connecting pips to majors


Whenever possible, I place the corresponding Major next to or above a Minor in a spread. So for example today I pulled the Ace of Cups. I laid Le Bateleur next to it. It helped me understand the Ace a little better. Cant do this if both cards are in play but when not, this may help add another dimension to reading the pips

Is this method acceptable? Using the second set of ten majors one could expand the spread and the pips meaning even further, I suppose


Of course its acceptable - i think that any method that works for you is, but this one in particular is quite common in readings with TdM; maybe there is some other system of correlation, but basically i also relate Aces to the Magician/Le Bateleur, twos to the High Priestess/ La Papesse, threes to the Empress/L'Impératrice etc.


The visual aid of the corresponding Major in the spread really helps at this point in my studies :)


HerzogIsGod said:
The visual aid of the corresponding Major in the spread really helps at this point in my studies :)
Yes, to me too for some reason! :D
Glad you are enjoining your studies and hope you'll join the reading circles!


Thanks for the info :)


Any method is acceptable, if you find it useful.

That said, I'm not comfortable with the idea of trying to map 22 trump cards to 4x10 pip cards. Even if there were 10 (or 40) trumps, why would one do this? I dabbled with this idea for a while, but when it comes right down to it, I've never seen a system that seems anything other than arbitrary in assigning correspondences between the cards.....

....but right now, all systems seem pretty arbitrary to me, so it's perfectly valid to toss my opinion on the rubbish heap (THAT is a system that seem to work for most).


thinbuddha said:
That said, I'm not comfortable with the idea of trying to map 22 trump cards to 4x10 pip cards.

There are not 4x10 pips; there are 4 x 55 pips among the pip cards (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 pips in each suit).


(Still arbitrary (plenty of room to mix and match your own prefered sequence of suits and sequence of trumps for example) - but so is a lot of things, and very useful things).


If we follow the Pythagorean idea of the "connected' nature of '1', '4', '7'. and '10', and align these numbers in the different suits we can create a hierarchy of dignity consisting of 22 levels. Nice coincidence, eh?

Here's one way to correlate the rank and/or dignity of the pips and trumps.





That's very interesting. Just picking out one sequence to see if Im reading correctly... is this chart drawing a connection between Hanged Man, Ten of Cups and Seven of Coins?

Im not sure what "Hierarchy of Dignity" means