Client looking for a miracle from the cards/me

Dancing Bear

I dont know where to put this one, Mods please move if i am in the wrong section..

The other day i did a reading for a client, which was rather difficult.. Her mother 84 is having a heart operation,, the question was, what do i do and will she live through it.. UUUUGH!!! This work is so hard sometimes...

What do you say to this.. tarot are not going to tell me if she will live or not, as it was.... the death card came up within the spread, which freaked her out completely.. here i go explaining the meaning behind the death card trying to calm a very emotionally upset person..
The spread started not so good and ended up quite successful and my guide i work with also gave me what was wrong , otherwise i was i would have been kept in the dark as this woman had no intentions of telling me.. I think i was under a test. :)

Has anyone else had this type of client.. who not only tests your ability but expects you to tell them miracles will happen... I found myself after the reading mulling it over for ages, things i could have said, should have said but didnt.. and wondering what else i could have said.. Even though i dont like being tested nor these type of questions thrown at me I still try to help as best i can, because i can literally see the inner child of my client crying, this one was curled in a feotus postion sobbing.. It was such a sad sad reading.. I did protect myself before hand which was a savior as i am not drained at all, just been thinking about it, LOL!!

psychic sue

Oh God yes. I find I can't read for them. I always say "I am NOT a fortune teller - I am telling you what YOU can do. Your life is YOURS to make what you will of it".

Some people expect miracles....


I am also uneasy when folks bring the clear expectation that the cards will somehow change the outcome. That is, a 'good' outcome card will somehow change what is likely inevitable. Or, as you say, expecting a miracle from you and/or the cards.

I am glad to hear that you got the hidden aspect. Querents possibly indeed 'should' be more open, but often they are not for various reasons of their own.


And really the sad part is when you get a client like that it's really about their inability to deal with their parent's death...and not about the mother at all.

She's 84 with a heart condition...of course she is going to die...if not in this surgery then in the next, but she will how are you going to reconcile yourself to that and go on and enjoy the rest of your life?

Sorry if that sounds tough and unfeeling, but sometimes in order to make that little child in the fetal position look up and rub the tears out of their eyes you have to be blunt.

Sounds like you did your yourself.
The ones that need blunt you will come to know, and the ones that need gentle you will come to know...just trust yourself.


OMG... I've had twice a dream in which I'm involved in a situation pretty much like you described, I got asked about the health of a old mother, the problem in the dream was that the Querent kidnapped me because he was a criminal unable to get close to his mother.

Needless to say I am most interesteed also to know what other people had done in situations like this.


Dancing Bear said:
The other day i did a reading for a client, which was rather difficult.. Her mother 84 is having a heart operation, the question was, what do i do and will she live through it.

.... the death card came up within the spread

Well take a good long look at the question – of course the Death card showed up! As Homer Simpson would say, “Doh!”

I mean even if mommy lives through the operation she’s gonna die anyway, and even if she doesn’t – the sitter’s life is about to undergo massive Death/Change anyway…if Death didn’t show up in the spread I’d expect to see The Tower, Three of Swords, The Happy Squirrel, the Sixteen of Very Sharp Knives…

One has two choices for this kind of reading, make them reword the question or refuse to read for them (ho hum), or get ready to do a reading that ain’t all sugar and sweet.

You know…even if mommy lives through the operation, daughter dearest had best get her poop in a pile to say goodbye in a meaningful way…that doesn’t leave mommy feeling like poop.

Our culture harbours so much ‘Death Fear’, we live in fear and denial of it – and then as a reader we have to face it and come up with something positive? Difficult stuff unless you face death yourself. Until you sit and hold the hands of one or more loved ones as they pass-over…it’s all theory. Get down and dirty with Death – then these readings won’t scare you.

“Doh” :smoker:


"get down and dirty with death"............i love it! :D

it makes me wonder what kind of a mind comes up with a question about an 84 year old and whether they will live.....a 24 year old, yes maybe it would be decent enough question to ask if worded slightly differently...but an 84 year old? nah.

obviously the lady in question was very upset about the thought of her mother leaving her, but to ask about it just sounds so daft - sorry for speaking my mind........again! lol

i am hoping to start doing readings for others soon and if anyone asks a question such as that, or will i get married to a rich man, will i have a high paid job and become a millionaire, will i win the lottery.......i shall merely smile sweetly like a stepford wife and ask them to think of a decent question to ask of my cards.



You do not get stronger by lifting up pillows. You get stronger by placing demands on your muscles and 'forcing' them to grow.
Same with the mind. It has to be challenged, you have to be challenged in order to grow.
A good teacher will always push towards this.

The client you described was a brilliant opportunity for you both to learn something valuable and... grow.

Who knows how long any of us have in this existence? She needs to ask her mother if there's anything she would like.
e.g. a passage read from a favourite book. How does she want to live the rest of her life? Surely not in a hospital bed?

I was trying to put the quote below in my own words, but failed. The original is best. Its taken from Star Trek II. After Spock's body has been shot into space. Bones says...

"He's really not dead. As long as we remember him."

Everything that is important remains.

Getting the client to remember that... A mind should be awash with the simple fact that the mother lives on in the daughter.

No need to be blunt. We're all in this together.


Umbrae said:
Our culture harbours so much ‘Death Fear’, we live in fear and denial of it – and then as a reader we have to face it and come up with something positive? Difficult stuff unless you face death yourself. Until you sit and hold the hands of one or more loved ones as they pass-over…it’s all theory. Get down and dirty with Death – then these readings won’t scare you.

“Doh” :smoker:

Well said....coming face to face with death...of oneself, of loved ones, is transforming...and transforming in a most wonderful way, if one opens up to the beauties hidden within transitions that are faced in a loving and open fashion.....

We're all gonna go there...sooner or some ways, when my dad died suddenly when I was 22, I was given so many lessons and gifts at a young age.

Yeah!! Take those cards and let them help someone deal, and, in the process, transform all who look at the cards.


Dancing Bear

Thanks everyone.

I did use this reading, to help heal a few wounds this woman had, in which reflected her reaction to death..
She actually flew down to her mother the next day, to be by her side...I am yet to hear whether the woman survived the operation, My guide says she did..

Yes Job it was a learning experience... It was a very emotional reading, but also enabled me to see where else i could have gone with this type of reading....

I also saw a dark hooded man with this woman who would not show his face, next to her, he was hugging himself as if to keep me from seeing more than i already had.... I wonder what this could have been..

Umbrae I agree; Death should be faced. I am not scared of death myself, i just do not want to leave yet :) .
My client was petrified..
I came across a poem which i thought summed viewing death up quite well.


If you keep your spirit correct from morning till night,
accustomed to the idea of death and resolved on death,
thus becoming one with the way of the warrior,
you can pass through life with no possibility of failure
and perform your office properly.

From Yamamoto Tsunenori 17th century

Dancing Bear xxx :love: