring you peace and joy with your creator

Holiness can never be really hidden in darkness, but you can decieve yourself about it. This deception makes you fearful because you realize in your heart it is a deception, and you exert enormous efferts to establish its reality. The miracles sets reality where it belongs. Reality belongs only to spirit, and the miracles acknowledges only truth. It thus dispels illusions about yourself, and puts you in communion with yourself and the creator. The miracles joins in the atonement by placing the mind in the service of the holy spirit. This establishes the proper function of the mind and corrects its errors, which are merely lacks of love. Your mind can be possed by illusions , but spirit is eternally free. If a mind percieves without love, it percieves an empty shell and is unaware of the spirit within. But the Atonement restores spirit to its proper place. the mind that serves spirit is invulnerable.

you decieve yourself when one thinks that holiness can be hidden in darkness, this makes it fearful for you as you realize it is a deception as nothing can be hidden in darkness yet you exert a lot of energy to make it an reality. miracles correct by making reality as it belong in spirit as the miracles sees only the truth. This brings you into communion with your creator as it dispells all illusions between you. thus the mind lack of love which are what you call sins are corrected by placing the mind in the service of the creator in at one ment.
if the mine sees without love, it sees itself as an empty vessel and unaware of the divine essence withint, in this manner the mind can see only illusions but the spirit is free without conditions.
as the spirit is restored to it's rightful place in your mind, through the atonement, it becomes invernable in your mind.

to me this is what the master jesus knew, that once he made his mind invunerable in the atonement, nothing like peter statements that "you dont have to die" which came from the ego which as jesus said in his day , satan get thee behind me, becomes "ego leave my mind" and the illusion that almost entered his mind was revealed and dissolved by his atonement which stood against the test of his loved disciple.
see attachment, and personality ties tried to cut through where physical pain in his fast and trails in his lives failed to do so. yet his atonement withstood the ego attacks and temptations.

3. Darkness is lack of light as a sign of love. It has no unique properties of its own. It is an example of the "scarcity" belief, from whcih only error can proceed. Truth is alwasy abundant. Those who percieve and acknowledge that they have everything have no needs of any kind. The purpose of the atonement is to restore everything to you; or rather , to restore it to your awareness. You were given everything when you were created, just as everone was.

what is darkness but lack of light just as sin are lack of love. so it has no personality, no power, no uniqueness of its own but an area where love doesnt exist , but isnt' realized by those who are surrounded by love of the creator. example of this in the course is the scarcity belief which comes from error of the mind. truth is alwasy abundant for those who see that they have everything with no needs or wants of any kind will know that there is no scarcity.
the atonement is to restore everything that is yours to your awareness and to open your eyes truly. for everything created was given everything.

consider the lion who shall lay with the lamb, in our world the strong lion attacks the weaker lamb in order to feed on it.
in the atonement the strenght of the lion becomes the strenght of the lamb, the instinct to kill in the lion is gone for he no longer sees darkness but light.
and the lamb has no fear, no conflict for he sees peace finally.
who gave in to who first doesn't matter, what does matter is they both share it.

4. the emptiness engered by fear must be replaced by forgiveness. That is what the bible means by "there is no death" and why I christ could demonstrate that death does not exist. I jesus came to furfill the law by reinterpreting it. The law itself, if properly understood, offers only protection. It is those who have not yet changed their minds who brought the "hell-fire"concept into it. I christ assure you that I jesus will witness for anyone who lets me, and to whatever extent he permits it. Your witnessing for me demonstrates your belief and thus strengthens it. Those who witness for me are expressing , through their miracles , that they have abandoned the belief in deprivation in favor of the abundance they have learned belongs to them.

when the bible says "there is no death" and why christ demonstrated that death doesn't exist means he furfilled the law by reinterpating it. for the law itself only offer protection as fear is replaced by forgivness.
those who have not changed their minds to truly see brings the "hell fire concept". jesus says he will witness which means to see something. so he will share what he sees for anyone who lets him and whatever extent he permits it.

this is why there are so many versions of love for that is whatever extent the sharer has let the master share what he sees. what this explains why there are so many channels who share differing christ messages. one focuses on the world and its problems, one focuses on relationship perhpas, one focuses on the universe such as aliens, and aliens truths as jesus knows it. anyone who wants to see what jesus saw can ask him, yet it will takes our illusion of time and to transcend it in order to fully extent ourselves to the whole vision jesus holds.

what you share strenghtens what you believe, and as you express it through your miracles, you will witness for your brothers that there is abundance that belongs to them and no deprivation.
and no darkness, and no sins .