Animal Dreaming ... would you like a reading?


Hi mems :D *hugs* back! On the list m'dear!

Blessings Elven x


Hi Elven!

I know the list is quite long but what else is to expect with this lovely deck? ;) If you're not too busy I would love one as well. Don't mind waiting in the least. :)


Hi Darla :D Good to hear from you!! Have put you on the list :D No worries.

I will have to close the thread at this point for any further names ... until I get some of these written up ...


Sorry, no more names for the time being :D

For those waiting on their reading ... Will pm people when theyre done!! :p

Thanks everyone!
Blessings Elven x


Hi elvenstar :D

Your reading from the Animal Dreaming Cards …

Where your feet touch the Earth …
Your path has led you here to this place on your dream Journey – where you are now.
Animal Dreaming Card: Wombat ~ Gentle Aggression ~ Earth.

Wombat saunters, head down, through the bush on her track – it is her track. She has walked it many times, so much so, it is as deep as a rut. But there are many things upon her path to which she is certain, so she doesn’t necessarily see the new buds of wattle or take much notice of the Flannel flowers.. But the new fence with the sting – now that takes some thought!! How can she get through? Too high to climb over, wombat peers either side.. No she thinks. I’ll just scuttle under … and she does … but her sight deceives her … 10 feet away there's an opening and a new track to walk, young fresh shoots and water lie not far away … but she holds her breath and with her powerful legs forces her way through the fence to the other side … she does what she knows…

In this instance, Wombat alerts you to those habits you have been comfortable with, but which are now growing weary and stale. Uninspiring routines (which may have to do with your survival – like work and chores), which you have diligently attended to, and kept you stable, may have developed a lifestyle where your focus has become narrow and tunnel visioned. A single-minded focus constricts your ability to enable you to branch out and off the beaten track, even if it is just for a moment to ‘smell the Boronia .. or the roses’.

If you are feeling that you are having difficulty overcoming obstacles, or find you path blocked and restricted, wombat lets you know that there are other paths which you can take, which you may not be taking notice of, because you have had your head down and bum up working hard to stabilize your life and find some security.

The frustrations you feel are coming from the same old cycles, the same old routines. Do you feel you are banging your head against a brickwall to prove your point, to make it work, to persist until it breaks? There are other tool about to do the job you need to get done. You maybe realizing that there is not a ‘one tool fixes all’ solution to the things you need to fix. It is a time for adding more tools to your belt, and learning how to use them. Take time out to observe quietly, the things around you – there are pockets of inspiration waiting to be discovered.

You have a strong will, and may find having to detour around difficult and yet opportunities to gather and feed your Soul are about you, you maybe missing. There are easier options available to you, if you look about as you detour … so a different approach is needed.

Wombat knows that sometimes you only have so much patience – but head butting your way through life now, may do damage – there are unnecessary risks you may be taking out of habit. Wombat’s strength and gentle aggression can be used to protect you and see you seek out alternatives to any obstacles you face. She is not allowing you to take unnecessary risks, but she is asking you to look further afield as you journey on your daily routine. Be spontaneous with reasonable cautions.

When Spirit descends to your realm …Your Animal Dreaming Message
The Animal Wisdom and Guidance which walks and talks with you at this time.
Animal Dreaming Card: Spider ~ Dream Weaver ~ Water.

Spider once sat upon the branch of a large pine tree. She took two long pine needles which were covered in dew, from a pinecone. “Today”, she said. “I am going to knit myself a web of some magnificence – something new”! She drew from herself a fine thread and wraped it around the pine needles. Patiently, she starts to knit. Her thoughts and wishes making the stitches as she weaved. Soon her threads were an intricate lacework of delicate patterns, her own personal design … her creation was so big, it stretched from her tree to another – and another – it spaned and covered a area of her forest patch. It was the biggest most beautiful web she has ever seen!

