Collector's thoughts


<cackle> Probably the character with the empty bank account and the full shelves ...


Ah ... so YOU are the 78th deck? How profound :)


Being anal retentive, I print out a sheet on all my decks and keep them in a binder. One day, I decided that I was going to stop at 99 decks - a magical number that would fit in my binder. I was so happy with myself.

Two weeks later, I had to buy a bigger binder.

Now, I think I will have to buy a shelving unit. Or get rid of books. They no longer fit in my current deck storage areas.

I really need to review all my decks and cut back to 99, but I can't bear to get rid of any.


Le Fanu said:
Oh not that old rites de passage... })

I bet there isn't a tarot collector out there who hasn't had the idea that they'll stop at 78. I think I had it once for 10 minutes when I noticed I had 76 or 77......
Actually I never did that - I went from 50 odd maybe, to buying a box with 130 plus in it - so there I was past that marker without ever knowing about it :)

The thing to do is stop counting them as one whole collection, but divide them up -

x of 78 card decks
y of 22 card decks
z of black and white decks.....

or something, if it makes you feel better :)