78 Weeks: Empress


In the World Spirit Tarot lies a beautiful Empress on a bench under a flowering tree. As on the Fool card, seven birds appear. Seven is a spiritual number and links this card to the Chariot, a card of personal growth and stability. The Empress looks to me like an island goddess. She wears a crown with several little stars, linking her to heaven, showing hope and the Empress’ personal shining. And this Empress is shining: she’s lying comfortably on the bench, unashamed of her nudity (and why should she be ashamed?), enjoying her body and sensuality. In her right hand she holds a large flower, showing how she is consciously aware of growth and the beauty of all living things. In her left hand she holds a sceptre, showing that the Empress rules out of intuition and with gentleness. The sceptre looks Egyptian, especially in connection with the scourge lying on the ground. The sceptre ends in a little snake, though, and coiling around a branch of the tree is a real snake. It associates the Empress with ancient Goddess-based religions, and also links the Empress to the High Priestess... On the ground, next to the Empress, stands a bowl with little hearts. It’s filled with all kinds of exotic fruit: a pineapple, a coconut, a peach, grapes, bananas. Like the bowl, the whole card is overflowing with love and abundance. Farther on the ground lies an apple, symbol of wholeness, but also seen as a symbol of sexuality and fertility. On the ground also stands a pair of scales, naturally a symbol of balance. Lying there is also something like a pulse (I couldn’t find the right word in English, so I looked it up in the dictionary, hope this is the right word, because it doesn’t sound familiar) with a hard stone. I think it shows that, although the Empress is about love and abundance, she has a hard core. A lady with character... In the background is a little pond with a waterfall, showing the flowing and receptive nature of the Empress. Around the pond grow plants and hovers a dragonfly. This card is about life in all its forms. (You can see her here.)

The first thing that struck me seeing L’Impératrice from le Tarot de Marseille (Hadar), is that she appears much “cooler” than other Empresses. She isn’t in the outdoors, but rather indoors – I can see a floor with tiles there. She looks like a strong, confident and powerful woman – she’s an Impératrice after all! On the shield she holds is an eagle depicted and her throne appears to give her wings. I read that the eagle was believed to be the only bird able to look straight at the sun: he therefore symbolises the ability to see Truth and Perfection. It also shows that this Impératrice is about the flight of our spirit, about intelligence and about thinking. She isn’t as cool as she may seem, though: aware of her shield, she embraces it with her right arm, holding it by her side. Her right arm actually seems pretty long. Isn’t there a saying in French about “avoir le bras long”, having a lot of influence? It could be just a mistake in dimension, but I think that ties in rather well with the rest of the card... L’Impératrice holds her sceptre loosely with her left hand, so that it leans even more to the left, showing that she rules with gentleness and intuition. The sceptre of l’Impératrice is crowned with an orb and a cross, symbolising the spirit prevailing over the mundane. Yet she is sitting, meaning that she doesn’t rush into things: she thinks everything through and is rather controlled.

L’Impératrice teaches you to think about things, to show your power, but to be controlled. She shows intellect, reflection, the power of thought and understanding. She shows us the phase before that of the Emperor (materialisation). I hope she will help me to study when I need to, and to concentrate when I’m distracted.

The Empress from the Secret Tarots is much in the line of the Tarot de Marseille, but seems to take the idea even further. She seems closed in by the dark walls around her – only one window provides light, and gives a view on a mountain peak. Because of the contrast with her bright red dress, the Empress looks extremely pale. She is young and beautiful, and sits on an elaborate, crowned throne, but she looks sad and melancholy. She looks extremely alone. As an Empress, she probably has to be independent and has to be able to count on herself... She doesn’t hold her shield by her side – on the contrary, the shield is part of a large column and she doesn’t even look at it. The eagle on it looks hard and frightening. Maybe its protection lies in the fact that it keeps others away? The Empress holds her golden sceptre with her right hand, showing that she’s isn’t afraid to take decisions or to show her authority... The Empress looks contemplative and distant – I’d love to know to what she’s thinking of... I can’t get over how lonely she looks. Maybe she scares others of with her cold appearance, or maybe she wants to be alone, so that no one can hurt or distract her... Firemaiden said in another thread that she thought this was Persephone/Proserpina, the Queen of the Underworld, and I think that fits perfectly for this card. (You can see her here.)