That night she was busy collecting all the wondrous tasty treats she has caught in her web. So many, so varied and delicious the range. Her eyes were bulging with excitement! After many hours of work she was exhausted. She nodded off on her branch and slept until the dawn.

She awoke with a start, and running to the end of her branch she looked for her web. But now she saw what looked like her usual weave, a plain web, yet each thread dotted with a drop of dew, like beads on a necklace, a reminder of all that is possible, the potential of her imagination. Her fine creation had been a dream … but what a mighty dream it was. She sat for a while in deep thought piecing together the details. If only she could build a web like that in reality …”but” she thought … If I dreamnt it – why shouldn’t I be able to create it!!

Then she had an idea …“Today”, she said. “I am going to knit myself a web of some magnificence – something new”! … and every day since after that, Spider has weaved beautiful webs from beautiful dreams.

Spider is about to help you with putting together a beautiful and intricate plan of purpose for your life. One which enables you to create unrestricted and unconditionally – if you allow yourself to dream, the Dream will appear for you. But firstly, she asks you to look closely at how your life is connected presently. What does the fabric of your life look like presently and in the past? How are all the many aspects of your life connected and woven together, are the threads strong, are there any holes apparent?

From the centre of your being you are the creator of your own life, and yet from your personal web of life you spin, you can also see other webs of creativity connected to it. You can see there needs to be a supporting and connection system from co-creation, which is necessary to sustain the whole – otherwise your web will be blown away in the wind.

‘Quality’ determines the overall structure of your architectural life plan – it imparts the form and the basis of what you construct. The design of your life is now up to you. To construct your desired life you need life skills and a very deep understanding of how all things are connected and relative. In the Spirit message, this relates to how your beliefs and interact together to form the basis of your thoughts, and in turn, your creating. Seeing these threads of your own self like rays from your center, each an aspect of a portion of your life, you can determine which threads need replacing, where and what they connect you to and to whom they connect you with.

Spider already has the gift of design. She has the skills to weave a very fine web creative indeed. She knows that all the threads connect together in a way which makes her web strong, she knows each and every connection and loop, she can see patterns and form a structure to suit her immediate environment which will still sustain her.

Spider comes to you possibly at a time where you are realizing that there is a bigger picture than what you have experienced so far. This maybe coming to you in the form of dreams – both conscious and unconsciously, in the dreamscape. These dreams have the ability to widen your view about life and see how everything is connected at the center – from a place of Spirit. It gives you the opportunity to believe that you can create your own reality by examining old patterns and connections, so when you chose, you can create a better quality of life.

This is the first step Spider asks you – To explore your dreams and dream big – explore the web of life and your contribution towards it, become knowledgeable before you set out to create your dream, you new reality, and nurture the new wisdom which is coming to you. It may take time, but this is relative to being patient and to not give up. Spider weaves a new web every night, until she catches what she wants. Its part of her life, but she never goes hungry. She knows when to take advantage of other opportunities that are around her when they present themselves, and if they don’t, she will search to find them. This is part of the Spider message that she will teach you as you walk the new path … Spirit is with you.

To Summarize:
Wombat and Spider may seem unconnected, but together they form a strong alliance and connection to let you know where you have come from, and where you are going.
I feel that if you have been disillusioned, stuck, bored, even frustrated and angry from feeling such as lack of control – or over control - that your life is not your own, or if you feel you lack understanding – they will help you untangle and rearrange the threads of your life to construct a different pattern together now. In your life nothing is separate, it is all related and relative … each and every thought and incident, a thread which makes up who you are. Wombat will help you see your restrictions and fears, and Spider will show you how to build a beautiful life :D
She gives you these tools … Band-Aid’s, microscope, crochet hook, telescope and a passport to happiness :D

Blessings Elven x


elven... you're a star :D

thank you for introducing me to wombat, she's lovely and I never had the pleasure before! I can't begin to tell you how much I loved the spider story and how it connected in a very deep level. I'll come back later with feedback, need to sleep and dream over it ;)

thank you! (((elven)))
e xxx


Hi elvenstar :p
No worries :) - when you can is fine :D
sweet dreams!! :angel:

