3 of cups


I've been thinking about this card for a while now as it comes up in quite a lot of my readings, often in the same position. Is it significant that it shows only women? Does it mainly mean friendship or can it be more? In the Toth deck it's called abundance and the cups are made of pomegranates. I think there is a deeply spiritual meaning here too. And in how far does it differ from the 2 of cups? I know these are really basic questions but the more I read about the card the less I seem to understand about it.

Little Baron

I look at the numbers and suit.

I see the '3' as growth. I see the 'cups' as emotional issues.

So, after the coming together of the two cups, emotional growth is set in motion with this card. A '3' is masculine and active. It moves forward from the passive '2'.

I never really 'go' for the pictorial idea of the '3 of Swords' as emotional heartbreak. I would see the reversed or shadow side of the '3 of Cups' to suggest heartbreak, a love triangle or problems with moving forward emotionally.


Knight of Wands

I think one simple meaning can just be simply having fun with your friends, going to parties, just enjoying yourself with friends. Also, it could represent relying on your friends in times of need, and them being able to rely on you.

I have, on some occasions interpreted this as a love triangle, and possibly in a relationship reading either indicating that you should stay as just friends, or that something will happen at a party.

Just my two cents, hope that helps a bit :)


Little Baron

Totally agree K.O.W

I do also see friendship in this card as well, regardless of the RWS imagery.

I really like your ideas.

Intuition plays a great part and I will remember what you said about meeting someone at a party.



Hi BrightEye.

The card has come up for me fairly often in relationship readings for myself and others. I pretty much see it as it has been stated here. I think sometimes it is the "party card"--having a good time, emotional joy, happiness--often among other people of in a social environment. But I have distinctly interpreted is growth of an emotional state--a happy one--and the conduit to something a bit more solid, represented by the 4 of Cups. I don;t feel it has to only be about women, except maybe in the sense of the cooperative dance shown on the RWS deck, and that is often seen as a feminine trait.



this card always says to me be hapy count your blessings............

enjoy xx

Little Baron

It could be about women in the sense that it relates to trump 3, 'The Empress', but as I stated before, the number 3 is masculine. It could be the masculine or active side of women, as apose to the feminine and inactive, held by the High Priestess (trump 2).

I think if a 3 as being more than a couple, so emotional highs could include parties etc. I often think about that when I draw the card - especially if I am meeting up with a group or considering doing so. Of course, thinking of it that way could also be an indication of partying too hard - a few too many drinks or nights out - maybe if joined by 'The Devil' or any cards symbolising excess. Leading on from the 2, in a relationship spread, it might suggest more time spent with mates than your partner; or trying to get someone from a group on their own, so that you can express your feelings to them, one to one - in that sense, is three 'really a crowd'?



With it being an aspect of Empress ....... what about it trying to tell you to love, nurture and possibly even pamper yourself ....... allowing yourself to fully immerse yourself emotionally in all that the Empress has to offer the parts of you that are hidden away?

Little Baron

Yes, Huredriel.

It could be a course that you are emotionally passionate about - that helps you progress emotionally.

It might be a way of learning to love yourself.

It might be sharing with others. Expressing how you feel. The emotional side of lovemaking, perhaps, as apose to just the physical.



I agree with LittleBuddha in the sense of the progression from the 2 to the three....well said LittleBuddha :thumbsup:
I've also seen this as time to enjoy friendship as well....pending on the context of the question and the rest of the cards....