* Affect of color of storage bag on cards energies?


This might seem like a weird question...but does the color of your storage bag lining or box potentially affect the energy of your deck? I know colors have energy in feng-shui...so it occurred to me certain ones may be better or worse for my cards.


Some may disagree with me, but in my opinion it's not going to have an affect one way or another short of empowering it with a specific purpose.


So Thunderwolf, are you saying you use certain colors for particular purposes?


One of the furfies doing the rounds of the ooky-spooky Tarot readers is that all decks have to be wrapped in black silk.

All of those of my decks that are in silk, are in vivid colours. My one deck wrapped in black, is in a fine wool.

I buy silks (and get given bags) in colours that I like, which are usually bright, jewel-shades of rainbow colours, singly or in combination. I particularly prefer silk squares that have been tie-dyed in two complementary colours (say indigo and purple, or yellow and lime-green).

I tend to avoid orange, because personally I am not all that comfortable with orange. Ditto pink and brown, same reasons, purely a matter of aesthetic taste. However, I'm happy enough with orange as a part of fire-colour combinations, or full rainbow combinations, and brown in combination with other earth-colours, for example. And one deck that I'm really quite fond of is wrapped in an orange-and-black silk, and I'm okay with that. Partly because the deck has gold-stamping on it, and the shade of orange can, at a stretch, be described as deep-gold.

And that's how I choose which coloured silks go with which coloured decks: I theme them. For instance, my Herbal Tarot has a tie-dyed silk in a couple of shades of green for the colour of herbs' leaves. My Hudes is in a sepia cloth with fine linework over it that sorta matches the antique maps and leaf-veins in some backgrounds.

Sometimes I'll choose a silk for a deck, and it will live in it for months or even years, then I'll decide that the silk suits another deck better, and change a couple around.

It's not to do with the energy of the decks or the purposes for which I use them. It's to do with the colours of the silks, somehow, fitting in with the colour-palette of the deck as a whole.

Well, you wouldn't wear crazy zigzag scarlet and black undies under thin white pants, would you. :)


I have a friend who is a colour therapist where she suggests the best colours for a person to have on them for various things (for example a job interview). She seems to do clothing and interiors mostly in her work.

The important thing is how you personally feel about colours I think. If you store a tarot deck in a colour you hate and makes you feel negative, could those energies affect the deck? I think it's something you have to experiment with and see! does it affect the deck? If a colour is making a deck harder to use than perhaps change it, I'm not entirely convinced.

I keep all my decks in their boxes or a gorgeous purple silk or tarot fabric bags. I always choose the bags that appeal to me, for example one with different coloured day of the dead skulls on white. I guess I subconsciously do store them in fabric that I like.

I may have to experiment with this myself but my storage bags are a bland beige :D

Holly doll

I can never decide which colour to wrap a deck in, so I bought a bright rainbow dyed satin fabric & made bags & a throw cloth out of it. Took the need to choose away because it matches every deck!


IMHO, it affects your energy, not the energy of your cards. Some people, like Nisaba, like it fitting and orderly, some people just adore black silk and would wrap everything into it. Whatever makes your heart sing will certainly make your decks happy. :)

FYI, all my decks sit comfortably in their original boxes. So far, I've had no complaints about energy issues. :p


This might seem like a weird question...but does the color of your storage bag lining or box potentially affect the energy of your deck? I know colors have energy in feng-shui...so it occurred to me certain ones may be better or worse for my cards.

Never made a difference to me and I have over 100 decks.

Once though when I got a new deck and was getting ready to put it in the pouch for it, I got a strong feeling/intuition that that was not the pouch it wanted to be in. I then changed it with another and things were fine. I don't know if it was because of the colour or not though...



I have a friend who is a colour therapist where she suggests the best colours for a person to have on them for various things (for example a job interview). She seems to do clothing and interiors mostly in her work.

Hey, interesting you said that. :grin: I am going on some job interviews tomorrow or the next day. What IS the best colour to where for that?



This might seem like a weird question...but does the color of your storage bag lining or box potentially affect the energy of your deck? I know colors have energy in feng-shui...so it occurred to me certain ones may be better or worse for my cards.

A colour can not affect the energy of your deck .... as colours don't exist out side of perception ... however you can perceive the colour and that might 'effect' ( change the way you feel or think about )your deck and that might bleed into your readings.

The black thing probably comes from the idea that it absorbs energy ( an old idea as one, literally, can feel warmth from black as it absorbs light/heat).

You might decide white is better for storage as it reflects energy and keeps the cards 'uncontaminated.

My bag is gold - but it was a gift so I didn't choose ... the other deck I keep in a small decorative wooden box.