Blessings Elven x


Hi Chronata

Your Animal Dreaming Message … Enjoy :D

Eagle sits in her nest which rests on the winds amongst the darkness of all that is. Beneath her feathery body, 3 eggs lay warmly together. Meanwhile below, Lizard is wandering around... he is hungry, and very folorn. Suddenly he spies Eagles nest. "Eagle", he said "I am so hungry and need something to sustain me otherwise I will die! - Surely you could spare me one of your eggs, as I am famished"

Eagle looked at him and said, "Seeing that you asked, your need is heard. If you can reach my nest you can take one egg to feed your hunger". Lizard blinked at Eagle - he could not jump that far ... So standings as tall as he could on his front legs, and taking aim, Lizzard shot his tounge into the sky, until it reached into Eagles nest, and found an egg. He wrapped his tounge and around it and brought it gently back to his hidden darkness and swallowed it whole - he gave thanks and went back to his home.

The next night Eagle was in her nest sleeping when she heard a noise. It was Lizzard below, and he approached her again. "Dear Eagle of the realms, I still feel so empty inside. Could you not spare another egg from your nest to fill my tired body?". Once more, Eagle answered, "Because your request fills my heart with pity and you are an honourable lizzard - another egg you can have!" So once more Eagle allowed Lizzard to take another egg.

The third night came and Lizzard returned again into in Eagles view below. "I have nothing to offer you just now Eagle, I must Dream now for journey and an age, and I need some to eat - but if you spare me your last egg, I promise I will not bother you again for food". And Eagle looking at her last egg said, after some time. "You have overcome great fears to ask my for such a precious gift. But your voice I hear, and I know your need is great now. My last egg I offer to you". And she allowed Lizzard to take her 3rd egg and he was gone.

Eagle forgotten about Lizzard, and he never bothered her for food again ... until ...

Eagle sat alone in her nest cold and lonely.
An age had passed when One day beneath her, she heard a rustling noise. So old she was now - but her memory, hearing and eyes still keen. Looking down she saw Old Lizzard - his bones creaked and he was walking slow and heavy.

He looked up to Eagles nest. "Eagle" he said in his slight voice - "I have returned from my journey - and I have come to say goodbye... But I have always remembered what you did for me. I have kept you in my thoughts every day - and thanked you, but now my time is coming to an end, and I must leave here... But before I go, I wanted to let you know that I nurtured the eggs you gave me, I did not eat them, but I kept them warm and safe and cared for them because I honour and respect you for what you did for me. But now their time to hatch has come, and I have returned feeling a rumbling in my stomach - and I come to give them back to you now, formed in my own creative thought, in gratitude and love".

As Eagle watched in amazement, slowly Lizzard started to walk round in a circle. His body tembled and his legs quivered as he stepped. His pace got quicker, until Lizard was moving so fast even Eagle could barely keep her eyes on him. Spinning and spinning - suddenly from his mouth, Lizzard threw the three eggs into the blackness of the Sky. They travelled at such speed with such force that Eagle had almost lost sight of them before!- they exploded in a burst of lightning and sparks!

Eagle cowered and closed her eyes - such a blinding light! but when she opened them she saw the most beautiful sight! The Sun and the Moon and the Earth sitting and spinning together before her. She looked to Lizzard to say how wonderful it was - but he had gone - all that was left was an old shedded skin, and Eagle was sad at his passing, she started to cry in compassion, for his creation for her was so perfect!

And as as her tears fell, they blended with the rays of the sun, and took up the colours of his Earth. And one by one, they fell upon Lizard and revived him, and Lizzard began to change. He grew long legs and arms, hands and feet. His skin soft, and a head of hair, he had become human. Eagle was so happy indeed! She glided down to where he lay, and lifting him gently in her beak, left her old nest behind - and flew them both to their new earthen home. She placed Man on the ground in the rainforest where he would be safe and always find something to eat - and she went to the mountain top - where she could always keep an eye on him and help him with his creations whenever he asked.
(Elven '07)

Where your feet touch the Earth …
Your path has led you here to this place on your Dream Journey – where you are now.

