Behind Your Back - Querents


Thank you Nisaba and Myr!

This thread has had some surprising posts for me!



I prefer to have the sitter seated next to me if possible.
I like to share the imagery with them and discuss certain symbolism etc.
I tend to read "with" the sitter rather than "to" them.


I like to have the sitter beside me if possible. I like to talk with the querent about the card and what it shows - I need them to be able to see what I'm talking about so that they can get involved in the reading. I've tried reading with the sitter opposite me and I'm just not comfy, and have had to scoot round or else hand them each individual card as I discuss it. On balance, I'd rather have them beside me :)


Ambrosia and Wendy....

That so makes sense, and yet so often readers (in movies etc) are shown ACROSS from querents. I mean I'm sure there are some who prefer them across from them and then show them the cards, which works, but it would seem easier to just have them beside you or at an angle they could also view cards.

Thank you both for sharing your thoughts.



If I'm reading for friends or family at home I read for them sitting on the sofa with the cards on the coffee table so they sit next to me, if I'm out and about I do try to have the person next to me because like a few people here I tend to point to the cards I'm reading to explain things.


Greatdane, I guess I see tarot reading as an interactive thing. I will read "for" a person, but if they are happy to, I would much prefer to have them involved in their reading.
Sitting side by side really just makes it easier to share with the sitter. I also think when you are side by side with your sitter it makes them feel as if they are not alone, they have someone going through it with them if that makes sense.


Makes sense to me, Sarah and Ambrosia!

I guess the movies go for that visual effect of panning from face to face across a table, the gypsy-looking, ominous fortune teller facing the frightened querent. I remember the palm reader from the old Wolf Man movie with Lon Chaney, I think. She was scarier to me than the Wolf Man!



You know, the people I read for trust me as the reader to do the reading and, like someone else said, their attention is focused on me and what I'm seeing rather than on the cards usually. I also don't read "this card means this and this card means that and that one means thusly", if you know what I mean. In other words, in the Your Readings forum and such here on AT, it's a learning venue so I often do interpret cards one by one and then weave it together, but if I were reading for you in person, I'd be just weaving together what the cards say to me for the reading as a whole, I'm not pointing and saying, "This card is the Ace of Wands and means---yada yada---and this next one is the Emperor and means ---yada yada---" and so on like that. Not any more than I'd interpret each word of a sentence in reading you a story. I'm reading to you what the cards are telling me as a whole in response to your question and they don't always mean what the book says they mean individually. That's not truly doing an actual reading, in my opinion.

So I don't find having the querent sitting next to me is my preferred way. If I were teaching a friend card meanings, then I'd do it card by card.


Good to know, Grizabella!

I can see the advantages and disadvantages to various methods, but I guess what ever works for the particular querent is all good. If ain't broke, don't fix it, right? I doubt I will ever have that problem as I am interested in mainly reading for myself anyway. I so enjoy reading about all your experiences and what works for you as readers though.

Dancing Bear

I'm with Griz
I read with the client opposite me.
Never had anyone wanted to see the cards as i do..
I have on the odd occasion shown them a card to explain why i am seeing what i do..