Another unbelievable offer . . .


Ya know, this is a funny thread and I've really enjoyed seeing the responses to this woman's scam. Although, there are people who do the same types of scams regarding "charged crystals" and many more people take it seriously and hand over $100 or more for what basically amounts to rocks. The rocks have supposedly been infused with a spirit, or energy, or whatever, but I think the real energy in them is their ability to scam someone out of good money for a rock.

Bill V


billv said:
...but I think the real energy in them is their ability to scam someone out of good money for a rock.
Remember Pet Rocks? Now, that guy knew how to sell rocks at a BIG profit!

P.T. Barnum was his hero.


In her store, she's selling: well, she'll cast black magick spells for revenge. Is that kosher?


gregory said:
I only want hers if they include the black spandex.....})

That one's a deal-breaker for me, Gregory. I'm not big into card-cleansing, but after that, I don't think anything could cleanse those cards enough!

Still, why don't you write and ask her if the undies are included? I'm sure they belonged to a long-dead voudon priestess as well :D


Debra said:
In her store, she's selling: well, she'll cast black magick spells for revenge. Is that kosher?

Somehow, I don't think this woman spends a lot of time worrying about the laws of kashrut ;)

Sorry--couldn't resist!


starrystarrynight said:
Remember Pet Rocks? Now, that guy knew how to sell rocks at a BIG profit!
What do you mean "remember pet rocks" ???? Aren't you taking care of yours any more ? Mine has grown big and strong now and is ready to take on all comers.


gregory said:
What do you mean "remember pet rocks" ???? Aren't you taking care of yours any more ? Mine has grown big and strong now and is ready to take on all comers.
I planted mine in the garden. Mistook it for a potato once. Broke a tooth.


Mwahah! Gregory ... I read 'all comers' as 'all comets' :laugh:

Umbrae :p
Umbrae said:
I think this is the appropriate time to share this.

LOL!!! Very appropriate! I have the matching Ouija cheese board that goes with it.

Lettuce begin! After using the grater, (using the ritual instructions on the box) - the cheese is cast onto the board (you must be wearing spandex or leg warmers while doing this). Then there are the sacrificial olives - 7 of them - seven being the mystical number of the Greek Salad God 'Feta' - The olives are placed so as to represent the cosmology of the ancient Star disK. Strips of flesh from the 'Petes Meats Butchery' are held up to the four directions before making a cross on the ceiling, then placed to represent confusion of the cosmos. Onion rings represent any planet in retrograde and are placed in 'repeat' patterns around the board - and the croutons (representing the ancient God Croutonos) are then dumped in the center. Annointing oil - such as Praise cholesterol free - is dribbled around the edge - and then the entire board is set on fire.

I usually charge $1,000 bucks for this - but you are my dear friends and so be blessed with this ancient sacrificial lamb or chicken recipie for zip.


Thanks for the link Umbrae! :smoker:


Moderator Note

Talking Tarot, remember? :)