The Tarot must be a present or a shop?



caridwen said:
Strangely all my tarot decks were given to me...quite unintentionally too:)
That sounds quite interesting. Do you like to shared the stories?


I have bought all my Tarot decks, all 16 of them. And they are all amazing for me. They are true gifts in my life no matter where they came from. They have been there to clarify things when I'm confused, help me make decisions, to have patience, and connect more to the world.

A spiritual tool such as Tarot will work no matter where you get it, if you treat it with respect.

Yes, the universe does send us messages about what we need to do, and Tarot is an excellent way to learn to understand these messages better. But when it is time for you to start, the universe will send it to you in whatever way is appropriate, and that way for you could well be a curiousity and a desire to start. For you that in itself could be the sign. If I were you, if you haven't already, I would find a deck that I feel drawn to and get it and get started. :)
