6 of Wands in the context of relationships?


Thanks MasterJm, but what if it appears after Ace of Pentacles in outcome position?

Maybe a new start, love and energy in balanced manifestation or a new relationship. It depends on the situations. I am a very experienced astrologer, but not experienced tarot reader, not at all, just research, study and love the philosophy of Thoth tarot. 6 Wands are Jupiter in Leo. Tipharet in the Tree of Life, balance, love and light for me. Every time that i saw that card in the last months, there was a very good solution after a strife and peace between us.


I have someone in my life who is having a really hard time with depression and self hatred, and he's pushed me away. I laid out a spread asking where it would go (kind of just wondering if we'd talk again, but I'm trying to ask less yes/no questions).

The outcome for the relationship was 6 of Wands after the Tower (yes, I know there is no real 'outcome' for any relationship as they are ever evolving, that's just the position it happened to be in). 6 of Wands in the context of relationships always seemed like an egotistic victory and I'm not too crazy about it, and I was wondering how others saw it. Kind of like "Hah, I got you where I want you."

An event that could possibly make me feel SORT OF that way, even in a situation like this where I feel for him and hope he's alright, is if he perhaps comes back around and apologizes for the way he acted (because as he's been struggling, he's been acting like a huge fool, not to mention said some very hurtful things).

Have any of you ever pulled the 6/Wands in a situation similar to this? Or, what do you think about it in the context of human relationships?

Thanks :)

Yes!! What does it mean? It comes up for me as a block/issue from the past that is causing issues similar to what you're going through, except I am the one who is pushing away :/

One thought... from the p.o.v of somebody who is self loathing and depressed, 6 of Wands would be rather intimidating as people with depression tend not to like interacting with other humans when they are suffering... Makes them feel inferior because they feel unable to enjoy themselves despite everyone else enjoying themselves.

Sha x


I have someone in my life who is having a really hard time with depression and self hatred, and he's pushed me away. I laid out a spread asking where it would go (kind of just wondering if we'd talk again, but I'm trying to ask less yes/no questions).

The outcome for the relationship was 6 of Wands after the Tower (yes, I know there is no real 'outcome' for any relationship as they are ever evolving, that's just the position it happened to be in). 6 of Wands in the context of relationships always seemed like an egotistic victory and I'm not too crazy about it, and I was wondering how others saw it. Kind of like "Hah, I got you where I want you."

An event that could possibly make me feel SORT OF that way, even in a situation like this where I feel for him and hope he's alright, is if he perhaps comes back around and apologizes for the way he acted (because as he's been struggling, he's been acting like a huge fool, not to mention said some very hurtful things).

Have any of you ever pulled the 6/Wands in a situation similar to this? Or, what do you think about it in the context of human relationships?

Thanks :)

6 Wands after the Tower, in regards to your question is being able to survive all those skirmishes, that feel much worse than they are perhaps. The Tower would seem like a real blow to the ego, but it could also point to this persons break. Since this is predictive, it might be that he ends up having a break down or a sudden revelation into his psyche, the walls come down and then comes picking up all the pieces. It would seem to be about communications, gaining knowledge and insight, and probably won't be a quiet chat over tea.
But that 6 Wands is saying, to keep a good face on things, hold onto hope, don't give into despair, that despite the the bumps and blood and bruised of battles and skirmishes, if you want to prevail and believe you will make it... you will.

So... I think you guys will have your ups and downs and may even have some spectacular shouting matches, but in the end, friendship wins out.


If the 6 of wands were to appear in the Unexpected position when a single someone is asking about their love life, could I take that to mean a possible sexual conquest?
A one night stand maybe - with someone they've been trying to get their hands on for a while? I'm thinking it might have explained that feeling of 'victory' I felt when I did the reading... Along with a tinge of arrogance coming across, as if it could also be a bit of an ego trip for one or other person involved...!


In relationships, I had it meaning pride...victory...maybe a mix of the two ?


One of the most helpful sayings I ever came across to remember in my own life was "if you didn't break it, you can't fix it." I'm a rescuer by nature and always got drawn into situations where I thought "all he ever needed was a good woman....and voila! I'm a good woman, are I not?" So then I'd think everything would be okay now that good and loving "Fixit Woman" had arrived on scene and the poor guy would be all better as soon as I loved him enough and overlooked enough of the crap he dished out. I operated with thrift shopper mentality. Pick him up, dust him off, clean him up a little and presto! A perfectly decent romantic partner.


Then I saw an article with "if you didn't break it, you can't fix it" and that stuck in my mind. It's stood me in good stead for many years now. In AA we also say, "We carry the message, we don't carry the mess." That would apply here, too. These are not callous sentiments or uncaring snap remarks. They're sensible and create the most health for all parties concerned if we can remember them and put them to work.

So these cards say to me that you've moved on from what was quite a mess or that could have been a biger mess, and you should rejoice that you're moving away from it without too much collateral damage.