the course in miracles chapter one


a course in miracles, lesson one textbook, "wholeness and spirit"

1. your body is a learning aid much like miracles are which after you have achieved atonement and the revelation state there will no need for either. yet while you believe you are in your body, it is your choice to make it a channel of miracles or a loveless shell.
you will express nothing while it is a loveless shell for what you express shall be only an illusions in the eyes of the truth of love.
you did not create yourself.

2. do not wait on time for it can be wasteful as well wasted in the streams of your illusionary sands of time. instead decide not to waite on time any longer then necessary for every collapse of time you work brings everyone closer to the release of time. in that time which is eternal you the created shall be on with the creator. equality do not impy equality now, but it shall be once everyone is awakend for there will no need for individual contributions to the createdship.

3.for when the createdship has achieved the atonement, all your talents shall be shared with each other as the creator is not partial.
alwasy remember that creator love for your is freely given and you have the creator total love.

"except ye become as little children"
your as the created are special in the sense that none of you are excluded in any way from the creator love. and as you realize your need for the love of the creator and the want of her love and through that dependence realize your true power in your true realationship with your creator.
and as you see yourself as deprived in anyway the whole created ship is affected by impairing its relationship with each other.

consider that when jesus siad that , he himself was a little child before the ultimate creator of everything. he was dependent on the love of the creator, on its infinite wisdom and the only differnce between him and us was that we in our deprivation realized jesus power through his connection to the creator. he did not see us as deprived in anyway, if he did he would of impaired his love to his creator and lost that power of faith.
(least as i recieve the message ) the end and the beginning everyone will return to the source there is no comprise on that for what is there to comprise ?
the miracles call for those to return as it blesses and honors your brother though they do not realize their connection to their true spirit.
they crave the love of their true spirit and the miracles are an way for them to realize that and they know this deep down and so it is .

"the creator is not mocked"
this doens't mean his personality and great ego will be offended and rain fire on us. it means that there is nothing in the creator to mock and so what you think you are doing is just an illusion.
the creation is whole and holy which miracles are affirmation of the createdship. the createdship is complete and abundance in itself which would mock the creator if it wasn't

5. that which is eternal can not change or be changed and truth is eternal.
spirit is perfect and eternal already and can't be changed. only your mind can choose temperorily which to choose.
and since your mind can not choose two masters and the choice against spirit is only temporily eventually you will make the choice for spirit.
so when you decide to do so, your mind will create with spirit along the creative force of the creation, and the creator.
it is free to do so , and so natural that while it is under authoritive control in the sense the creator is guiding you with its love, you have the whole will to flow with it. and the love is so natural and divine that once one fully realizes it like the masters did.. one does not want to do anything else.
yet as you do not wish to do so , one places them under the tyrannous control of the false mind, of the illusionary mind which imprisions it.
to change your mind fully is to change your masters to authorititive control instead of tryanous control.

6.the natural abundance of christ is the natural result of choosing to follow him , and the miracles are a sign of that.
if a root can be uprooted that means it wasnt' deep enough to sustain itself and you .
the illusion that the roots can be deepened and made to hold is the reversed of the golden rule .
as you give up the roots of safety in the ego which defines everything in preconcieved nothions, as attack and false safety. there is a tempory in balance as you make the transition.
the course says there is nothing stable about a upside down orientation and can't not be conductive to further increased stablity
what are the roots that can be uprooted ? the illusionary roots of the shallow kind.

