Are there any tarot decks that you dislike?


Voyager. Too busy.


Decks I don't like in my collection - Celtic Dragon, Unicorn, Starter Deck (it was a GIFT :)), Pracowic Dragon, Oswald Wirth. Of course, I won't be getting rid of them in the foreseeable future.

I would be surprised to someday own any other Marseille decks, or any Egyptian decks except Nefertari's. I have learned about using the word never in any context.


Read with this?

'Lo all,

I think the Connolly Fool card must be the most vapid, dull, boring Fool card ever created in the entire history of Tarot.

Unfortunately, the deck mostly goes downhill from there.



I am sooooo late to this thread, but also a bit willingly...
Many members on here know what a Tarot Deck s**t I am - I just like them all! *LOL*
But I have been thinkig about it, and I have discovered that there are as many or more that I dislike, or at times DETEST.

- Arcus Arcanum: dull, ugly artowork too "roundish" with snazzy colours, the minors are all the same, the courts ugly-ish. And the excuse of the story is not that valid, it just seems like it is THE SAME sotry n each suit! *LOL* the Aces, 2s 3s and so on are all alike almost, only the items in their hands change.

- Tarot Erotica, Erotic by Manara and other obscene decks (Cosmic Tribe NOT INCLUDED cos it is lovely): I don't need to say why. Have you seen the Priestess in the Garden of Penises? YUCK!

- LO SCARABEO deck: Hey WolfSpirit, come read this! *LOL* I hate them all, just a couple are saved (Possibly Gnomi and Nefertari). They have those 3 or 4 idle artists who do nothing else in life than vomit junk artwork and make cards out of it. And the style is so similar in all the decks, almost as if there were no evolution or growth in the artists themselves. UGLY!!! All of them almost.

- Round Decks: I just don't think I could use them, and anyway Motherpeace makes me feel uneasy JUST FROM THE SCANS *LOL* And the Cloisters one is ugly, I prefer Scapini's.

- Badly done Themed Decks: like Babylon, Baseball or the others. (Some themed decks are awesome though, like Legend The Arthurian, Halloween, Rock & Roll).

- Connolly and Hanson Roberts: they are DIABETIC. And I cannot afford to risk a Glicemy Surge. :p

- Certain stuffed and busy decks, like Lord of the Rings and Voyager (whereas LAT and World Spirit are gorgeous).

GGggRRRRrrrrr I forgot them... I had a list somewhere.
I'll be back when I have more in my mind. :p

EDITED TO ADD some more in my head
- DANTE, BOCCACCIO: they are so UGLY!!!!!! The artwork sucks, and I cannot see at all the relationship with the writers and their works. I should GEt them before commenting, but REALLY I can't see the point. Also because the are so DARN UGLY!!!!


I totally agree with those who say the Motherpeace is ugly! I mean, how can u even SHUFFLE those cards? They' I don't care much for those obscene decks either. I remembered being disgusted with one deck that showed a priest and nun doing....stuff....

I don't like the Halloween deck. Dunno why, but it has a very commercial feel to it.....Lord of the Rings as thugh it were thrown together just for the extra $$$


Lo Scarabeo - how can you not like the Art Nouveau even a little? I like the Avalon, too. Hanson-Roberts has its own rather, er, pastoral charm. But oh yeah, LOTR the deck is hellishly ugly. I don't like the Legend:Arthurian AND the Arthurian either, and add the Shapeshifter to the Celtic Dragon's relegation corner.

Off-topic, do visit the #tarot chatroom at MIRC's server! :p


Art Nouveau and Avalon are bare imitations. UGLY imitations.
The Art Nouveau as got nothing of a tarot deck - just plain pinky decent fluffy artwork. Don't they know we are supposed to divinate and READ with them? For the Avalon, I never cared much for it, it just puts me off - I much prefer LAT and Hallowquest as Arthurians. And nobody touches Celtic Dragon!!! I am itching for tht deck since I came to Aeclectic 2 years ago! *LOL*
The LoScarabeo decks ARE UGLY - it is a sort of postulate... ;) *LOL*


Ahhh, but who says I have to buy cards to read with 'em? I can just appreciate their "fluffy" (unreadable, mostly) artwork. Lol!


Pollux said:
- LO SCARABEO deck: Hey WolfSpirit, come read this! *LOL* I hate them all, just a couple are saved (Possibly Gnomi and Nefertari). They have those 3 or 4 idle artists who do nothing else in life than vomit junk artwork and make cards out of it. And the style is so similar in all the decks, almost as if there were no evolution or growth in the artists themselves. UGLY!!! All of them almost.

I promise I will never doubt you again Pollux LOL

I have two lo Scarabeo decks and I don't find them ugly but they just have no soul, no meaning...
Other decks grow on me, these decks just begin to bore me.
They are in tarot purgatory right now, I 'haven't decided what I'll do with them...


WolfSpirit said:
I have two lo Scarabeo decks and I don't find them ugly but they just have no soul, no meaning...
I was wondering what the fuss was all about with Lo Scarabeo decks. Why several denounced the products of the whole company.

I see now. You're talking about their original gimmick decks. I've never really even given those decks a second look.

Lo Scarabeo prints and distributes several of my absolute favourite decks. For some, they're the only source. For others, thanks to the Llewellyn deal, they're the most accessible local source.

But they didn't design any of 'em.