Crystal Ball


thinbuddha, the exercises you mentioned sound like a great idea and i'm going to try that. i'lll keep you posted.


Hi Thinbuddha!
Yes, you are right!
The crazy thing is also that many people think they can see better with a LARGE crystal ball--- but there the curvature is less and therefore the brain has an easier time stitching together an "accurate picture" wherelse a small ball with higher curvature gives faster results....
However, people who stare =focus into their ball will eventually -hopefully stop thinking and so go into a meditative state eyes open.-- or they get their phantasie going and imagine away....
.......After all that ball was expensive and there have to be some results........
They however are not in a trance state since the neocortex is not shut of and an EEG would show Alpha waves not Theta. (I was a study experiment candidate for mapping brainwaves over 30 years ago at the university and it freaked the MDs out seeing someone with full theta waves that was not sound asleep or brain damaged but could see what was going on in the next room.... We were tested with 210 beat/ min drum pattern, idiosyncratic gong and bell sounds and a light sphere that was
~ 18 cm across and did not work as well as a small crystal ball.)
At some point the eyes give up to stitch the picture together, the brain stops trying to make sense of the garbled info and you slip into an altered state.
The other thing is some people try soooooo hard not to blink --- with the effect that they for sure stay cramped up in full Betha wave alert every day consciousness. = they out-tricked themselves and Mother Nature!
however once your brain learns that it actually is supposed to "shut down" when You settle in front of your crystal ball--- or with your drum for that matter it will know what to do and .... oh well ti is like riding a bike = once you did it you will always be able to ...
Then the next question is : Are you intuitive mediumistic shamanistic by nature/ genes or whatever and can you "See" = go into the collective unconscious and find what you are ment to see or are you just seeing personal shit (sometimes helpful too) and what I call "space junk"....... last night when, I after writing the post I sat in front of my crystal ball - inspired by you all out there - and saw that the hunt camp 3 km down the road had actually shot another moose and it was now hanging there to bleed out.... YEIKHSZ!
That was "Space Junk" I was not looking for and did not need to know and get upset about....
.... Unless I get up and out there right now and ask them if they are going to use the hides or if I could get them for tanning , since they throw them away anyway......


Thank you for all your interesting posts Mi-Shell. What sizes would you recommend for crystal balls? And what do you think about the difference between natural quartz balls and melted down/fused crystal balls?


*embla* said:
Thank you for all your interesting posts Mi-Shell. What sizes would you recommend for crystal balls? And what do you think about the difference between natural quartz balls and melted down/fused crystal balls?

Hi Embla!
Oh well I do not know!
Smaller is more effective, if you want to trance.
BIIIIG may have many sparkling inclusions.... they can trigger a wealth of imagination ......
And then there is your pocket book to think about (mine too!!)
A glas bowl/ flower vase made from crackled glas at the local Thrift Shop might be just the thing to get!
??? natural quartz versus melted down/fused crystal -??????
If "it" speaks to you- get it!!!
The scrying power is not in the crystal ball but inside you!
Good luck!


Thank you Mi-Shell for sharing your thoughts and for reaffirming that the power is within me and within us all!

charmed1980 I know I'm new to all this, but for some reason I thought "scrying" was the crystal pendulum over a map searching for someone... or is that just hollywood's version?


celticnoodle said:
It is called "Crystal Ball Gazing" 'The complete guide to choosing and reading your crystal ball' by Uma Silbey.

I happened to catch this book in a used book store, so I grabbed it. After having read most of it, I can report that it is good and has a lot of ideas in it that are very different from the ideas I've seen elsewhere. For instance, she is the first person I've seen who suggests using a well lit sphere in a darkened room (most people seem to suggest dim lighting with only indirect light on the sphere). She also prefers natural spheres, where most others seem to prefer the clear lab grown quartz spheres.

I also grabbed another book from the same store: "Crystal Gazing and Clairvoyance" by John Melville. I haven't read much of this one yet, but once I do, I'll let you know how it is.

In regards to scrying, I've never seen it used to refer to use of a pendulum:


oh good & thank you thinbuddha for the information on that book. i will most definately order a copy now from do let us know how you like the 2nd book as well.


What the book doesn't have: there is no magic formula, only some suggestions- some meditations (my word) that you can use for paricular goals. But the basic message of the book is that anyone can do it, and all you have to do is get a crystal ball, and focus your attention on it for a few minutes and leave yourself receptive. So I reccomend getting the book (Uma Sibley's book- I still haven't read the other one) but don't read it at the expense of time that you could be using to actually *do* the crystal ball gazing.

On the whole, the experience of reading the book was a positive, but it was also an avoidance tactic feeding the part of me that is maybe a little afraid of what I might find in that ball. The little gazing I have done has been similar to the experience of petting an orca at Sea World: I can feel that there is a lot of power there, but I have no means to determine just how much power because I'm only feeling the surface- I have no clue what the depths are at this point. I haven't felt this way about a lot of things in my life, and honestly this makes me hesitate with a bit of fear.


I fully agree with thinbuddha!
Only scry when you need to "see" something!
Because you may wish you had not looked -- like my previously told experience!
The "well of weird", the collective unconscious, the "original memory" is always open for business -- and it may not necessarily yours...

By the way -- using a pendulum to do "scrying" is not only used on Charmed!
The word is an old Anglosaxon word for seeing something
"within the betwixed and the between,
that no ordinary man has ever seen"