Animal Dreaming Card: Eagle ~ Spirit ~ Air

Eagle Spirit has been flying with you for some time Chronata, bringing messages of inspiration and guidance. This may related to helping you in a very direct manner – a very personal contact with Spirit has encouraged you possibly to take life a little more seriously, and to make plans and assessments about your own progress and where you want to go in the future. Eagle makes her eyes available for you to see the road far ahead – (projection) especially in relationship to projects which you have been and are working on, and things which are yet to be completed. But not only on an artistic and entrepreneurial, or creative level. Are you looking to buy a house, or a log cabin :p .. I have the feeling Eagle is looking for a eyerie, which translated is you looking for a house. Has the time has come to think of family (I am really going out on a limb here Chronata – LOL!!) even if that family relates to people of kin, animals, or pet projects – you have what I see as ‘off-shoots’ around you – from your centre (the sunspot of your body) – sprouts many multicolored rainbows – each branching off in directions which surround ‘you’. A weave of personalities, Spirits – I wonder if you are having heightened clairvoyant experiences – seeing and remote (future) viewing.

If you feel a little better connected to your psychic abilities and if you are spanning your directions further afield than usual – you are heading in the right direction. Research and looking further afield has been a part of your journey and where you are now – enough of the future though, in the now, Eagle is helping you understand your connection ‘to’ Spirit – a strong relationship exists.

Have faith that what you are doing now will reap rewards and results. You are ahead of the Game, and your time. Im not sure what you are doing but don’t give up in Spirit, or your self. Giving up on either leaves you empty. Trust your abilities and those crazy ideas :D Guess what – they’re not crazy!!

When Spirit descends to your realm …Your Animal Dreaming Message.
The Animal Wisdom and Guidance which walks and talks with you at this time.[/ii]
Animal Dreaming Card: Cassowary ~ Respect ~ Fire

Cassowary is on alert – his little clutch of beautiful turquoise eggs should hatch soon.

With Cassowary Dreaming – I feel there's a message to keep your feet on the ground as Cassowary is a flightless bird, so at this time it is critical to know where your boundaries lie. It is a time of standing your ground, not taking flight, because others will tread over your lines if you allow them. They get this impression that this is OK to do from you maybe. Cassowary helps you to recognize and determine your ‘Sacred Space’ – This can be related to the fence line of your property, your front door, and your body, your heart Soul and mind. Defining your relationship with your sacred space will reflect back to you to what degree you are honouring it.

Cassowary asks you to respect what you have developed in the way of gifts, talents and skills, you are worthy of them all. Use what you have been through in your life, all those experiences and hard earned wisdom, to gain a better understanding of your own evolution - respecting and honouring those aspects of you, and embracing and integrating them into your life and into your creations. These connections are all sacred. Walk in a sacred manner – talk in a sacred manner – respect your self and what you have and do … it will be returned to you.

Cassowary coming into your life shows you something about your self and your interactions with others. Take pride in all that you do, you ‘can’ be proud of your achievements.

To Summarize:
Chronata, I feel intuitively this in time of great maturity. Spirit is with you at the highest level, and Cassowary gives you the grounding necessary for paving the way for the future with a new attitude. You move in ‘two worlds’. You have something special evolving, and Eagle works with Cassowary to bring this about. It is going to be a very special process of birthing for you. You are (all) working together – and to do that, you need the most supportive environment to nurture your dreams. It is why is important to organize and honour your creative realm, and all that you use.
In doing this, actions are a confirmation to Spirit - honouring yourself, Spirit and your sacred Space. It also unclutters and simplifies your mind – and gets the energy around you flowing freely. This is where you are Spirit work together – it needs addressing.

