A new De-enabling thread for 2008


Ok...I realize that many have been successfully De Enabled already...but I had to throw in here...

Osho Zen... decent as an Oracle...lousy as a Tarot. Some of the art is so beautiful...and some of it, well...isn't. Something oddly inconsistant about it, that I was never able to put my finger on. And I agree...the book makes me cringe.

International Icon...Sometimes this deck reads brilliantly...most times, I just don't know about it. I have to be in a very specific frame of mind to read with it, I think. Many days, it just feels cold...and unfreindly...and makes me run back to the warmth of my Hanson Roberts.

Victorian Flower Oracle... I like the artist, and I like oracles. and this one is certainly pretty. But...for me anyway, it reads like one of those Doreen Virtue Decks, which just makes me sad. I find myself waiting for more...more info, more ideas...more something...when I turn over a card. And I find it's not that accurate for me.

New Orleans Voodoo...Not really a tarot. Deep, and dark, and complicated, with a whole nother world, system, and lifestyle. It will take hold of you, and it will not let go. Not for the casual reader!


faeryty said:
Ok, can someone de-enable me from buying the Rider-waite or any of its clones? I used to have it, and I gave it away to someone who got on better with it. That's not to say I didn't get on it with, they just got more out of it than me. But that was years ago, before I could read particularly well. Part of me really wants a new copy of this deck. So de-enable away.

What are you reading with now, may we ask, if not with a RWS clone? Thoth?

Maybe you mean "almost exact clone", like the Radiant or the Illuminated. Well, if you have something that's in the RWS tradition, you don't really need the Pamela Coleman images. But then again, this deck is so cheap and readily available, I'm not sure why you would need a de-enabling, unless you are trying to avoid mental and physical clutter. And that's as good a reason as any not to get another deck that you don't need.


According to your profile, faeryty, everything you have is a RWS spin-off (or more rudely, clone) so I'm not understanding your question. Is it that you have a longing for the historically accurate Waite-Smith, ugly colors and all? Why, when there are so many lovely spin-offs that use exactly the same system, and usually the same symbology....and you have several very nice ones?


magpie9 said:
According to your profile, faeryty, everything you have is a RWS spin-off (or more rudely, clone) so I'm not understanding your question. Is it that you have a longing for the historically accurate Waite-Smith, ugly colors and all? Why, when there are so many lovely spin-offs that use exactly the same system, and usually the same symbology....and you have several very nice ones?
What she said !

(I was just in your profile thinking w-h-a-t ???? when mags posted !)


evelone said:
What are you reading with now, may we ask, if not with a RWS clone? Thoth?

Maybe you mean "almost exact clone", like the Radiant or the Illuminated. Well, if you have something that's in the RWS tradition

Yes, it is an almost exact clone I need de-enabling from. As magpie9 says, what I read with (mainly DruidCraft really) is in the Rider-Waite tradition, but there's something about the Coleman images that makes me want it. Maybe it's because in my head that's ultimately what a tarot deck should look like. And yes, it was to avoid the mental and physical clutter.

Sorry, my initial post could have been more specific.

edited to add: Just checked my profile. The Universal waite was in the wrong section - it should have been wishlist. I added it as an afterthought, evidentally in the wrong section. Sorry for any extra confusion


Do you not have the Radiant RWS ? What more do you need ??


faeryty said:
edited to add: Just checked my profile. The Universal waite was in the wrong section - it should have been wishlist. I added it as an afterthought, evidentally in the wrong section. Sorry for any extra confusion

I guess you mean Universal not Radiant, but that's why...


Go ahead and get it, faeryty. You have this thread's permission. But you must get it used, or trade for it, that is the condition under which you are granted this special dispensation.


The so called 'Original Rider Waite' at first glance can look very, well, ugly. It uses minimal colours, has very dark out-linings - on some of the cards the black out lining hides some of the details on the cards. The Star card looks like she has measles, all the water is a pale green, the standard of the colouring alters from card to card - some of the colours do look like little dots and then on other cards its a full colour.

And yet there are some people on this forum who love the look and feel of this deck. }) I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe this will de-enable you from the Original RWS. :)


My first deck was the Universal Waite, and although I have had many great readings with that deck, I can certainly complain about it.

I find most of the cards to be ugly. Not just unattractive, plain friggin' ugly. If you're looking for a deck that can inspire you with it's evocative artwork or it's subtle intricacies, you may want to look elsewhere.

I hated the LWB, and still do. The narrow meanings and their narrow applicability always bothered me, as did the language of it. Come on, if I want to be condescended, I'll go visit my grandparents. I don't need if from a Tarot deck and it's "accessories".

I also found that I outgrew the deck very quickly. Sure, despite all it's ugly cards and the crappy LWB, it taught me a lot and it was great as a beginner's deck, but after a while, it just didn't do it for me anymore. I wanted something more...more artistic, more suggestive, more subtle, more creative. I moved on quickly, and although I do still read with it every once in a while, I find myself very uninspired every time I use it.

The verdict? Get it if you feel you must, but honestly, your money could be better spent elsewhere.