Conspiracy Theory Readings


nisaba said:
Meewah, how would you like to host your very own Conspiracy Theory Reading Exchange Circle? The reader uses the spread, the client provides the conspiracy theory. I want someone else to read about my Pethedeine Conspiracy Theory.

Sign me up.

That is an interesting idea! I am sure that would be better as a separate discussion thread. Let me think about it some. & thanks for the idea.


I have been dithering between two subjects, both public figures. & thinking about both of them whilst fiddling with the Tarot of Prague, which I find just awesome for this type of reading! (Okay, so I may be biased where the particular deck concerned, but it so full of intrigue, moonlight & shadows).

As soon as I figure out which one of the two I am supposed to be reading about, shall throw the cards, etc, & then amend this post to link it to Your Readings.

Your patience appreciated. Thanks!


Le Fanu said:
I shall come clean here and say I never quite know what a conspiracy theory actually is ...

Like Henry VIII was actually an alien or something like that?
Yes. And mine. I have a conspiracy-theory based on 50 years of life, giving birth and a large number of knee ligament injuries and a few broken bones, that when my Medicare card is scanned on hospital admission, on the screens that patients are never allowed to see, a flag comes up that informs staff that I'm a part of the Involuntary Lifetime Pethidine Placebo Trial; they are to offer me pethidine for pain, but only ever inject saline solution. It's got so that when they ask me for an estimate of my weight to work out the correct dose, I up my weight by 15 kilos in order to get slightly more - and it *still* doesn't work!

The gas makes me feel drunk - I hate feeling intoxicated and out of control, so I automatically panic, which raises my pain levels. Then they ritually administer my placebo, at which I usually give up and start hoping for unconsciousness ...

A good and slightly more impersonal CT is that the Moon Landing was faked, and you can see evidence of a breeze in the footage of the flag.


MeeWah said:
Many of us are fascinated by conspiracy theories. & as a reader, I certainly am!

Oooooh, me lovey! My conspiracy theory minded soul is all excited !


I am wondering how conspiracy it has to be. Does one person's evil plan which was successfully carried out by devious means count as one ? (I have a politician in my sights...)


photokat said:
Oooooh, me lovey! My conspiracy theory minded soul is all excited !

YAY--another warm body :D

Though not gone through life conspiracy-minded, lived long enough to learn to rely on the antennae & other promptings that something 'off' or just plain rotted. Actually, my first glimpse of such occurred as a child. & contributed towards using playing cards in order 'to see' more & gain knowledge.


gregory said:
I am wondering how conspiracy it has to be. Does one person's evil plan which was successfully carried out by devious means count as one ? (I have a politician in my sights...)

Yes. Whatever strikes thy bones/eyes/heart/gut. Those to be seen as the means by which one learneth. & that far more to this world than apparent of the bone & sinew, flesh & blood.


OK ! Margaret Thatcher, here I come })


Hi Meewah ! Just noticed the thread ! :) This has got me thinking about John Paul 1 . I remember seeing news of his death on the tv when I was a little girl . Hmm . Murder or heart attack ? I think I'll go with this one !


gregory said:
OK ! Margaret Thatcher, here I come })


I'm glad I saw this thread... I've been wanting something to focus on outside of my own life, for practice.