For a time, others opinions are not as important as your own assessments of issues and situations of how things should go from here forward. I see you taking yourself seriously now, there is a new level of approach to what you are doing – others will treat you as they see you treat yourself and your sacred space – proportional. You know how important it will be for the future – you are becoming finely tuned. It is a time to believe in you, and keep going, keep moving through.

I didn’t add to your Cassowary story like the Eagle one though they are related … Cassowary's story has yet come to pass .... but he lets you know ... Two creative manifestations you have been waiting on, and waiting for, are about to hatch … you wont know until the shells start to crack, and your creations becomes visible… and from then on in, it will be all systems go :D

Many Blessings
Elven x


oh my. made me cry!
What a beautiful story...what a divine gift...
and what a perfect reading for me right now!
Let me digest this for a few minutes...and I will feedback shortly.

Thank you.
Your gracious and gorgeous talent never ceases!


Elven said:
Eagle sits in her nest which rests on the winds amongst the darkness of all that is. Beneath her feathery body, 3 eggs lay warmly together. Meanwhile below, Lizard is wandering around... he is hungry, and very folorn. Suddenly he spies Eagles nest. "Eagle", he said "I am so hungry and need something to sustain me otherwise I will die! - Surely you could spare me one of your eggs, as I am famished"

Eagle looked at him and said, "Seeing that you asked, your need is heard. If you can reach my nest you can take one egg to feed your hunger". Lizard blinked at Eagle - he could not jump that far ... So standings as tall as he could on his front legs, and taking aim, Lizzard shot his tounge into the sky, until it reached into Eagles nest, and found an egg. He wrapped his tounge and around it and brought it gently back to his hidden darkness and swallowed it whole - he gave thanks and went back to his home.

The next night Eagle was in her nest sleeping when she heard a noise. It was Lizzard below, and he approached her again. "Dear Eagle of the realms, I still feel so empty inside. Could you not spare another egg from your nest to fill my tired body?". Once more, Eagle answered, "Because your request fills my heart with pity and you are an honourable lizzard - another egg you can have!" So once more Eagle allowed Lizzard to take another egg.

The third night came and Lizzard returned again into in Eagles view below. "I have nothing to offer you just now Eagle, I must Dream now for journey and an age, and I need some to eat - but if you spare me your last egg, I promise I will not bother you again for food". And Eagle looking at her last egg said, after some time. "You have overcome great fears to ask my for such a precious gift. But your voice I hear, and I know your need is great now. My last egg I offer to you". And she allowed Lizzard to take her 3rd egg and he was gone.

Eagle forgotten about Lizzard, and he never bothered her for food again ... until ...

Eagle sat alone in her nest cold and lonely.
An age had passed when One day beneath her, she heard a rustling noise. So old she was now - but her memory, hearing and eyes still keen. Looking down she saw Old Lizzard - his bones creaked and he was walking slow and heavy.

He looked up to Eagles nest. "Eagle" he said in his slight voice - "I have returned from my journey - and I have come to say goodbye... But I have always remembered what you did for me. I have kept you in my thoughts every day - and thanked you, but now my time is coming to an end, and I must leave here... But before I go, I wanted to let you know that I nurtured the eggs you gave me, I did not eat them, but I kept them warm and safe and cared for them because I honour and respect you for what you did for me. But now their time to hatch has come, and I have returned feeling a rumbling in my stomach - and I come to give them back to you now, formed in my own creative thought, in gratitude and love".

As Eagle watched in amazement, slowly Lizzard started to walk round in a circle. His body tembled and his legs quivered as he stepped. His pace got quicker, until Lizard was moving so fast even Eagle could barely keep her eyes on him. Spinning and spinning - suddenly from his mouth, Lizzard threw the three eggs into the blackness of the Sky. They travelled at such speed with such force that Eagle had almost lost sight of them before!- they exploded in a burst of lightning and sparks!

