Contacting Spirit Guides Safely


I say prayers for protection every day when I wake up for general protection from psychic energy, even (especially) from the living, but of course very much so from lower spirit entities. Being an empath, I need the extra layer.

EXACTLY! Same with me.

Here is a prayer of protection that I say before each reading that I do:

I call on the Archangel Michael to fill and surround me with your blue flame of healing and protection. I ask you, dear one, to cover me, cover me, cover me, cover me. Cover me to the front and the back, to the left and the right, above and below, and in the center. I ask you to fill and surround my auric field with your great force field of healing and protection. Nothing can enter my field on any level of being without your divine permission. Thank you, dear one, thank you Mother-Father God. And so, it is. I now know my aura is cleared, healed and closed to all but the Christ Vibration.

I've never heard of this prayer before, but I do like it. I just simply ask Archangel Michael to watch over me, my loved ones and our home and property and keep it/us safe from all evil and danger. But, I think I may also begin saying this prayer, Mell. Thanks for sharing it!

I have really bonded with Michael as a result. The only drawback is that he is a stickler for truth-telling so I have to behave. :)

again, me too. Its also interesting how many readers I go to (here and not from here on A.T.) who are able to 'see' Archangel Michael around me. It makes me see that I'm not doing all this in vain. Arhcangel Raphael is another one they see around me often. :)

I also call for the sitter to imagine a tendril of their energy going down, down into Mother Earth and anchoring there. Then I say something like "We call on our guardian angels and spirit guides to come forward at this time. Dear ones, please bless us with your love and guidance as we cast a light on the path of life."

Once I began to use these prayers and invocations, the quality of information in the readings became so much better and the information seemed to flow forth, is the best way I can describe it. But protection and asking for help are key to me whether I am doing readings or just going about my day.
Mell, I love that too! I think I will have to adopt that as well. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :heart:

I agree ... the thing is, these techniques are essential for further work BUT even just in themselves they are highly beneficial, even for one that has nothing to do with spirits or tarot, etc ... the benefit passes into other areas of one's life; physical, mental, emotional, inspirational / creative .

Thank you, ravenest. I do also believe they are highly beneficial. So, it is a practice for me to always pray to Archangel Michael and all the Archangels, angels and saints for protection and guidance whether I am doing readings or not. I do feel them around me and feel protected and very blessed. I urge others to give it a try and see for themselves! :)


This prayer was given to me and I am so pleased to pass it on to others of kindred spirit. :heart: I agree with Ravenest; being fastidious about our spiritual energy is good not just for readings but going about our day, interacting with others and creating a happier, healthier life. It's all energy and it's all connected. :)


Dear Mellaenn,
Thank you kindly for sharing such a beautiful prayer and for the information. It is very much appreciated.


I also like what ravenest said about how adopting these kinds of techniques or engaging in this kind of work, can have far reaching effects. Adopting a "practice" can benefit us by influencing and positively impacting other areas of our lives. I think that's such a great point. Thank you.


Thank you, Mellaenn. This is beautiful.


I say prayers for protection every day when I wake up for general protection from psychic energy, even (especially) from the living, but of course very much so from lower spirit entities. Being an empath, I need the extra layer.

Here is a prayer of protection that I say before each reading that I do:

I call on the Archangel Michael to fill and surround me with your blue flame of healing and protection. I ask you, dear one, to cover me, cover me, cover me, cover me. Cover me to the front and the back, to the left and the right, above and below, and in the center. I ask you to fill and surround my auric field with your great force field of healing and protection. Nothing can enter my field on any level of being without your divine permission. Thank you, dear one, thank you Mother-Father God. And so, it is. I now know my aura is cleared, healed and closed to all but the Christ Vibration.

I have really bonded with Michael as a result. The only drawback is that he is a stickler for truth-telling so I have to behave. :)

I also call for the sitter to imagine a tendril of their energy going down, down into Mother Earth and anchoring there. Then I say something like "We call on our guardian angels and spirit guides to come forward at this time. Dear ones, please bless us with your love and guidance as we cast a light on the path of life."

Once I began to use these prayers and invocations, the quality of information in the readings became so much better and the information seemed to flow forth, is the best way I can describe it. But protection and asking for help are key to me whether I am doing readings or just going about my day.

Thanks for sharing your prayer of protection! I absolutely love it.
My favourite deck is Archangel Power tarot by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Which features Archangel Michael, who represents the swords suit in a blue colour. So the prayer of protection resonates for me....



