Crystal sound and vibration


I think the most fascinating thing about sound and vibration I´ve ever read is that the stars and the whole universe vibrate at certain frequencies.
There is no air so there is no actual sound out there but the vibration is there. So in theory "the Sound/Music of the Spheres" the ancients talked about is true.
*If* we could hear Universe as sound it would be very interesting cosmic music.

Black holes vibrate at C which is 57 octaves below middle C
and a dying star vibrates at about middle-C. Supernova explosions also emit a vibration that could theoretically be a sound.

Cosmologists and astronomers use these vibrations as fingerprints to identify different stars and with the help of these vibrations they have also been able to ascertain that the center of our sun is about 12 times as dense as lead.
There was a website once about all this and where one could listen to the sound of stars (frequencies had been changed so that we could hear it) but I can´t find the website anymore.

So, if stars vibrate why not crystals!



am i the only one so far who resonated with A?

Before i read the notes and corresponding chakra/crystal color i went to the keyboard and was testing each note. A resonated the most which is interesting because i just posted in the "What crystal are you" thread that i felt i was fluorite.


that is TOTALLY interesting Hemera, i didn't know that. i always loved space pics, thought they were totally beautiful. now i guess i can imagine music being spun with all the amazing lights out in space

I think the most fascinating thing about sound and vibration I´ve ever read is that the stars and the whole universe vibrate at certain frequencies.
There is no air so there is no actual sound out there but the vibration is there. So in theory "the Sound/Music of the Spheres" the ancients talked about is true.
*If* we could hear Universe as sound it would be very interesting cosmic music.

Black holes vibrate at C which is 57 octaves below middle C
and a dying star vibrates at about middle-C. Supernova explosions also emit a vibration that could theoretically be a sound.

Cosmologists and astronomers use these vibrations as fingerprints to identify different stars and with the help of these vibrations they have also been able to ascertain that the center of our sun is about 12 times as dense as lead.
There was a website once about all this and where one could listen to the sound of stars (frequencies had been changed so that we could hear it) but I can´t find the website anymore.

So, if stars vibrate why not crystals!


uh oh. Does this mean I am a black hole? ;p lol! Fascinating stuff...what is it Shakespeare said - " There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I think it is also very interesting that the ancient philosophers already had a handle on this stuff, even without proof or Hubble telescopes or anything like that, and yet here we are, with all our technology, just beginning to delve into the possibilities...

This resonance stuff is SO incredibly interesting!


moderator note

The posts above have been moved from another thread (Why repulsed by some crystals?) which is why the discussion may seem a bit patchy.


Thanks for sorting us out, Hemera! :)


Sorry for the delay in response everyone! My computer imploded yet again last night rendering it useless. Second time this week. I just pray it makes it through and survives the Mercury Retrograde!!! I kept a large chunk of black tourmaline on it all night and hopefully it will stay revived at least long enough to post something here. Thanks, Hemera, for splitting off the thread and sorry to everyone for any trouble, confusion...when I first posted I didn't know there would be such amazing interest/response to the sound healing/vibration issue! Thanks also, Hemera, for that wonderful information about the Music of the Spheres! Yes, it is real and has been known from the time before time, I think humans have just forgotten how interdependent we are on a cosmological basis. ;) oh, and I did find this link to "space albums"...I haven't listened to any of it so this isn't a "plug" but some may find it worth exploring. (if you look to the left of the screen under the album pic, most of them have a small sound sampling). Incidentally, this is pretty much what group toning sounds like and anyone who may be interested in that I would suggest you google for "Pineal Toning" groups in your local area, check your local meetups, or contact your local metaphysical stores for information they might have on groups meeting in your area.

great advice, Frac_ture! I still ended up with C, both ways :) so I guess I really am a root chakra gal. Thanks SO much for your input - I am sure it will be invaluable to all who try this. :D It certainly explained your love of amethyst, and mine of garnets!

What did the others come up with...? :) Yes, you! I wants to know! lol! This is SUCH a great exercise in getting to know yourself, your chakra and your stones...why they appeal - or repel.