The Empress from the Tarot of Dürer is beautifully and elaborately dressed in soft pink and blue. Pink is red, but lighter and softer. This Empress has thus learned to control her passions. Blue is the colour of emotions, intuition and spirituality. This means that though she looks refined and controlled, she isn’t out of touch with her feelings. In the same way, she holds her sceptre with her left hand – ruling with intuition and gentleness. It’s strange, but at the same time, this Empress looks quite sexual too... I’m probably obsessed, but the way she holds her sceptre (a phallic symbol) seems to bring this to mind. And on the fur of her cape, I see a bunch of little black sperm cells... Her sceptre is crowned with what appears to be an egg. To me, eggs are a symbol of creation and fertility, and represent the conception of ideas. Either way, it fits perfectly with this Empress... I think she’s sitting on a throne, but she could just as well be standing. That’s appropriate for this card, when you think about it: she has active power and control, but just as well shows her femininity and sensuality. She has her left foot on a large orb... well, I guess it could also be an egg. The orb shows again that the Empress is a ruler – she wouldn’t be an Empress if she didn’t have some authority! The fact that it’s her left foot once again shows the gentleness with which she rules... On her throne sits, strangely, a monkey! Monkeys are active animals, they are curious and want to try everything out. They are playful as well, and very agile. And monkeys are very smart too: they are innovative and you could be surprised as to what they are able to do. Having said that, the monkey first kind of stumped me, but now it makes a lot more sense on this card... The Empress appears to sit outside in the sun. A little farther from her hangs a screen that could protect her from the sun, but she chooses not to sit underneath it. She wants to feel the sun, symbol of Truth and Perfection... At the bottom of the card is a Latin saying: “Nemo potest omnia scire”, “Nobody can know everything”. It shows once again the intellectual side of the Empress, and at the same time shows that some things cannot be known, but can only be felt and experienced. (Found this great link!)

I used to link this card to the Greek goddess Demeter, the kind, warm-hearted mother goddess of harvest and fertility. But another goddess came to mind: the Norse goddess Freya. I don’t know a lot about Norse mythology, but it seems that she was a caring, beautiful goddess of fertility and sensuality. But there was also a link to the air-element: she was said to have a cloak of bird feathers, which allowed her to change into a falcon, and it was believed that winged cats pulled her chariot... On top of that, Norse gods seem to bring to mind much 'harder' and 'colder' gods than those of other cultures. So to me, Freya reconciles both aspects of the Empress.


III Empress 01-11-2004

She's the feminine aspect of all that is, the mothering energies of the blue and green Earth. She's the soothing warm lights, pastels, and emeralds of the Crowley-Thoth, Old Path, Universal de Angelis and Goddess decks. She's light, a light touch, a caress, a gentle smile or glance. She's unconditional love. She's the love we all feel when we see an infant--of any species. The caring, nurturing, protecting, healing touch of the Empress is a gift we're all blessed with at birth, and some of us are lucky enough to carry that blessing with us all our days. If you have this gift, cherish it and try to pass it along to someone not so fortunate, for it grows with the sharing, and she epitomizes compassion above all else. She's all that is green and growing, the harvest, the clothes on your back, the soothing of your brow in illness, the gifts you give to others, the love you share.

She is also practical: a healthy budget, a full refrigerator, a clean, pleasant home, an accurate shopping list, a card or a bill attended to on time, a well-stocked medicine cabinet or herbal supply, a cultivated garden, polished shoes, fresh sheets, or a comforting sweater. She's all the Queens rolled into one. She can express anger, and she contains all the forces of Nature. She visits us in thunderstorms, hail, blizzards and tornadoes. She lives in the sweet song of a lark on a fresh spring morning, and the delicate pink of a wild rose.

All the other archetypes draw on her and the Emperor's gifts and powers as appropriate to their purposes.

