The Tarot must be a present or a shop?


Since I starts exploring the tarot world, I been listening that the deck must be a gift. Meaning that when the tarot came to your life as a gift is pointing you a path. I ´ve heard that many times, but What happend when you buy your own Tarot? is it valid?
I´m asking you because I ´ve decided that I need a new deck Should I wait? or just go and buy it? tell what you think.
Thank you.


Hi Amatista,

The usual answer for these kind of matters:
Do as you please, there are no rules! :) And if you like a deck and nobody is going to give it to you, you would never lay your hands on it?? That would be a shame. So go and buy and have fun with your new deck!


added: nothing is going to happen when you buy the deck yourself. I believe it's just cardboard and ink, it is you who can make the cards sing and speak!


Hola Amatista!

Dwaas has already answered your question, I'd only want to add that not so long ago there was a thread started by Umbrae about Tarot legends and myths from the 2nd page of the thread you can read about the origin of the "your 1st deck must be a gift" myth, take a look at it, hope you'll find it interesting.


On Buying Tarot

Amatista; it is always nice when someone buys a deck for another as a gift. But certainly that is not the only way to get a tarot. If it were, some of us would still be waiting, and would never have started in tarot at all!

I have seen this so-called "rule" about not buying tarot decks for yourself turn into a justification for stealing them. This of course is not moral, and personally I hope that anyone using a stolen tarot deck only gets really bad readings!

Buy yourself any tarot deck that feels good to you, and that attracts you. Enjoy using it.

Warm Blessings!


If you like gifts but no-one gives you a tarot deck, here's what you can do: buy a deck - the one that speaks to you most, to your Higher Self. Don't open it. Go and find a beautiful piece of wrapping paper (or make your own). Wrap the deck, and tell yourself: at the end of the week/when I have done - (something you have to do and have been putting off)/this evening - etc. I shall open my gift. And do so. Open the parcel, and the deck. Look through it slowly.

There: you have received your beautiful tarot deck as a gift from your Higher Self. Don't forget to say thank you ;). you can now do a small reading for your Higher Self, as a gift in return.

...oh, and do read Umbrae's thread on myths and legends!


I bought my first deck my self at the flea market and called it a early birthday present to my self.

I had buy the deck myself people have stop giving me gifts. So I decided to buy it myself.

I now have three decks now bought for myself now.

Give a Gift to your self


Better to buy a deck yourself so you get the one you want when you want it than to sit around waiting for one of your friends to take a hint and buy you a deck which you may not even tolerate, much less enjoy working with. ;)


Buy it! Buy it!

The Tarot itself is the gift to ourselves....



I like the idea of it as a gift from higher self

and the thread about tarot myths was really interesting.

I think if your deck is a gift from someone who's a mentor and supporter of your learning tarot then, wonderful, more power to you, I can understand why that's a wonderful way to get a first deck and why people way that's how it should be. That's not how it always works out.

My first deck was a gift from someone who I thought at first was supportive, but then he made fun of all the pictures on the deck when I opened it and denigrated me every time I used it, publicly made fun of me for reading tarot a couple of times. I eventually got rid of the deck because every time I used it I thought of him and there was just a lot of negative energy there.

So I say if you don't have a mentor to gift you, find one that speaks to you and gift yourself. :)


it was two presents for me....

I actually bought the tarot deck to help me make decisions about getting divorced. I never realized that instead of helping myself, I began helping others which in turn allowed me to help me! I hope that made sense. Be Blessed Kat