A new De-enabling thread for 2008


Promise said:
You are my new hero. That just made my day.

Now, down to serious business. Can someone please steer me away from the Osho Zen? I've never even wanted it before, and now, all of a sudden, it's sucking me in, and I don't want to be sucked in damnit!

I bought the Osho Zen but once I had it in my hands I decided I couldn't cope with the element of Earth being represented by ..... Wait for it.... rainbows :confused:

How do rainbows which are made from water and sunlight have anything to do with earth????
Put me off.. I like the Earth element to be, well, earthy.
It had to go so I traded it straight away.

And it's got keywords - enough said.


gregory said:
WELL - quite a few people here have had seriously nasty experiences while using the NOV.... search threads. That might actually FRIGHTEN you off !

No time to go look at it just now.....

ok off to search the threads!!


Favole, has unillustrated Pips...(tho the butterfiles, black roses, masks, crosses are pretty)..but that fact alone, makes people write it off.

And yep, they are simply her gorgeous, drool-worthy paintings made to 'fit' (and then, they only fit some) of the Tarot words.

And notice how I'm nearly the ONLY one in the entiretly of AT who still blathers on about them and NOBODY has read with them here on AT, (I mean posted a reading using them...execpt me...and apparently that reading wasn't horribly offbase...) And how pitifully small the Favole threads are......(sigh).

Probably only good as an Art Deck/Writer's Tool, more than anything.....

And finally: Go see Arcana's sad, reluctant review of the Favole: http://arcanaxv.multiply.com/reviews

And all this ,from me, the still-obsessed Favole Lover! LOL:)



morticia monroe said:
Relp, Raggy!!!

I need de-enabling from the Victorian Flower Oracle, the Little Czech Oracle, the Ator and the International Icon.

BTW, you all have done a magnanimous job of de-enabling me from the BH Silver...I'll wait for the regular edition to become available here in the States. Thanks!

I tried to get into the International Icon and found it very awkward - it's very colourful but I found I really missed seeing faces, any kind of faces - I missed eyes most of all and I didn't read so well with what came over as a basic RWS clone.


Oh - and the Ator is all that and worse :D


nicki said:
I need de-enabling for The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, I just had a reading with these cards and they look fab, help required.


It's a very hard deck to get into and does have an unusual energy about it - I loved this deck from the online scans and had a few readings from a site called the 'Voodoo Queen' with it but once I had it here, I realised that this isn't a deck that you can read with straight from the box - its very non-traditional and after a couple of uses (be careful, it's also very easy to enter and meditate on these cards without realising it). I just didn't have the time to give this deck the attention it needed.


thanx emily, i've put it on the back burner for now,don't really need it!!



LOL. I saw this thread many times and never knew what "de-enabling" meant!

Osho Zen: I just bought it a few days ago for myself, and I wish someone had de-enabled me! I'm especially annoyed by the writings of Osho, which are so negative and off-putting. He calls people "stupid," "hypocrites," "dumb," "dull," "mechanical," "robots," "do-gooders," and on and on and on. This is not why I read tarot, to criticize people and call them names, so that I can feel like I've achieved a more "conscious" and "aware" state than they have! Exactly the opposite, actually. The more I read the book that came with the cards, the more annoyed I get. I can't stand Osho and his form of Zen. I'm ready to trade it.


I actually do love the Osho-Zen, but I'm singing no love songs here. The companion book is worthless, and the book Osho wrote about it later is even worse. I persisted with it because The Art speaks to me, and after slogging along with it, on and off, for 5 years, it finally opened up to me and became a killer deck. At that same time, I was also able to make the connection between it and the "regular" tarot.

Five Freakin' Years. I can't recommend it.


Ok, can someone de-enable me from buying the Rider-waite or any of its clones? I used to have it, and I gave it away to someone who got on better with it. That's not to say I didn't get on it with, they just got more out of it than me. But that was years ago, before I could read particularly well. Part of me really wants a new copy of this deck. So de-enable away.