a few newbie questions


Thank you everyone for the helpful advice! I've read a couple of websites and FAQs on reading cards and stuff, so I've pretty much got the basics down. I guess the rest is just going to be experimenting and intuitive learning!

Now I just need to find a deck that really calls out to me. Is that pretty much any deck that has pretty pictures that appeals to me? or do I actually need to feel like it wants me? hehe.. that'd be weird.


To me, a deck that speaks to me is one I consistently understand. When you find the right deck, it's like finding an instant friend -- you just *know* it somehow.


You'll know. :D

I had loved many, but when I opened the Baroque Bohemian Cats, it screamed "I'm YOURS" and I knew.... Other decks have shouted since, but none as loudly !