When we express the Empress negatively we are smothering in our affections, trying to care for those who don't need it, attempting to cling, pressure, overprotect, overfeed, overindulge. Twisted Empress energies lead us to gossip, flirt inappropriately, neglect responsibilities, harden our hearts. Or we may deny our masculine side, refusing to draw on that archetype when needed, seeing only the feminine as valid.



Re: Witches Tarot

rexenne2003 said:
The empress card has a lovely and happy setting. There is a pregnant woman with long blonde hair sitting in a field that is filled with pink and white flowers and a blooming tree and bush reside just behind her. She is a royal maiden as she is wearing a crown, and wears a pink dress with a red shaw over her shoulders and a necklace with the sign of Venus which means attraction, love and creativity.
She is looking off to the left, and seems content.
The sky has a few drifting fluffs of clouds, the sun is in the upper left while the moon rests just right of the middle of the card. A black sphere is on the left, behind the maiden, and a grey one on the right.

Overall mood is expectation, love, caring, carefree.

Book definition:
The Querent is almost at the end of a project or a cycle(represented by the very pregnant Empress, expectation). Restrictions are removed. The number four.
Querent beings a cycle. The urge to move is joined by the understanding of what to do. Ideas begin to formulate.


Quest Tarot-
The empress stands between two seemly pregnant pillars the crystal above her head symbolizes her ability to see on many levels. She is femininity, unconditional love, and understanding. She carries a scepter of fire and air; the joined circles are the commitment and union between her and the emperor. The empress is a good wife; lover and mother giving unconditional love, ideas, and advise.

Sharman Beginner Tarot-
The empress sits in a field of golden corn; corn is the symbol of fruitfulness and fertility.
Her robes are decorated with bright red roses symbols of passion; also they show a hint of pregnancy. She is the queen of nature. She is creativity, nurturing, and compassion.

Universal Tarot-
The empress sits among animals, she is the earthly mother, at her feet is a Polynesian Tiki statue. Believed to be made for the goddess of childbirth by her father, the empress expresses receptivity and openness. This earth mother has her dark aspects too, the lesson to be learned here one of adaptability, being in tune with nature. The empress is governed by Venus, female energy and love take precedence here. The ruler of men, her female intuitive power is not matched by her rational power.


The Empress



Beautiful woman sitting in a field of corn - corn being the symbol of fruitfulness and fertility of the earth. At her feet is the Horn of Plenty filled with the Earth's rich offering of food and she holds a sheaf of barley in her lap.

Her robes are full to hint at pregnancy. Her dress is embroidered with the red roses of passion and hemmed with leaves - she looks regal, majestic - the Queen of Nature. Her necklace is composed of ten pearls, one for each of the planets in our solar system. Also ten denotes completion, perfection.

Being card number III of the Majors - means creativity, fulfillment, the product of a union. The waterfall cascading into the river in the background suggests the union between male and female to form a child. Water also is a symbol of life.

There are pomegranates amongst the fruit at her feet. Pomegranates, a symbol of fertility.

The Empress is looking/facing to her right - the side of action - actively creating / nurturing.

An assortment of trees in the background - trees symbolising life, fertility, wisdom, shelter, protection.

She looks very much the Queen of her domain - sitting comfortably on a throne made of bags of grain. The harvest reaped from the fertility and creativity of the Earth.

Wild Spirit Tarot - 3 - Mother Nature (Spirit of Love)


This card shows a mature, definitely pregnant woman wearing a purple dress - purple the colour of majesty, pride, truth.

She has tatoos of a spiralling sun pattern on her left arm and leg - left side of creativity. Sun meaning divinity, the source of life, light, creativity, energy, power. Also the spiral denotes the cycle of life. She also has a golden tan on her skin which indicates that she enjoys spending time soaking up the suns rays.

There are rabbits at her feet. Rabbits a sign of the moon, lust, fertility, energy. There are two rabbits - two - a balance.

There are swans on the lake - a mother swan and her 3 cygnets - Swan the power of woman, grace, female intuition.