I have been studying Tibetan Buddhism for about fifteen years and took lots of vows with HH Dalai Lama and other great teachers, and we always says prayers of protection for ourselves and others. Interestingly, they often take the form of 'taking refuge in' the Buddhas, meaning only allowing and adopting connection to the highest energy of something, like the Medicine Buddha IS the essence of healing, and the Buddha of compassion IS the essence of compassion etc., and Tara the Mother IS the essence of all goodness and protection and love etc. I think that for anyone, some sort of basic prayer and intention that "I allow and embody only the highest good/only the highest essence of love and light and healing" or whatever similar might be useful, especially for those who are not connected to angels or deities etc. I go for short and succinct phrases these days, so something like that works best for me now. I figure that the actual essence of love itself is more powerful and straightforward to me than me believing, perhaps mistakenly, that a certain deity or angel or whoever does embody it--I go to the source of it to reduce my error! Boy, did I make mistakes in the past of understanding energies...


"I allow and embody only the highest good/only the highest essence of love and light and healing"
Mine runs something like this... :) And I always set the intention to act in harmlessness in all that I do. :)



my name is HOLMES and I approve this message, thread !!!

but seriously that is something as well I been sharing with all those who ask,, and earlier in my time on the forum I shared a lot of about this,, and the white light.. and working to achieve high level beings of light rather then leave one open for lower entities who are filled with anger, and could lie to a person.

there are many reason why it could be hard though to open up to the idea of spirit guides,, angels, spirit animal helpers.. stuff like ego, life experience, lack of faith. to fear.
fear is a big one for sometimes it takes a person a long time to work through that fear.
the main thing for me is to validate this message and encourage that people new to the genre should focus on a safe, focused, working method for a lot of people.


This is a really interesting thread.

Having a practice that includes protection, banishing, grounding, etc. is really new to me. I used to not believe that we needed this things, mostly because I really believed that any journeying / magick / divining I did was all merely psychological and I am an incredibly grounded and emotionally together person. As I've moved more toward polytheism I've started to see the Gods and spirits and those that dwell in the dreamworld as more real, and with it I've started needing to cleanse my space, create a strong energetic container, etc. whenever I do my altar work / journey work.

One time in Journey I visited a guide that I visit often and things took a, shall we say, dark turn. I came out of it feeling emotionally really shaken up, and I was given the message that I should always "protect myself" when I interact with that particular guide.

Ways I do this: I always invite Spider along in journey space as a protective guide, much as it seems folks do here with Archangel Michael. Those of us that have animal guides probably all have at least one that is our "go to" guide, I think it's important to always keep that one close when doing spirit work. I also use physical things like cedar oil or incense and salt water to bless myself and my space. I ALWAYS end a session where I am visiting a guide or working with a spirit by thanking the spirit / guide and then telling it in no uncertain terms that we are done hanging out and it is time for them to leave. This has always worked for me, and I do the same thing if an energy shows up that I'm not interested in working with at the moment. I ground and center to begin my work and then when I'm done I ground again and dance around or sing a song or just sort of pat myself down to make sure I'm well rooted in my body and in "reality".

I don't believe in "good" and "evil" spirits but I do believe there are energies and tasks that we may not be yet ready to handle, or that are just so intense that we need some help and protection. An extreme example is working with a deity like Loki... many people may never want to work with Loki, and some people would really rather not. If I chose to, I would do everything I could to set up the most powerful protective energy possible because I only want to invite certain aspects of Loki into my life or maybe I want him there for help with a specific task (but please don't bring on the end of the world today, thank you). I don't think Loki is evil (some may disagree) but I do think that there are only very specific areas of my life that he may be able to act as an ally in and that generally I don't want to invite him in all his glory to run amok in and burn down every bridge I have because he thinks its funny. (I'm actually pretty careful about Loki because I feel like he is around and accessible to me but I really don't want that energy in my life. To the point where if I just knocked on wood and told him to bug off and that no, I wasn't calling him. :))

Really, I think it's important to just create whatever ritualistic framework you need to feel safe interacting with the spirit world, divining, etc. You could dangle a shoe over your head and call it a day if that worked for you. The key is to be in charge of your own practice and your own energy field. I take bits and pieces from various teachers I've had that seem to work for me. And even if your belief is that any magic work you do is simply psychological it's good self - care to do these things so you can stay grounded and healthy.