1 of wands for healing?


I just had a funny thought that may perhaps be wrong but i thought i would ask others opinions, can the Ace of wands mean healing? or would that only be the Ace of cups you think? just because looking at the Ace of wands kind of looked like something rising new and strong, rejuvenated and with healed energies. but i dont know if its talking about physical healing as opposed to emotional.

i did a relationship reading and the 3 of swords rx and ace of wands appeared i felt it mean healing for the two people and their relationship and perhaps renewed health, perhaps the 3 suggesting emotional healing and the ace physical healing and such but i could be mistaken.

if its not the ace of wands than maybe the ace of cups could mean healing. i dont know i've been reading so much with intuition i kind of forgot the "usual" meanings. :confused:


Wands are more about passion. Cups are more about emotion. Healing for a relationship would be the 2 of Cups, I think, more than the Ace of Wands. But if you've made up your own meanings for the cards, then they mean whatever you say they mean. Traditional meanings or our meanings wouldn't apply. :)

I think you should ask yourself whether you're doing some wishful thinking with your cards and giving them "intuitive" meanings that you or your sitter would like them to have instead of what they really have.


i think its just the deck (quest) because even the 3 of swords in that card is piercing a water tear not a heart so it looks like emotion because of the water and the wand to me looked like something rising i dont know i thought it meant healing but im confused now :laugh: good thing it wasnt a really important question because i have no idea. Im not using this deck anymore i dont know why i ever got it so not helpful :(



The Ace of Wands can be about 'getting creative' ~which would be what a couple needs to do if their relationship is in trouble.

Just a thought~ :)
Suz :heart:


I think there are many other cards that would signify healing to me before I would look at the Ace of Wands in that light.

(i.e. 6 of Swords (for movement away from troubles), 4 of Swords (for physical rest and recuperation), even the 3 of Swords if you look at it as being the "lance that pierces the boil" in order to allow communication or whatever else is needed for healing a situation, to name a few. In the Quest deck, I see that 3 of Swords as 3 swords piercing the integrity of that droplet that may well hold something negative (since swords often depict conflict). They stab it to let whatever negativity is being held inside out into the air to let it breathe and heal, if needed. Then you move onto the 4 of Swords, where I feel the healing actually occurs.)

To me, the Ace of Wands may give you the energy to begin something new with vigor and passion, but that wouldn't necessarily include healing something in order for that to happen. In the Quest, I see that Ace of Wands as a baseball bat primed and ready to hit one out of the park. It just needs to be put into the right hands to do the deed.

If any Ace might suggest healing, I might think it would be Pentacles...but even that would be a stretch to me.

Did you post those cards in the readings section? I have a take on what they could mean...


hmm interesting Starry...the baseball bat thing! yes i also see it as a baseball bat at times...gee i dont know then...i HATE this deck! lol i thought it could mean physical healing but i guess not...

ok ill put it in the reading section i guess only because im trully stumped and i think i wont use this deck anymore if i cant fully grasp what one single card is saying.



ace of wands can signify healing in a way by introducing new adventure and excitement into ones life thus helping forget bad times and moving on - but its more like an opportunity to do so rather than an offer of healing as such if you see what i mean


Perhaps pregnancy?


I could definitely see this card as relating to healing, dependent on the context of a reading and the spread as a whole.

There is immense energy and a zest for life in this card, and in the Marseilles even looks alive.


I could see healing here too, dependent, as Moonbow* says on the context.

Fire is very transformative, it destroys so that new growth and healing can happen.