I still have a question, though (WildChilde, feel free! You started this! Lol!) so if I resonate to the root chakra, then...that means I am that type of person? Is it because my other chakras need more attention, or is it ok to live happily and comfortably here in the roots? lol!

Frac_ture, that online keyboard is totally awesome!!! I am so glad you posted it!! Along with what you suggested about humming (and actually, the sound healers I mentioned also suggest that to find the right vibration we need to hum), I would also mention that some people might also respond better to that online resource by switching it to the flute (or possibly the pan flute although I personally preferred the flute setting). The reason being basically the same principal...the flute is a breath instrument and can help (even as a synthesized version) to find that internal vibration of the "hmmmmm" at any key.

Hehe, sweet Lotus! you crack me up. you are soooo into this! I would also suggest to anyone interested in vocal toning/sound healing please purchase or download Jonathan Goldman's Vocal Toning the Chakras (this is just one source where you can find it for sale)...he describes in great detail (much better than I can) what vocal toning is, how to do it, and what use it has for ourselves and the harmonics of our planet. Also, if you begin to read and hear his work, you will learn more than you ever wanted to know about all the stuff we are discussing here like the vibration of stars/the earth/the universe and healing.

With that little "plug" out of the way ;) Yes, I too am a "B" (eee)...this is my crystalline tone and I swear I sound like a dolphin (or what I imagine dolphins sound like when they speak) during group toning. LOL eeee...eeeee....eeeeee...eeeeee...eee...eeee ROFL! Sometimes the lower tones are very difficult for me to do or to even hear (just like Lotus with difficultly in the higher registers), generally I prefer anything above the key of E (solar plexus). There have been a few times that a man has been in group doing the low register though and it sort of "recalibrated" me to be more open to those sounds. I think this is what you call "harmonics at work". This might be another good reason to obtain a CD of vocal toning because if you are having trouble with certain sounds hearing others do it in the healing mentality might help "recalibrate" you in the same sense. This doesn't mean you are going to change from your natural comfort zone, but it may help with any tones that are "grating" or jarring to your system. Just like with the crystals, sometimes we have to have small doses.

Lotus, it appears you have answered many of your own questions along the way :) and also gotten wonderful input from other posters so I won't try to back track...but I do want to say that whatever Vibration (or "frequency") a person is naturally aligned to is just a part of what makes them unique individuals, and like Hemera said of the stars, is like our fingerprint in the universe. So, being "low" or "high" or "somewhere in the middle" does not indicate that there is anything wrong or worse/better than any other person. It just means it is part of our uniqueness. Because of my heritage, which still claims lineage to the stars, I also personally believe that these frequencies keep us aligned to the star (or star clusters) from which our ancestors originally came and to which our Spirits belong.

The issue, I think, is one of "harmony"...can we make 'beautiful music' together or do we grate so unpleasingly against each other that we cannot stand to be in the same room together? The issue of "harmony" is therefore also applied to the use or resonance we feel with crystals. And at least for me, I have found that some crystals in the same "register" have completely different affects on that harmonic balance within me. Much like the man in toning group who was able to "recalibrate" me, a piece of (what I think is) picasso jasper had a deep/positive affect on me but the red jasper was a bit of a stressor to my system.


am i the only one so far who resonated with A?

Before i read the notes and corresponding chakra/crystal color i went to the keyboard and was testing each note. A resonated the most which is interesting because i just posted in the "What crystal are you" thread that i felt i was fluorite.

fascinating, N1ghtS - can you explain a little more why that relates to fluorite? Is it because of the colours in the pieces of it you prefer...? :)


Hemera, that was amazing information, by the way, if I didn't say so earlier...this is just all so very interesting! I never explored the sounds theory as much as this before, and i am finding it to be ringing true in all my cores, you know what I mean?

Also, I find it interesting that the notes others like kinda put my teeth on edge, as I like the lower sounds - but very interestingly, though C is definitely my fave (with the other notes around it being ok too) the only high note that din't bother me was C1, or the top end of "Do" (as in do re mi fa so la ti do) so obviously c and do are my go to guys lol!