The Empress also in this card is looking to her right - the action side - she is also looking slightly up to denote perhaps a "higher" activity of the cycle of life and death.

This image on this card is an overall very lush and tranquil setting and the Empress looks a very "earthy" and relaxed version of mother nature. A Goddess of compassion and nuture. The Spirit of Love - the Earth mother's unconditional love for all natures creations which seem drawn to her in this image.


Major Tom

It seems appropriate to me somehow that the Monday of the week assigned to study the Empress I flew to sunny Lanzarote for a week's holiday with my girlfriend Jane. Playa Blanca, the resort where we stayed was very beautiful and definitely dedicated to the welfare of the body. While there I was able to dedicate myself to meditations on the card from the Marseilles deck published by US Games but was unable to concentrate sufficiently to make any sketches. One could say my senses were a bit overloaded. :laugh:

I present my version of the Empress card done in a Marseilles 'woodcut' style with my concern being to depict modern clothing. I developed this drawing after studying as many different Marseille versions of this card as I could find. I also spent some time reading through the Historic and Icongraphic board threads on this card.

This is great fun!


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I wrote so much about this card during the week, and I have had a hard time deciding what to post!

Blue Rose Tarot - Growth, passion, prcreation, nuturing, beauty and wonder, the intricacies of life.

The Tarot of Prague - Growth, motherhood, planting seeds nuturing, emotional.

Marseille - Caring, Growth, protective, nuturing.

URW - Pearls, Green and golden growth, yellow sky, waterfall, cushy comfy pillows, heart with venus symbol, star crown and wreath, schpter, preanant, pmegranites, the gold and white wheat, holden hair, red shoe.

She is the mother of nature. It's ever changing cycles. She is pure and devine. Shel loves her comforts and wants to share them with us. Love, motherhood , new seeds of groth. No secrets here. Everything is wide open and bright. No confines. For this Empress, Growth, purity, love, abundance, cycles, emotions, nuturing, creature comforts, victory.

Meditation into the card using the URW:

I felt the spray of the waterfall when I entered and it was so refreshing. Sh held her hand out to me and I sat next to her. She put her arm around me and held me close. I felt so loved. I stood up and looked out over the huge field of wheat. It was beautiful and vibrant. It glowed golden.

She stood up and asked if I would like to go for a walk. We went down towards the waterfall. When we got to it, she raided her hand and the waterfall ebbed to a trickle. Then with another flicker of her hand, it became raging. She controls the forces of nature. She knows exactly the right balance. She explaiined to me that sometimes she has to take away to maintain the balance. It may seem harsh to us, but she assures me when she does this it is for good reason and is out of love for all things.

We crossed the little river and entered the forest. I noticed when I looked at her that the stars of her crown seemed to float above her head. The stars and her golden hair seemed to glow like the wheat field did.

As we waslked through the forest, I noticed a dead rodent whose carcus was being eaten by insects. She explained to me how physical death was a necessary part of the balance and that this was a beautiful thing. Death brings birth and growth. We circled around and came back out of the forest. I asked her what was up with all the fluffy pillows. Comfort and self indulgence she said. Indulge yourself, she instructed me, and then added that included in the bedroom. ;) OK, I thought, guess she is trying to tell me something.

WE got back up to her throne and sat down. I sat at her feet and made myself comfy by laying my head on her lap. I asked her if she could tell me how I can be a better mother. She told me that I had to stop thinking that being a mother was synonimous with sacrafice. She said to watch the animal mothers with their young if I wanted to be a good mother. They don't always save their children. They help their children grow strong by not always saving them.

As I got up to leave, she handed me an emerald green box. Inside the box was a beautiful green emerald.


III - The Empress
Using Radiant Rider-Waite deck

Fruitfulness, initiative, action, length of days, clandestine, the unknown, also difficulty, doubts and ignorance

Initial Impressions
Richness, abundance, fertility, intuition and nurturance. Some one who could be a mother, may be mothering someone - but not as being their actual mother, perhaps emotional blackmail. Something that has been started recently can be considered to be of a great potential for the future, whether it is in a sense of creative project, a venture or a romantic relationship. Could indicate pregnancy, in the sense that it could be great news for someone who has been wanting and trying for a baby, or it could be considered a warning for someone who doesn't wnat to have a child at the moment, in other words it could be indicating that it is unexpected and unplanned.