(and tarot speaking ,, since we are living upside and not percieving the truth , when the hanged man hangs upside down , he is actually uprighting himself and so while he is seeming to be upside down to us, he is really upright. and the sacfrice made in that instance is the letting of the shallow roots which causes us to be off balance temporarily).


a course in miracles, lesson one textbook, six "the illusion of needs"

1whoever wants peace can find it only in complete forgivness. no learning is necessary to be able to have it unless he feels he needs to learn it, as you have created lack. lack which you have created implies that you would be better in a state you are in. this is the differnce between what you create and what the creator makes.
nothing was lacking until you created the fall and the seperation as a result of that. there were no needs at all but they only arose after you deprived yourself in your seperation.
the perception you create of what you are establishes what needs you think you need.

so if you have created yourself a lack of food and think you need to work hard in order to have the least of food, you created that by thinking yourself as needing food.

if you have created yourself a lack of money and think you need to sacfrice yourself for that little green paper, you created that as thinking yourself as needing money.

2. the only lack to correct is your seperation from the all, the everything, which is your creator. this would never have happend if you didnt' think of yourself as seperate and in that seperation created a need that is unique to you.
that is why everyone needs something differnt, but it all boils down to wanting to return to your creator.
yet you created a order of needs to further seperate yourself and to organize your world of chaos
take heart, as you become one,, all your needs whatever you percieve them to be shall be as one.
all lack of conflict shall stem from unified action for your unified need which i remind you is for your return to your creator conciouness within your own mind. cannot behave according broken up into many differnt levels, yet as you are broken up , all action to return must start not up at the upper levles but vertically at your lower levels.
this isn't according to anything but the concept you created called up and down, and in order to go up you have to start at the bottom.
yet your believe in space and time shall fade and in doing so so shall your believe in up and down and there is just is.
this is why your must start at the level you percieve at, then you can start to percieve all the levels and the great level which is all the levels.

so truly there is no levels , no devision of the elements into earth, water, fire and air, and ether, it is we who defined them and in doing so seperated everything or so we thought .
in order to start harmonzing all levels into one, you must start at your lowest level for that is the rock you shall build upon.
this is why you should love your lower self, forgive it, accept it, and in doing so , this dissolves it for there is no seperation within you not can not correct your fear, nor your anger, nor your hatred, nor your lusts, or passions. for they are levels of the main issue.
your unbeliefs which is what the purpose of the world you live in is for.
since you believe in what you made and you made all your issues.
you see you are like in your creator in attitude if not in context for your creator has perfect faith in its creations because it created them.
beliefs then produces the acceptance of existence and without them , they would not what they percieve to exist would not.
you believe what no one else thinks is true, it is true for you because it was made by you .

so just as we are not upset for the reasons we think, we do not do the things we do for the reasons we think.
consider that as men do violence unto one man, all the men who do so, do so for their own reasons of belief, which without them , there would be no need for violence.

5.fear doesnt' exist at all, in the creative level so all aspect of fear do not exist at all. to the ext of your peceptions beliefs you test, will these test correct your perceptions.
so consider this

"perfect love casts out fear
if fear exists
then there is no perfect love
but but but but
only perfect love exists
if there is fear
it produces a state that does no exist.

only the creator can establish this as your gift , and your faith in this gift shall set you free.

thus it was the believe of those who christ heal in perfect love that enabled them to be healed.
and those that didnt have an inkling of that perfect love ,, werent' healed,
yet as only perfect love exists then eventaully they who close their eyes to the idea of perfect love shall eventually open them and then they too shall be healed.
and when all brothers and sisters who are the created are healed then so the course in miracles purpose be achieved.


a course in miracles, lesson one textbook, seven "distortions of miracle impulses"

1. your distorted perceptions make it hard for your miracles impulses to reach your awareness. this causes a major perceptual distortion as physical impusles are misdirected miracle impulses. denial of self results in illusions which results from not doing the creator will which brings all real pleasure.
correction of this error will bring peace to you.
nothing external can bring you to your creator or allow to relate in peace to your creator or your brother as well

2. do not forget that you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. you can use your body to help you enlarge your perception as the love of the creator must still be expressed through one body to another. this is becuase your vision is so dim, and doing this will achieve you real vision which your distorted perceptions is incapable of doing.
thus the body only true usefulness is achieved as you learn to share your love with other bodies.

in other wards as i read this, one can not show love to correct mass whole scale beliefs in class division, race division, sex division, division of religions without first being able to share your love of the creator with every individual you meet without any division.
and as you do this, you will start to broaden your perception enougth to see that your bodily love for those you encounter can be expanded to your whole mind love which brings you to your spirit love.
bodily love does not mean love for the beutiful attraction of the opposite sex. but it means learning to love individually the bodies you encounter before you can learn to love whole the people.

