Crystals for Temper

Glass Owl

I've had good results wearing howlite and hematite at the same time. I had a very stressful day at work the other day and I was wearing blue lace agate and I felt very calm.

I basically had to stop wearing tigers eye at work because I noticed that when I wear it I feel very defensive and irritable, particularly while dealing with impatient and rude people. It was as if I had a difficult time letting things go like I usually do. But that's just me and my reaction to it.



I dont know why.. but when reading your post I thought, hmmm I have no idea. But then Jade popped into my head and was just screaming, a jade bracelet. Maybe small round jade beads strung on a simple string. Nothing fancy.
I hope that helps some. Good luck!


i have a horrible temper. i'm snarky, mean, manipulative and bratish to the people closest to me. Chrysoprase is the crystal that has helped me the most. when i carry it with me i find it really difficult to get angry.


Jade to help with temper


I dont know why.. but when reading your post I thought, hmmm I have no idea. But then Jade popped into my head and was just screaming, a jade bracelet. Maybe small round jade beads strung on a simple string. Nothing fancy.
I hope that helps some. Good luck!

I have actually never owned any jade and have never used it. I'll check it out, thanks!


Amethyst helps me to keep my cool emotionally - I think. I have a small stone that is shaped just like the native american lifeline bear, and I carry it with me when I know things are going to be hard and I might get over emotional. I actually don't really believe in the powers of crystals, though --- but it has worked!

I bought these cute little crystal collar charms on Etsy for my dogs, especially my smallest one, who weighs 5 pounds and goes after dogs 40 times his size with the attitude that he can wipe up the town with their butts. The maker of the charms suggested howlite. Not sure if it worked, though, because right at the time I got it, the dog he always went after, the huge lab next door, got hit by a car.


I would recommend the rose quartz highly. it is a huge stress relieving stone and just gives you a warm, peaceful feeling when you have it with you. it is a gentle, loving stone that helps one to feel calm and at peace. this stone can truly make one feel compassion towards others, and will help to heal emotional wounds and anger and frustrations. this stone is lovely to look at and a wonderful healing stone for anything emotional in my opinion.


Totaly agree with this: Rose Quartz would be great for you! Perhaps try some Chamoile tea as well? I dont know if anyone else does it, but when I get really angry, a tea that helps me is Mint tea...for some reason it is real soothing to me. THere is a verse somewhere in proverbs dealing with a temper...I cant think exactly where, but the gist of it is: 'He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that ruleth a city...' or something like that. You might want to find this verse and write it down and then wear it like a textual amulet. Hope it helps.'s proverbs 16:32
'He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.'


I would recommend the rose quartz highly. it is a huge stress relieving stone and just gives you a warm, peaceful feeling when you have it with you. it is a gentle, loving stone that helps one to feel calm and at peace. this stone can truly make one feel compassion towards others, and will help to heal emotional wounds and anger and frustrations. this stone is lovely to look at and a wonderful healing stone for anything emotional in my opinion.


Totaly agree with this: Rose Quartz would be great for you! Perhaps try some Chamoile tea as well? I dont know if anyone else does it, but when I get really angry, a tea that helps me is Mint tea...for some reason it is real soothing to me. THere is a verse somewhere in proverbs dealing with a temper...I cant think exactly where, but the gist of it is: 'He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that ruleth a city...' or something like that. You might want to find this verse and write it down and then wear it like a textual amulet. Hope it helps.'s proverbs 16:32
'He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.'

I do like rose quartz - it's nice but it's never been one of my super favs. I do have a nice polished rose quartz stone that I got a long time ago, and a nice crystal but that's it. I really like moonstone and ameythst and citrine: also tourmaline I love. I'll tally up all the votes here and see which ones I like best. Thank you!


I also do love chamomile tea, but can't drink it where I work! :)

levannah60 long as it works for you. Sucks about the tea though...