Further Impressions
Going back to the High Priestess, where there was a gentle unfolding of potential, and this being in the embryonic stage, then The Empress could be seen that the potential has been realised and in a sense has been given birth. In comparison, again, with The High Priestess which seems to be a darker side of card indicating lack of certainty and clarity, whereas with The Empress the colour is indicating day light, meaning that there is more clarity and certainty, and things have been "brought to light".

In the foreground of the card, there is wheat, which is ripe and is time to harvest this, saying this can be said the same thing about whatever potential has been realised. It appears that she is holding (sorry I don't know what it is called, looks almost like a torch, with a glowing yellow orb) in her left hand, which I would imagine that would relate to her intuition and creativity. Where pregancy or giving birth to something indicates the start of something new, whether that is a project of some sort or a stage or phase of your life, more than likely a project.

The Empress could quite easily be seen as something along the lines of Mother Earth. The card itself depicts her sitting, already mentioned - wheat in the foreground, and a forest in the background along with a stream, and a waterfall that is just barely visible on the right side of the card. It could aslo be seen as a female in an authorative position, maybe just a bit more than a mother, as it is the female equivalent to The Emperor.

So in relation to 3 in numerology then we can see that this means an ambitious achiever, psychic and clairvoyant, an old soul, a natural healer, financially wealthy, creative, an excellent communicator and multi-talented. There is a strong need to be able to do what you want in life and will pursue these goals vigorously in order to achieve this, along with the ability to handle just about anything that life throws at you. If not on track, there is a tendency to get moody, bored and restless, and retreat into a shell for comfort. Hugely ambitious by nature and not much stops you as you are always seeking ways to get round things. A tendency to be generous to a fault and will share with others who mean a lot to you.


Guiding Cauldron

The Empress- Tarot of Mermaids 2005

This particular card is very Majestic looking. She is sitting on a rock formation above water, so she is in man's world. She has long golden red hair and wears an ornate golden crown that covers the entire top of her head, like a proper cap so you can't see the top of her head. Its like the crown is part of her protective armour.

Her staff is a long thin golden rod with a sphere and a cross on top of that. Her robes are a long wispy and gleaming white. Her fins are the color of brushed steel a kind of blue-grey tone. Her shield by her side is golden with a Griffen covering the shield standing on its hind legs and wings outstreched.

She sits in Royal stature and seems to reign with strength, wisdom, compassion. She faces the open sea and their are great cliffs in the background that reminds me of the rock formations in Sedonna, AZ. but alas these are not bright red. These are a light golden hugh with it seems the sunsets rays reflecting off the rocks.

The sea is calm, an the skys wispy clouds are darkened in the twilight sky.
The Empress has the ability to take initiative and give sound advice. Action. Intiative. Feminine intuition. Levelheadedness as well as shrewdness, reason of state even revenge when needed.


Mythos Empress

She has been on my mind.... and when I think of her a particular painting that I did some years ago comes to mind. I have decided that I will use this painting as a model for my Empress. I'll attach a photo. I want to make her more pregnant, and with a softer face (though not much - because she is an Empress after all). I want to add water, and some less Autumnal and more spring fertile symbolism. I may crown her in a wreath of flowers. But she is filling me as I write and it is a rich, powerful feminine energy, abundant and full of life. I think of maturation as well as new growth ... she is beginning, middle and end of the fertile cycle. Yet, she has within her, inherently, crone energy as well ... hmmmm! have to think about how I will communicate this symbolically. In birth we have old age and death. She is a card of cycles, and thus connected with the Wheel and the World, with the tarot as a whole. She is one aspect of the feminine, but because neither feminine, nor masculine are really (spiritually) inherently separated, she has elements of the masculine. I will keep the sun.

So Here she is ... in her pre-tarot conversion form.


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