Eagle cowered and closed her eyes - such a blinding light! but when she opened them she saw the most beautiful sight! The Sun and the Moon and the Earth sitting and spinning together before her. She looked to Lizzard to say how wonderful it was - but he had gone - all that was left was an old shedded skin, and Eagle was sad at his passing, she started to cry in compassion, for his creation for her was so perfect!

And as as her tears fell, they blended with the rays of the sun, and took up the colours of his Earth. And one by one, they fell upon Lizard and revived him, and Lizzard began to change. He grew long legs and arms, hands and feet. His skin soft, and a head of hair, he had become human. Eagle was so happy indeed! She glided down to where he lay, and lifting him gently in her beak, left her old nest behind - and flew them both to their new earthen home. She placed Man on the ground in the rainforest where he would be safe and always find something to eat - and she went to the mountain top - where she could always keep an eye on him and help him with his creations whenever he asked.
(Elven '07)

This story alone is what makes you a most talented reader and storyteller!
I love this! I love World stories anyway...and The egg analogy of the heavens is very dear to me!

I was painting lizards yesterday! They represent shapeshifters to me, and I was making little lizardy talismans....I think we may have met in the Dreaming during this time! I know have a wonderful Lizard Dream story to tell!

Eagle is a beautiful spiritual symbol for me. I always have been a little bit intimidated by him (I think it's the USA symbolism that does it to me!)
But he has such authority coupled with spiritual wisdom...that I am most gratified and huimble to see him here!
The tale of sacrifice...helping those in need has been an issue this i have been giving more of myself than I have to give right now.

But this beautiful story confirms what I believe...that there will be rewards for it it in the end...and that I should not stop giving and caring for others! to the rest of this fantastic interpretation!

Where your feet touch the Earth …
Your path has led you here to this place on your Dream Journey – where you are now.

Animal Dreaming Card: Eagle ~ Spirit ~ Air

Eagle Spirit has been flying with you for some time Chronata, bringing messages of inspiration and guidance. This may related to helping you in a very direct manner – a very personal contact with Spirit has encouraged you possibly to take life a little more seriously, and to make plans and assessments about your own progress and where you want to go in the future. Eagle makes her eyes available for you to see the road far ahead – (projection) especially in relationship to projects which you have been and are working on, and things which are yet to be completed. But not only on an artistic and entrepreneurial, or creative level. Are you looking to buy a house, or a log cabin :p .. I have the feeling Eagle is looking for a eyerie, which translated is you looking for a house. Has the time has come to think of family (I am really going out on a limb here Chronata – LOL!!) even if that family relates to people of kin, animals, or pet projects – you have what I see as ‘off-shoots’ around you – from your centre (the sunspot of your body) – sprouts many multicolored rainbows – each branching off in directions which surround ‘you’. A weave of personalities, Spirits – I wonder if you are having heightened clairvoyant experiences – seeing and remote (future) viewing.

I have been feeling this...this connection to Spirit. But It came at a time of deep frustration and i am only now realizing what it is trying to tell me.
I spent the day in bed yesterday. the whole day. I was feeling so down. But all these odd dreams and coincidences and messages were coming to me!

It was as if Spirit wanted me to take a day rest to recieve these confirmations! I do feel more aware...more heightened...and if this is possible...more empathy to everything around me. It made me very depressed...because there is so much sadness around me...this full moon has heightened all my perceptions!
But I am starting to come out of it now...and relaize that these feelings aren't my own. They are like a cry from the earth.

As usual, I have a bazillion projects going on right now...but I seem to have a more serious purpose to you have said!
I am making a lot of things...and I just secured a vendor table at a local tarot conference, and this has made me very motivated.

As far as the house goes...I would love to have one! But this is about my Mother...and the work I have been doing for her to get out of the house that is falling down around her, get her selling and ready to move out near me.
Starting a family is never far from my mind...but I don'tr know if this lifetime will allow for that choice. I am coming to terms with it, and I think I am in an accepting mode now. But having Mom near us...would be an extension of family!

