A neat practice


I've been needing more experience with some of my decks, and came up with an idea: I go into a chat forum and offer single card readings to anyone who posts a question. Wow, it's been a great way to get to know an unfamiliar deck, and to get an idea of whether it's going to read 'gentle' or 'no-nonsense'.

So this afternoon I was doing a reading and the woman asked "When will I have a baby?" and I drew the 5 of Swords (Robin Wood deck) and replied "The 5 of Swords is the card of thieves. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like it may just not be 'in the cards' for you. " She then admitted that it had been a test question, that she always asks new readers and usually gets a hopeful "Oh, soon, be patient!". Her tubes are tied.


Good for you! And that is why not all tarot replies have to be 'nice' or soothing.


Oh, that was close.


I thought about doing this, earlier this year, when I found out about a chat website... I had no webcam running, so people kept clicking out before I could say anything, though.



Great idea.... maybe I'll try this...

Trying to get back into the swing of reading for other people.....


I was actually surprised at how easy it was. The down side is the number of "I don't believe in that bullshit" posts I get. No "You're going to hell, satan spawn!" yet, though.


Lol at the satan spawn comment....

Funny how close-minded people are... i would never dream of condoning something I knew nothing about & never even experienced....

I used to work as a bartender for the Olive Garden & I remember when one of the (older) guy servers overheard someone asking me for another reading.... he was SO shocked. he kept saying over and over he couldn't believe I did that because I always seemed so practical.....

He avoided me for awhile, but curiousity got the better of him I suppose & he asked me for a reading concerning some custody issues that occured with his daughter....

The reading was very accurate & he viewed the tarot with different eyes after that : )

I should mention though, once he saw me with an "Herb magic for beginners" book he started being nicer (he is a moody artist by nature) He used to always tell me not to put a "hex" on him LOL!!!!!


prettypiscesmom said:
i would never dream of condoning something I knew nothing about & never even experienced....

At first I thought you meant to say "condemning" and then realized how true it is for both...at least for me :)

Sigh...I guess it is up to those of us open-minded people of the world to explore the uncharted and dream of less "practical" things. Such a burden sometimes, don't you think?

Peace and Love