ambivalent recovery: world Rx succeeds?


My partner supports me and has been very supportive of my recovery (reminds me about meetings, asks if i've called anyone, takes me to classes, etc.), but is actively using, so I always know it's around. Next week, I talk to p.o. about consequences for a dirty u.a. We're in the process of moving, but p.o. said I might have to move again. What should I focus on today to prepare for mine+my partner's future, particularly this coming week?

1. [Significator] 7 of Wands Rx: indescision, cowardice; hesitation causes losses
2. [unconscious infl.] The Chariot: success, self-assertion, exploration
3. [external infl.] The Devil: bondage, addiction, selfishness, pressures caused by lack of consideration
4. [what does NOT succeed] 3 of Cups Rx: want and overindulgence of emotions, unreliable help offered
5. [what DOES succeed] The World Rx:
insecurity, lessons poorly studied or not learned at all, stagnation, repetition

1. I've been indecisive about what I want in life, and my hesitation to act has gone against 2. my unconscious drive to assert myself and explore and succeed on my own. 3. I've been feeling pressure from outside forces [the law] to get clean, but I haven't; my addiction is available in my immediate environment. 4.indulging in self-pity and accepting "help" that indulges my addiction will not succeed, but 5. remaining insecure, and repeating the same mistakes until i'm sick of it enough to commit to change is my best option.
OR 4. the programs i'm in that keep telling me to let myself feel aren't reliably helpful to me, but 5. slacking off and continuing to do what i've been doing will prevail.


originalcinderella, Despite the progress you've made, you're going to have setbacks. The message in the 7W [r] is not to let these setbacks defeat you.

You very much want to get clean and stay clean. The Chariot is telling you that you have the power to achieve this, despite the problems you face.

The Devil's message is clear ‒ using remains a huge temptation in both your life and your partner's life. The Devil is a reminder that as long as one of you is using, the other's recovery will be compromised. Try to commit to get clean together so you can support each other in difficult times.

The 3C [r] is telling you to avoid an unhealthy lifestyle: no partying, no hanging with friends who are using, no late nights. Try to be boring but healthy.

When upright, the World speaks of completion and perfect balance. Don't try to achieve this. Instead take things step by step, day by day. If you make slow but steady progress, eventually you'll get clear of both the drugs and the temptation. Getting clean is a long-term commitment - there are no shortcuts.

Good luck in your recovery.


Hi originalcinderella,

Welcome to the forum :).

Could you please explain what a 'p.o.' is and what a 'dirty u.a.' is? I have no idea what these abbreviations mean.