Faery Seekers~ Feb 12- Mar15 ~ FaeryGodmother reads for Jewel


Hi Jewel,

Looking Back, Looking Forward Spread.

.......... 2 .........
3 ... 4...... 5 ... 6
.......... 1 .........

Cards 1 & 2 are sort of in the middle between 4 & 5, anyway, the spread goes like this:

1. Where am I now.
2. Where I want to be.
3 & 4 Looking back:
3. What I should take from my past.
4. What I should leave behind.
5 & 6 Looking foreword:
5. What I should anticipate and plan for.
6. How my past experience can help me in the future.

So here's the spread for ease of reference. Are you happy with this spread or is there something else you would prefer me to do the reading on?



This looks great FaeryGodmother! If it works for you it works for me. Thank you for doing the reading for me :)


Reading for Jewel

1. Where am I now. Tobaira of the Waters
Gently, gently is the first thing I think when I look at this card. I wonder what "gently" has todo with where you are now. Theres a real sense of calmness, of days passing gently one after the other. I would have to say that it doesn't look as if there are any major dramas happening around you at the moment. If there are then you must be the eye of the storm, the rock everyone relies on, or something, because there is just this overwhelming feeling of calmness- of peace- of acceptance. So I would have to say that where you are now is a good place.

2. Where I want to be. Taitin the Slyph
Hee hee. I had to giggle. You want to go from calm and responsible to something exciting. I get the feeling you can't (don't want to???) physically go anywhere but you'd love to travel in your mind, this is so opposite in feeling to the first card. this is exciting, fun, BUSY! You want something new in your life. Its not like you want to throw away anything you've got now, you just need some stimulation. Some conversations that leave you buzzing. If you've been feeling a bit unsurprisable, Taitin is saying that that is what you truly need. A dang good suprise or two. Nice ones of course.

3 & 4 Looking back:
3. What I should take from my past. The Journeyman
What you should take from your past is everything you have achieved up till now; the knowledge that you still have far to go; but most importantly your sense of ADVENTURE. In the past you may have been more likely to boldly go where you had not gone before than you are now. The faeries are suggesting that you dust off your adventure boots and bring them with you. Who cares about planning anything. They want you to remember that sometimes trips and adventures are made by flying by the seat of your pants.

4. What I should leave behind. The Singer of Connection
Singers are such wonderful cards and i don't think for a minute this Singer wants you to leave a relationship behind. It seems to me that you need to let go of a need to do something with someone else. Is this a someone in particular or just in general? You want to climb to Machu Pichu but can't anyone to go with you? Bugger them- the faeries say you should go alone. That newness that you are looking for can't really be found if you take someone safe and familar with you.

5 & 6 Looking forward:
5. What I should anticipate and plan for. The Pook
Ok, you need to plan for the confusion and out right paradoxes that are likely to arise from your journey into brave new worlds. Looks like catch 22's to me. Things like needing to work to afford a trip but being unable to go because you are working- that sort of thing. So heads up on the confusion and catch 22's.

6. How my past experience can help me in the future. Solus
Your past experiences are your best guide. Because you have learnt so much on previous occasions you know what to do and not do. You also know that the help is always there is you need it. While your upcoming situation/s are not the same as what yo have already been through, you have certainly learnt enough now to make any "drama" just a storm in a teacup. :)

Looking at the whole spread i get an overwhelming sense of you physically travelling somewhere- like an adventure tour or something. Somewhere far from where you live. It is a pretty strong feeling. If you physically going anywhere is out of the question then perhaps you wil be totally throwing yourself into a new line of study. But I must say the adventure feeling, new air, i don't know. I'm rarely this convinced about something, but i'm pretty convinced that you should be travelling in the next year or two. At the very least maybe its a camping trip or something.... I can almost smell the trees in the air, feel the sharpness of the wind.... Ok, I'll shush now. :)

I hope you can relate to this, or at least enjoyed it.

with love


Hi Faery Godmother!! Thank you so much for such a nice and relevant reading :)

You are right about Tobaira, I am in a comfort place and have been making some decisions this month that feel emotionally right and timely. I am calm, and all is good.

Although the husband and I are certainly planning a nice vacation within the next year or so, I think the reading really addresses mental journeys and taking action on dreams by shedding insecurities and just going for it. Faunabay and I had played for years with the idea of creating a tarot deck. Just this month we decided to get serious about it and are in the early stages of conceptualization. We have decided to shed the barriers we put up (i.e. neither one of us is an artist), and move forward. Both of us has grown tremendously in our knowledge over the last few years, and it is time. The Sylph, being air to me refers the use of intellect as well as adventure. Creating the deck will certainly be an adventure, a journey, and one where we will need the keen use of our intellect.

The signer of connection I think deals with doing some work related to tarot with a new a partner - not the deck, but reviews. So in effect it is about expanding my horizons on who I work with.

The pook relates to time constraints as you noted, of wanting to do things yet not having the time. It is about being aware of the constraints and finding away arround them. I can choose to live on excuses (the pook) or overcome them and the catch 22 mentality.

Souls, like the Journey Man, have both been faeries of extreme influence for me, and heralded positive changes for me. I can see where souls would be something from my past to motivate me and carry me forward in my endeavours and the Journey Man my companion along the way.

Like I said, the reading was very relevant to me and to where I am at this moment. Thank you again for such a good reading. In and of itself I find it very motivating to move forward.

~big hugs~


thank you, jewel. I'm glad it made sense to you. :)