If you feel a little better connected to your psychic abilities and if you are spanning your directions further afield than usual – you are heading in the right direction. Research and looking further afield has been a part of your journey and where you are now – enough of the future though, in the now, Eagle is helping you understand your connection ‘to’ Spirit – a strong relationship exists.

I love this! Yes...I do feel more energized when it comes to spiritual offerings..more than I ever had before...and it is what my driving force seems to be right now...even ahead of my artistic spiritual connection...and my connection to my focus.

Have faith that what you are doing now will reap rewards and results. You are ahead of the Game, and your time. Im not sure what you are doing but don’t give up in Spirit, or your self. Giving up on either leaves you empty. Trust your abilities and those crazy ideas :D Guess what – they’re not crazy!!

That's good to hear! I feel like everything I do is crazy right much so that I dismiss all these weird million dollar ideas that swarm into my head lately! I do feel that I am ahead of the game the projects that need to be done...I have started early...and not waiting til the last minute as I usually do. all except the masquerade decks...becausee I currently have no computer...and I probably just lost all the files! Thank gods for originals!

I promise I won't give up! :D

When Spirit descends to your realm …Your Animal Dreaming Message.
The Animal Wisdom and Guidance which walks and talks with you at this time.[/ii]
Animal Dreaming Card: Cassowary ~ Respect ~ Fire

Cassowary is on alert – his little clutch of beautiful turquoise eggs should hatch soon.

With Cassowary Dreaming – I feel there's a message to keep your feet on the ground as Cassowary is a flightless bird, so at this time it is critical to know where your boundaries lie. It is a time of standing your ground, not taking flight, because others will tread over your lines if you allow them. They get this impression that this is OK to do from you maybe. Cassowary helps you to recognize and determine your ‘Sacred Space’ – This can be related to the fence line of your property, your front door, and your body, your heart Soul and mind. Defining your relationship with your sacred space will reflect back to you to what degree you are honouring it.

I love cassowarys! What beautiful creatures they are!
I seem to have this odd connection to Australia and it's inhabitants anyway. Both my spouse and I have been told we share a past life there!

anyway... I need to find and draw a sacred space again. I have let my spaces get full of garbage, and unorganized, and I need to take time to rededicate some space for myself. It's cleaning time again...and I just have been too overwelmed and sad to bother to get rid of the old...buit this thought keeps coming up again and again...

I need space. I need to keep it clean. I need to find and display the things that make me happy again. I need to organize...and I need this space to mine, and mine alone.
and I need to do it very soon!

Cassowary asks you to respect what you have developed in the way of gifts, talents and skills, you are worthy of them all. Use what you have been through in your life, all those experiences and hard earned wisdom, to gain a better understanding of your own evolution - respecting and honouring those aspects of you, and embracing and integrating them into your life and into your creations. These connections are all sacred. Walk in a sacred manner – talk in a sacred manner – respect your self and what you have and do … it will be returned to you.

I have occasional trouble with this idea...respecting my own talent. I have no problems appreciating everyone elses...but I go through dark periods (like one I just emerged from) where I don't feel worthy of any of it, or I don't feel that my talents are worthy.
This is an excellent reminder. When I read it I let out one long breath...and embraced everyhting you said here! I fel suddenly more enthusiastic of all the projects I have just begun...and all those that need finishing!

Cassowary coming into your life shows you something about your self and your interactions with others. Take pride in all that you do, you ‘can’ be proud of your achievements.

Thank you for this! I will start Now. :D

To Summarize:
Chronata, I feel intuitively this in time of great maturity. Spirit is with you at the highest level, and Cassowary gives you the grounding necessary for paving the way for the future with a new attitude. You move in ‘two worlds’. You have something special evolving, and Eagle works with Cassowary to bring this about. It is going to be a very special process of birthing for you. You are (all) working together – and to do that, you need the most supportive environment to nurture your dreams. It is why is important to organize and honour your creative realm, and all that you use.
In doing this, actions are a confirmation to Spirit - honouring yourself, Spirit and your sacred Space. It also unclutters and simplifies your mind – and gets the energy around you flowing freely. This is where you are Spirit work together – it needs addressing.

