Ahhhh!!! I hate it!!!!! [Fairy Ring Oracle]


im sorry to hear about you dissapointment...
i have been thinking of investing in either the fairy ring oracle, fairy oracle, or the froud fairy oracle, but after this....im just not sure....id still like to decide for myself if i like them (epecially the fairy ring oracle) or not though....i think ill go check out the trading forum.....:)

ohh yea, welcome to the forum


thanks for welcoming me! :D


lol....no problem bighairymonster....


There's always the option to sell it on ebay!


Probably I'll just be better off trading it. It's posted in the Trades Section.

E-bay is a bit inconvenient for me as I don't want to go through all that sign up process, etc.

I took the courage and bought the Faeries Oracle. It's much more beautiful, although i've gotta complain about the unlaminated cardboard.


Originally posted by bighairymonster I took the courage and bought the Faeries Oracle. It's much more beautiful, although i've gotta complain about the unlaminated cardboard.

If you think it is beautiful now, just wait until you get to know the faeries ~smile~ ... you should come join the Faeries Oracle Study Group in the Study Groups forum. It is very fun.


"Aint so bad Rock."

bighairymonster said:
I took the courage and bought the Faeries Oracle. It's much more beautiful, although i've gotta complain about the unlaminated cardboard.

It's actually NOT unlaminated, it simply has a lighter laminate than other decks. I myself like decks with slick laminate like the Haindl and World Spirit decks, and the Lo Scarabeo decks.

The Faeries oracle and my Sacred Geometry Oracle by Francene Hart both have lighter cardstock and laminate, but I've never had trouble with damage while shuffling them, just be aware that they're slightly more delicate when you shuffle them.

Like all things, if you get it in your mind that something's wrong with them, then that's what your experience will be.



really? it's actually laminated? *gasps and falls dead*
well, the illustrations are beauuuuutifooolllllll, but i'm still uneasy about shuffling them in case i bend them too much and.............:)


bighairymonster said:
but i'm still uneasy about shuffling them in case i bend them too much and.............:)

Have courage Large Person of Hair, remember to temper your big ham-fisted awkwardness when shuffling and bend them gently, then when they are interlaced after shuffling, pick them up and let them rustle down together, gently so as not to pick and rub the edges.

Also, wash your hands after ripping into monstrous dead flesh meals, and keep those cards tidy and fresh so they don't stick together and get gunky.

You have an appointment with destiny, face it with fortitude and dauntless bravery!


you could always try hand over hand shuffling rather than riffling. then there is no need to bend the cards at all.

as far as wearing off any ink..it just makes the cards looked used. if you read for others, it will look like you've been reading for a long time. not a bad thing ;)