I was fascinated by the earth and space sounds, WildChilde - thanks so much for posting that. What I found most interesting, after hearing them all out, was that Earth was my preferred album lol! Being root chakra and C, comes as no surprise that I am so very grounded! lol!

WildChilde, you will now have to explain why your lineage and ancestors came from the stars - I have GOT to know! loL! How can you leave us casually hanging like that...? ;p
I am now imagining you to be very tall and blond with pointy ears, like the elves who once roamed Ireland and Scotland and were thought to be the star children...

Also thanks, WildC, for answering in such depth and detail when your computer is Mercury afflicted... ;) that was kind!

I guess my basic question though was about the other chakras. As in, if one is root or sacral, then should one work to integrate the others more? And do crystals help to do that? While your answer about everyone having their own sound and chakra fingerprint was understood, I was interested to hear about you feeling "recalibrated" by someone making the lower tones.

The best part of all this is that it just adds to self-knowledge, which is always instrumental to success, because you cannot know and love and connect to the world around you until you first properly get to know and understand (and love!) yourself :) the more we know/learn, and the more curious we are, the better off and healthier and more connected we are.

I was also fascinated by your take on harmonics. My older brother once explained to me, when i was a teen, about people being either "harmonic" or "disharmonic" and though I understood it then, I understand it deeply and better now - and I had forgotten about that! So I am glad you brought it up.

I will be buying that audio download, btw - his voice is deep and pleasing and C note-ish! lol...I am fascinated by his view. I listened to the sample and enjoyed his metaphor about the orchestra, and about how a modern doctor would treat that problem! lol! off with their heads! ;p :)


fascinating, N1ghtS - can you explain a little more why that relates to fluorite? Is it because of the colours in the pieces of it you prefer...? :)

I just thought it was pretty amusing that the properties of fluorite, which deals with, but isn't limited to: discernment, aptitude, order, unbiasness...all mental qualities to me; coincide with the tone that related to me, which was the A correlating to the 3rd eye. To me, the 3rd eye that in one of its functions acts as a "hub" that helps translate and organize information/energy from the crown.

add to that, my sun is in Gemini, and moon is in Aquarius, both signs ruled by mental planets Mercury and Jupiter.

no wonder some nights i end up just laying and thinking unable to sleep.

but the funny thing, after looking at all of this, i don't think i can relate easily with the Swords suit. but that's a self-diagnosis...maybe someone might see a stronger link between me and Swords than i do myself. :)


I just thought it was pretty amusing that the properties of fluorite, which deals with, but isn't limited to: discernment, aptitude, order, unbiasness...all mental qualities to me; coincide with the tone that related to me, which was the A correlating to the 3rd eye. To me, the 3rd eye that in one of its functions acts as a "hub" that helps translate and organize information/energy from the crown.

Ah - ok, I understand now! That actually makes sense, and when I look back at my crystal "being", garnet, it is root and so therefore resonates with c, as your fluorite and you relate to A. Very cool! I see the system of tone/chakra/crystals works really well together!

add to that, my sun is in Gemini, and moon is in Aquarius, both signs ruled by mental planets Mercury and Jupiter.

Interesting! I am a Gemini too, but moon in Aries - which, being a fire sign, would vibrate well at root (because of the red). Makes a world of difference from your moon in Aquarius, and eye chakra, doesn't it? lol! So I see astrology connects rather nicely too with the rest!I wonder if the actual day one is born works into this, too? As in, does numerology also go with the rest, as astrology and crystals seem to?

no wonder some nights i end up just laying and thinking unable to sleep.
lol! No kidding! ;p Busy, busy mind...

but the funny thing, after looking at all of this, i don't think i can relate easily with the Swords suit. but that's a self-diagnosis...maybe someone might see a stronger link between me and Swords than i do myself. :)

Well, this is more about the crystals/sounds/chakras link, so I don't want to go too much further off topic than I already have - but I think you raised a really interesting point there! N1ghtS0ng, did you consider bringing this topic of sound and vibration and tarot into the "talking tarot" threads? I think you have latched on to a fascinating idea, there, about the suits and the resonance they might provoke! ;) I am betting you'd get a huge response. What an original thought, N1ghtS - Please, do start a thread! :D