2 of swords as feelings


What would you say about 2 of swords as feelings or how the person relates to the other?

With this card I am not sure - it is a swords card, so it is mental, but there is so much water on it, indicating emotion. There is even Moon, showing feelings and intuition again.

I understand the card when it comes to situations but as feelings? First I feel it is denial or refusing to take a look into whatever is happening. The person simply doesn't want to think about this. So, in the sense how the person relates to the other: the person is blocking the other out.

But because of picture and all that has been said about the conflict in the two of swords, I wonder: are there feelings and the person is refusing to deal with them, or are there no feelings? Could this card be described as feeling nothing? But why all that water then?

So, is there a feeling in that card or not?

Edited to add: is this card about indifference, not caring at all, not being interested?

Any experience from your side? Thanks!


I would say that this card is showing how they relate on an intellectual level - which would be not all that well. They have not made up their mind about something. I don't read this card as suggesting there is no emotion there, that's too concrete, although I think it is a good indication that they are viewing the situaition more based on intellect than emotion.

Also, I believe it depends on what deck you are using. Perhaps the water and moon on your particular card signify emotion.


I think that this card can relate to relationships if it references in the relationship you're stuck with a mental decision.

That is, a person might be trying to decide whether or not they think that some relationship move is the right thing to do. It relates to the emotions, but it applies when they're trying to use reason or rationality instead of going purely with how they feel. So whether or not to date someone...not because you don't know your feelings but because you don't know if it's a good idea for some other reason.


wind said:
What would you say about 2 of swords as feelings or how the person relates to the other? So, is there a feeling in that card or not?
Perhaps a more fruitful way of looking at these points is to ask:
•What feelings might be associated with the 2 of Swords?
•What does the 2 of Swords say regarding how one person relates to another?

A couple of years ago I did a Tarot & Emotions Project in which I asked people to match a different emotion with each of the 78 RWS cards. They could choose from a list of 97 emotion-words.

The result for the 2 of Swords, with the number of respondents choosing that emotion, was:
indecisive (13)
ambivalent (9)
self-doubt (5)
defensive (4)
apathetic (3), patient (3), resolute (3), wary (3)
lonely (2), resigned (2)
One each: calm, cautious, confident, contemptuous, contented, daring, defiant, expectant, inflamed, pensive, perplexed, serene, shy, spitful, worried.

Which single emotion word would you choose? Can you think of a situation in which any of the others could apply?

What would the 2 of Swords say about how a person relates to another?



I see it as the person who "buries their head in the sand" if you will. There is a problem, or an issue, and they know it is there, but they'd rather pretend it doesn't exist for the moment because to face it is to make a decision and that's too much for them. Like the guy who refuses to address or even admit his feelings for you; even though you both know that things will come to a head eventually, and you're going to have to have "the talk"...until such time he prefers to avoid the issue...and hopes you don't bring it up either.


But because of picture and all that has been said about the conflict in the two of swords, I wonder: are there feelings and the person is refusing to deal with them, or are there no feelings? Could this card be described as feeling nothing? But why all that water then?

So, is there a feeling in that card or not?

Edited to add: is this card about indifference, not caring at all, not being interested?

To me there are definitely feelings in this card, especially if you look at what comes next in the suit. It is not one of indifference to me. I only get indifference from court cards, mostly reversed/ill-dignified Knights and Kings.

The person may be choosing not to let their heart out, so to speak, because they don't think it would be a prudent thing to do, that it'll just cause complications. That right where they are is a fairly calm and stable place (given the name [Peace] and image for this in the Thoth deck, for example).

I recently got this card (in the Thoth deck) when drawing just one card to ask how I should deal with a drama situation with an acquaintance of mine, I read it as being fair and direct but not confrontational, and that I should keep my cool and be tactful and empathetic as much as possible instead of being hysterical and losing my cool like I would have otherwise.

If you are at all read up on astrology, that card is associated with the moon in Libra, so you might want to consider that as well.


I think it can mean being in denial or being emotionally unavailable. Being stubborn and refusing to consider anyone else's position but your own. In fact, maybe even refusing to listen to their side of it. Blindly moving ahead without considering any of the facts.

Mystic Leo

2 of swords as how the person feels and relates to the other.........I think they would be blocking their emotions, and feeling anxious and tense!


wind said:
First I feel it is denial or refusing to take a look into whatever is happening. The person simply doesn't want to think about this. So, in the sense how the person relates to the other: the person is blocking the other out.

But because of picture and all that has been said about the conflict in the two of swords, I wonder: are there feelings and the person is refusing to deal with them?
you've done a good job describing the card and i'd say the answer to this last question i is yes.


Hi, everyone,

thank you a lot for all your insights!

I got this card also for my friend who loves a person, but she refuses to let things just happen or she is ready to walk away because there is a huge age difference between them. She is taking a very rational decision, although painful for her.

But still I was not so sure about this card...it feels so, well, still:) No movement, nothing, so I was not sure if there is any happening at all. But now that I think again, maybe the blindfold that the person is usually carrying suggests that on the outside all is calm, but inside there is turmoil, just the person doesn't want to show it or act according to it.

Great thoughts you shared, thanks! Moon in libra makes sense too - quite hesitant and rational indecisivenes when it comes to feelings.
Teheuti, I am not sure which emotion I would choose:) I feel they could all apply...