I think with the new sacred clean space, I will be able to better merge the new artistic and creative with the divine. It all seems to fit neatly together right a puzzle that i can picture in my mind...I just need to have all the peices in front of me!

For a time, others opinions are not as important as your own assessments of issues and situations of how things should go from here forward. I see you taking yourself seriously now, there is a new level of approach to what you are doing – others will treat you as they see you treat yourself and your sacred space – proportional. You know how important it will be for the future – you are becoming finely tuned. It is a time to believe in you, and keep going, keep moving through.

I see this too...taking everything a bbit more seriously.
We have had a bit of a money crisis, and I feel that this is related to what is happening right now with business, and my being able to translate spiritual and artistic endeavors into a 'real' job
I have started to becoem more serious in that I am looking at tax numbers and making this thing I do official now. (whatever this thing may be!)

I am trying to not let other people's opinions dissuade me. I have even run into some far as those who usually support me... being suddenly uncaring and unsupportive. I think this is a test! I really feel that with what has happened and with waht you have said here...that it is time to really put my belief behind what I be very serious about pushing myself and making other people aware of my gifts.
Thank you again for putting it so succinctly!

I didn’t add to your Cassowary story like the Eagle one though they are related … Cassowary's story has yet come to pass .... but he lets you know ... Two creative manifestations you have been waiting on, and waiting for, are about to hatch … you wont know until the shells start to crack, and your creations becomes visible… and from then on in, it will be all systems go :D

Many Blessings
Elven x

Cassowary almost does feel like a seperate story from Eagle...but yes, they do definitely come together to create a Whole!

I will lety you know when the eggs hatch! :D

as always...your readings are a perfect gift! And the timing was absolutely perfect for me to hear this, without judgement or the cloudiness of my recent depression.
This is all be affirming, and veryy wonderfully positive!
and I thank you from the top of my soul to the bottom of my heart for this amazing talent that you share with us...and especialy with me!

Thank you thank you...sweet Elven!


Dearest Chronata :love:

Thankyou so much for such detailed and heartfelt feedback - you are inspirational!!!!, and I always know that when I read for you, I am gifted by your presence, as when I draw the cards for you I can 'see' and 'feel' the reading coming through - the Creation story is your story, something that you inspired, a gift you enable me to bring out - and I dream and write - that is such a privildge for me, and one of the special things which I treasure being able to read for you - it is always a pleasure.

I cant wait to hear about your hatchlings!!! Tee Hee :laugh:
They will be spectacular!!!

I just know that things will be better for you. Your story about your Lizzards was wonderful to hear - Lizzard just came to me ... and I decided not to question Lizzards and Eagles together - but it brought my thoughts to dragons and flying reptiles ... but back to Lizzard. Lizzard is with you ... I didnt even think to look Lizzard up, by thumbing through my book - this will make sense to both of us ...

Lizzard is Daydreaming and Fire ~ Scott sees it as the "bumping into vital deatils of daydreams had on earlier occassions"... Daydreams are Spirits way of allowing us to consciously explore our future while remaining bodily alert. Scott mentions that about a week or two from the dreaming you will encounter it again - this is a prompt that an opportunity is about, once recognised (through the deja vu sensation or feelings) it will initiate a great change in your life.

You are having visual Daydreams Chronata - they are very significant - draw or write them down as you are doing - whatever they are! i know you dont question them, but dont be afraid to encourage yourself that its OK. Today as you lay in rest - can you remember some of those daydreams? You are spot on about Spirit telling you to take time out!! Allow yourself to make your mark in the World ...

OK so now Im having a moment as well LOL!!! :laugh:
These cards are amazing.

I suppose I had better get out of here before someone sprays us with something 'un-natural'!! :eek: LOL!! ;) :p

Take much care Chronata.
Many Blessings for this time ahead!
Elven x