Crying To Your Deck Silly Question Have You Ever?


So recently alot has been going on me and my boyfriend broke up and its been a really hard experiance since it centered around infidelity, i found AT right before this happened. I love the people here I have found so many people going through experiances and being able to read and cope with each other has been great.

That being said aside from people sometimes in my life away from the computer I am busy, I have alot of friends but I'm viewed as some what of the outcast no one really understands my eccentricities I irritate the crap out of people with my non stop talking about astrology, tarot, spirituality and the things I love which I'm finding out alot of people i know in my age group mid 20's have not found who they are yet and don't understand why I'm so passionate about these things some times my best friend is my deck, sometimes especially recently when I'm breaking down and reading for understanding for myself I sit and cry talking to my deck and im not talking about a few tears I mean full on crying telling them how hurt I am and why and explaining my life. It sounds so stupid to say and I'd never admit this to my friends because well no one would understand it but i just wondered secretly do any of you ever do this with your cards bond with them by talking to your card stock? Sometimes I think its bad for me to do it because of the negative energy but for me i just cant hold it in.

id love to hear experiances and stories :)


I sent you a private message. :)

Briar Rose

Well, you can do spreads with your cards, and ask the cards to help you sort out your feelings.

Although I am thinking that you would benefit greatly from the movie, "The Secret." And check out, "What the Bleep Do We Know."

I bet if you turn around those statements such as, "no one is around, no one to share the cards with" and replaced those statements with, 'there are so many people to share the cards with' your situation will change real soon.

Have you gone to visit a local metaphysical shop and talked to them? Maybe ask a sales person to have a soda and take your cards with you.

Personally, I rather just share here on AT and keep myself private from my community. I have found that the people here don't live up to my expectations on what spritiuality means. Meaning, they don't walk the talk.

Golden Moon

I don't see it as being bad, I think that when someone lets out their feelings the cards can pick it up and help you understand better the situation. I must admit, I have been angry as heck and read the tarot and the first thing that the tarot tells me is to calm the heckl down and function. After I calm myself down then thats where it shows me whats ahead of me:).
There is nothing wrong with crying to your deck, I just builds a stonge and firm bond between both of you.
And don't worry things will get better:).


I've not cried tears to my deck before, but I have complained to it. I know how you feel - I live in a small town. I don't really spend a lot of time out of the house. I don't talk to a lot of people my age (early 20s) because most of them in this town only seem to care about girls, boys, or both - and how to get their next "fix". a few months after I got my first tarot deck (Rider Waite) I think I remember spending about 30 minutes fussing at it one night. lol. I can remember saying and thinking some pretty harsh things. I wasn't fussing at the deck, I was just complaining to it about my life in general. Afterwords I felt stupid and went to bed.


Briar Rose said:
Well, you can do spreads with your cards, and ask the cards to help you sort out your feelings.

Although I am thinking that you would benefit greatly from the movie, "The Secret." And check out, "What the Bleep Do We Know."

I bet if you turn around those statements such as, "no one is around, no one to share the cards with" and replaced those statements with, 'there are so many people to share the cards with' your situation will change real soon.

Have you gone to visit a local metaphysical shop and talked to them? Maybe ask a sales person to have a soda and take your cards with you.

Personally, I rather just share here on AT and keep myself private from my community. I have found that the people here don't live up to my expectations on what spritiuality means. Meaning, they don't walk the talk.

After reading that i deff. want to see what thats all about thanks so much!


Briar Rose said:
Although I am thinking that you would benefit greatly from the movie, "The Secret." And check out, "What the Bleep Do We Know."

I bet if you turn around those statements such as, "no one is around, no one to share the cards with" and replaced those statements with, 'there are so many people to share the cards with' your situation will change real soon.
The Secret is AMAZING! I second that recommendation!


Any release is good.

Some people use story books, others movies, some work.
Some even use religion.

You use your Tarot Cards.
It also will help build trust in them.

Just dont give away your personal power to them,or anything else for that matter.


People pour their hearts out to their diary and nobody thinks that is a problem. At least your cards have nice meaningful pictures on them to give you some feedback, a diary just has lines!

Better to vent to your cards than bottle everything up, I think.