Brain Teaser Tarot Question...


Ok y'all.......
I had a dream last night that I'm trying to figure out.
The Angels were talking to me about what is about to happen in my life. And I was having trouble holding on to what they were telling me. So I asked them to tell me with the Tarot cards. And they did.
One card I have figured out.
But the other card I'm wrestling with. I can't figure it out. It *felt like* a Major Arcana but that doesn't mean that it for sure was one.
It was a *Smokey* card. Does that make sense?
I could see the smoke wafts.... like smoke from a cigarette. The Angels told the that the card means "A move/travel"....
Any clue what card this could be y'all?
(P.S. It's not The Fool.... that card was also on the table and I could SEE that one LOL)


Was it a specific deck?


I could see the smoke wafts.... like smoke from a cigarette. The Angels told the that the card means "A move/travel"....
6/Swords. Swords are air (smoke); 6/Swords cards often show people in a boat heading across a river or lake, and in many cards, the boat is shown making its way through fog, trying to find its way across. The card can indicate a move or travel, especially if leaving behind a troublesome situation for a someplace better.


Stormdancer........ I could see the fool card but I did not recognize the deck...
It was ummm..... "regal" looking?
Thirteen... I did think of the 6 of swords but had not seen that card with fog.....
I'm gonna google pics and see if I can find one.
Thanks y'all.......
*still wrestling* LOL


Wow, what a great site! Thank you for that. It's nice to be able to see many different versions of the same card.
You ARE kidding right? Stormy teaches Thirteen something??? :bugeyed: ***faints***


Pagan Tarot / I Tarocchi Pagani / Witchcraft Tarot

It was dark like this..........
but it was a man and he was in something like a suit.......
still looking..... what an amazing site ! THANKS !!!!!!


It was a *Smokey* card. Does that make sense?
I could see the smoke wafts.... like smoke from a cigarette. The Angels told the that the card means "A move/travel"....
The destruction of the Tower would leave smoke wafting through the air. And if the edifice in which you've been living is destroyed, you would need to move/travel to another location. (Looking at it metaphorically, if your false foundation has been destroyed, you must "move" to another location where you can build a new, true foundation.)
