Cosmic Tribe Tarot


I searched and couldn't see a thread about this deck. I just got this deck and am loving the fact that it has 3 Lovers cards. I am in the 'getting to know you' phase. Does anyone use this deck? Justice is VIII and Strength is XI, and the energy of the deck is just different than some of the others I have worked with. Is this a Thoth influenced deck?

Le Fanu

Cosmic Tribe is Cosmic Tribe. I believe it is Thoth (they say) but each time I get it out, I throw all other mention of systems out of the window and just dig that Cosmic Tribe vibe.

I love this deck. I know loads of people who loathe it. Grubby, mucky, contorted, naked bodies - all shapes and sizes - against psychedelic backgrounds. How it sings with a very unique voice!

I love the democratic feel of it; big, skinny, hairy, overweight, long hair, short hair, fair, dark, beautiful, ugly, tattoed, pierced. They're all in there. And people overlook the cards with no people in; the 2 of Cups with the entwined birds' necks is so beautiful, as are many of the other non-people cards. The nudity is the first thing people think of when this deck is mentioned.

It is such a wild & exhilarating deck that doesn't care what people think of it! My god, the tarot market neeeded this deck!

Oh and btw, there are loads of threads on it... Advanced Search/Cosmic Tribe/Tarot Decks...

Le Fanu

"where are all the Cosmic Tribe fans?"

(echo; "where are all the Cosmic Tribe fans?")

Come on, there used to be loads!


I love the Tribe. A great deck with a great vibe that reads great. What's not to love? And it is essentially Thothy at its core. I was just talking about how underrated it is.

Why doesn't it get more play? I guess people are often scared of penis. And they're even more often scared of non-dysmorphic bodies. Thousands of people will snap up plasticine mermaids and porno-ready Waite-Smith courts, but give this a wide berth. :confused: It's a funky, fantastic deck and repays regular use.

Le Fanu

Scion said:
I guess people are often scared of penis.
Too true. Botox boobs with a mermaid's tail is much easier to handle (erm...) than penis. And OMG photographed penis at that. But I love the fact that there is so much more to it than nakedness and it has ended up being known as the naked deck with a gay/lesbian Lovers card when it has this and so much more...


Cosmic tribe has been on my wish-list for almost 10 years! Ha. It's one of those decks that I somehow just never get around to buying. I've just bought a bunch of decks, but I think with my next lot I should bite the bullet and just get it.

Personally, I think tarot needs more penises (penii?). Also, pecs.

Gotta balance out all those boobs, after-all. :D


This deck is just cool. The art is what it is but it is a great deck to get to study. I like a lot about the deck and my biggest issue with the deck is my trouble shuffling the cards.

My deck has an irregularly cut corner that hasn't been rounded well. I have not taken the time to fix it. The deck is colorful and I love the back design.

The fact remains this is a deck that some like and some don't.



Another Cosmic Tribe lover, here. Our last tarot society meeting was a show-and-tell, so I took a bunch of Thoth-inspired decks to show. People were ooing and ahhing over it--and pointing and giggling! But the reviews seemed pretty positive.

I love its funkyness and its Thothyness. And its inclusiveness.


I almost never like photographic decks, but I do love Cosmic Tribe. Working with it is a joy. I always smile when I see everyone, especially the Empress. This feels like a gallery of funky old friends! I really need to bring it out and play with it more than I do.


Le Fanu said:
"where are all the Cosmic Tribe fans?"

(echo; "where are all the Cosmic Tribe fans?")

Come on, there used to be loads!

Here is one - and what's more this is the ONLY "Thothy" deck i love not just like or find interesting, nor real, unconditional wild and unexplainable love. That's what scares lot's of people i think - it's a wild "watch-out-here-I-am- take-it-or leave-it-but-I won't compromise" deck