3.fansty is a distorted vision as any fanstasies of any kind are distortions.
as fantasy is an attempt to control reality as you twist perception into you do so, you "truly know not what you do" as you react.
you percieve destructively as you twist reality
you make false associations and attempt to gain pleasure in these fanasties.
as you fanastize, they are only as real to you.

consider that whatever you in real life, never will it be as you imagined however close it can get. one can say that you are excerising your created powers as you fanastaize but is it real? is it eternal? does it come from pure love without any conditions, expectations?
as you create the unreal which doesn't exist you focuse on the unreal illusions of life and thus are destructive which is it self an illusions.

you believe in what you make so if you offered miracles you would be equally strong in them as you were in your fanasties. yet as you achieve each miracle your conviction in your belief will sustain those who recieve your miracles. as you see this and know it is true, fanasties will no longer attract you as the satisfying nature of reality will become apparent to you and the person you gavei them to .

how many times have we offered love to someone and dwelled momentarily how better this world would be if everyone did that.. then we went back to our illusionary lives built in fanasty.

tranny is usurpation as reality is lost in fanasty, and your release from fanasty will not be complete to every single "slave" to their fanasties are released.
the miracle minded only wish to achieve the createdship in wholeness for revelations for us all through the at one ment.

4.this course in mind training invlves attention and study. without these stable basics in truth, the later parts of the course you will not be prepared to recieveand you may become fearful instead of making constructive use of the later parts.
yet as you study these sections to come you will begin to see what will be amplified later on from the implications you are beginning to see.

5.that foundation is necessary due to the confusion between awe and fear. awe is inappropiate in the presence of your equals, yet it is proper for your creator
the christ guiding this has been careful to clarify his role in the atonement, and trying to do the same with yours. so awe is not appropiate to the christ due to the equal presence we inherently have.
later on in the course we shall work to have a more direct approach to the creator itself,
without this preparation, the expereince will be traumatic as awe for your creator is confused with fear.
the healing shall come from your creator in the end, by which the means are carefully explained to you in this course. yet remain easy that the revelation may reveal the end to you but the means are needed to reach it.

in conclusion of lesson one of the textbook
this whole course is the means, by the end you may reach the atonement with the creator, at the end of the textbook and the workbook is designed to put the textbook into pratical excerises in order to help facialite the awakening.
at the end of this course in mind training, it is hope that you will be able to percieve the creator more, not in the context of he, or she, but as the all and everything and be able to look at the world with its love to guide you.


hello guys and gals

I have reedited the first post here, in order to show the course and then my thoughts,

I will be doing it for the next two posts in order to bring the these posts into the structure i have set up with the number paragrah, then my thoughts,

it is my hope that this reposting will make things clearer, please take another look :)



i have redited the second post to reflect the changes in the first post (simply the text, then my thoughts )
one thing that i didn't have to do was change a lot just simply type the text out, then past the thoughts that were based on the text underneath it.
this process will continue until everything is bold and italics,
of course it shall go faster once i get to the areas where i started doing the text and then my thoughts seperately.

in the meantime once i am done the workbook review i will start the textbook chapter six i think.
i think i will post once again once this whole chapter has been edited accordingly striving no to remove any originality whenever possible.
thanks guys
p.s any feedback as to how you like the changes from post one and two ?


hail again guys

i have redited the third post as well,
and will work on re editing the fourth post until it catches up to where i was posting the course in miracles posts then my own thoughts afterwards.

you like the changes ?

edited to add

i have edited the fourth post already since i had time and energy :)