A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


March 29 - Three of Discs

Dedication - primarily thought of as a work-related card, but since I am taking a personal day today, I am going to equate this to my personal life. I am dedicated to my fiancee today because I am taking the day off so we can see her daughter play lacrossed down in Connecticut (we haven't seen her since the holidays since she is in NJ going to school). I am dedicated to her daughter obviously for the same reason. And I am dedicated to my parents because we are bringing them along for a day away.

All in all, a good card (glad I had that Tower behind me, hehe).



Card a Day, Sacred Circle - March 29

Page Of Cups - Reflection

A young man with chalice in hand kneels beside a creek. A Salmon is jumping out of the water.

It has been a reflective day today. I always enjoy those. :)

A day of being at peace with the self.



March 30th ~ 7 of Discs / Prudence

Whoa, how timely! We're talking with a couple of different mortgage/refinance companies, and taking our roofer to court...so we need to be careful and not take the first offer without careful deliberations.


March 30 .. Initiation

Today, I have vowed to be more positive. I am attempting to make a contract with myself.

So this card in fitting for a new beginning. :)


Card a Day, Sacred Circle - March 30

8 of Discs, Skill

An appropriate card for this period of time, as I am and have been going through many shifts in both work and relationship.

Ongoing study, new energy, greater satisfaction...



oops, 9 of cups

This one makes me smile, just because of the clover flowers that appear to have taken life and are hopping out of the cups! Is this the card of abundance?

edit: I thought it was the 8, but it was the 9 of Cups I pulled!

I love this card! the shiny 9 cups hover over a placid lake with a hill in the background. It looks to be early morning. The card is titled "Stability". Hmm... didn't feel too stable today, let's look at the book.

"Spiritually, this card is telling you that you must take time to assimilate what you have learned and must work on balancing the elements within yourself to create a firm foundation of knowledge and strength before you try to progress further."

hmm...this this might be in reference to my learning tarot. I'm always in such a hurry! must learn to slow down and let things sink in!


March 30 - 7 of Wands

Hi All,

Although i haven't posted, i've still been drawing a card a day.

Today, its the 7 of wands with the keyword of rivalry - i haven't experienced any of this today and haven't had any minor struggles etc - apart from hotmail deciding to play up.

Regards, Sharon


Two of Wands (R) - Courage

The card
in this position urges me to get more daring, take a chance and get going , without resolving to unscrupulous means in the process. :confused:

I honesly don't know how this will take shape today .

Will have to wait and see


March 31, 2004: 21 The World Tree

Ah, the duality of night and day, your conscious and subconscious...fire versus air (sun and hawk) with the earth between them.

I wish I knew what this meant.


31 March - 8 of Cups - Abandonment

Have missed a couple of days posting but have still been drawing my cards.

Card for today was 8 of Cups - Abandonment ... Looking at this card, I wish it was me floating along over a beautiful looking valley ;)

I have been feeling very much today a wish of "abandoning" work - the 2nd busiest day of the year! Tomorrow being the busiest :(

Read the book and certain things also jumped out at me about this one. I even bought the paper for the employment section today. Hoping this will pass and tomorrow will be a better day! :)
