Anyone up for a few reading exchanges?


I am offering a few reading exchanges!

I have many decks to choose from:
Psychic Tarot
Tarot for the Heart
Wisdom of the Oracle
Romance Angels
Energy Oracle deck

This is for practice and fun!

I will try to get to you asap.

************THREAD CLOSED***********

****PLEASE READ*******


I'd like some advice from the cards & my Angels- how can I manifest the most positive changes for myself in the next 2 months?

You can choose Whatever deck seems fit!


MWhen were you hoping for a return reading?


MWhen were you hoping for a return reading?

Hi, I'm hoping for the return readings to be done within 24 hours. If not, that's ok. :)


Hi, I'm hoping for the return readings to be done within 24 hours. If not, that's ok. :)

Oh that's ok I just can't do it immediately cause it's so late.

I'm interested in timing ... very cool!

Q. When will I be at my next peak in health/life/lovebalznce?

Is that ok?
Otherwise, when will I move out of this big city?

The Wisdom oracle deck would be my preference please


I'd like some advice from the cards & my Angels- how can I manifest the most positive changes for myself in the next 2 months?

You can choose Whatever deck seems fit!

Hi, I used two different decks. I had two specific cards come out for you.

Healer of the Ages: I don't know what has just recently happend in your life but a lot of healing needs to take place soon. It's important to take the time out for yourself. Take care of yourself during these next few months. A positive thing to do here is to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Go for walks, get some exercise. Exercise is excellent for energizing your moods and so is doing fun activities! I think making better lifestyle changes is a start for you.

Disruption: did things start crumbling in your life recently? This card is telling you to have positive thoughts and to not let any negativity creep up into your mind. Your life is going to change for the better once you start with positive thinking. Negative thinking is just going to manifest negative things.

Let me know if this resonated!


I would love to join and can exchange using different oracle cards suited to your question.

My question is whether the communication between me and J is completely over?



Oh that's ok I just can't do it immediately cause it's so late.

I'm interested in timing ... very cool!

Q. When will I be at my next peak in health/life/lovebalznce?

Is that ok?
Otherwise, when will I move out of this big city?

The Wisdom oracle deck would be my preference please

Hi there!

Q1. You will be at your peak in health/life/love in 26 weeks, 26 months or at maximum 26 years. I generally use the psychic tarot for timing but I used this deck at your request.

The card i pulled was Happy, Happy. This is definitely a confirmation that you are going to reach that peak in all areas. You just have to wait for the right timing. Happy changes are on their way. :)

When will you move out of this big city?
I pulled Time for a Nap. This card is saying that it may take some time before you can leave the city. I think it's saying to not make any changes just yet. You need to wait for the right timimg. The timing I pulled is 24. This can mean 24 days, 24 weeks, or maximum 24 months.

I hope this helped! I've never used timings with this deck before. :)

My return question is this: 5 days ago I had a past partner reach out to me. (I predicted it happening)
Anyway, he went silent 3 day's ago and I don't know why. I'm not sure if I will hear from him again. Hopefully you can give me some clarity.

What has Jay W stopped communicating with me suddently?


I would love to join and can exchange using different oracle cards suited to your question.

My question is whether the communication between me and J is completely over?


Hi there! You and I are wondering the same thing! Lol

I have good news for you!
I pulled Awaiting Results. This means that the communication is at a temporary standstill. I think J is being patient when it comes to communicating with you. J is taking his time here and I know that it's going to take sometime to get that communication flowing in again. You won't be able to rush it, he will have to come forward on his own time. Don't give up hope but don't wait around for it to happen. It will happen when you least expect it. Trust me!
I hope this helped!

My question is similair: Will Jay W reach out and communicate with me again?


Hi there! You and I are wondering the same thing! Lol

I have good news for you!
I pulled Awaiting Results. This means that the communication is at a temporary standstill. I think J is being patient when it comes to communicating with you. J is taking his time here and I know that it's going to take sometime to get that communication flowing in again. You won't be able to rush it, he will have to come forward on his own time. Don't give up hope but don't wait around for it to happen. It will happen when you least expect it. Trust me!
I hope this helped!

My question is similair: Will Jay W reach out and communicate with me again?

Thank you, it looks like a wait, thats if he communicates again.

Coming Together

I think you will hear from Jay and it may be in the period of cancer, scorpio or pisces. I feel there will be some type of communication or coming together with Jay. It could be that you make contact or he will.

Would it be ok to sit for another?