Can the two of cups mean a new person coming into the picture?


Until you mentioned the Wheel of Fortune coming before the 2 of Cups, I wasn't sure of the meaning of the Cups card. Of course, though, the Wheel of Fortune makes all the difference. In that case, then it can and probably does mean a new person entering the picture. :)


Until you mentioned the Wheel of Fortune coming before the 2 of Cups, I wasn't sure of the meaning of the Cups card. Of course, though, the Wheel of Fortune makes all the difference. In that case, then it can and probably does mean a new person entering the picture. :)

Thank you! I drew the two cards together. I feel that this makes sense. I still am curious as to if it means a new phase of the past relationship.


I concur with one of the earlier posts, more than one card is needed in order to make a better informed interpretation.

Wheel of Fortune-Change of fortune, changes involved, odds in your favor
2 of cups- cementing relationships, mutual partnerships and concords. Cups overall are about love, emotions, relationships and creativity

If you look closely at the Wheel of Fortune card in many decks someones about to fly off the wheel and someone else is about to get on it :)

If you were doing a Celtic Cross even the final outcome card has to be evaluated and interpreted holistically in terms of the other cards involved, the question, and the querents background and circumstances in the sitiation

Very interesting view on the wheel....another person getting on or hopping off. This was a celtic cross reading where I drew two cards for the outcome, so the two were together.