Crystals to help with loneliness?


I am feeling very lonely lately. Like pit-in-my-stomach, hopeless, awful, gonna-be-alone-forever loneliness. I'm *not* alone, mind you, I have good friends and family, and I count my blessings for that. But I'm at an age where my friends are all married/having kids, don't have much time for friends anymore, and I'm single and feeling left behind, alone, and afraid (no, PETRIFIED) that I'll never have any of that for myself. It's just such a dark and ugly feeling, and even though I am grateful for so much in my life, this is almost debilitating at times. I am embarassed to admit this, but I am finding myself feeling resentful, jealous, inadequate, and bitter more often than I'd like. I'm not liking the side of myself that I've been seeing lately. I'm a generally happy person, but I just can't seem to access any of that positivity right now.

I've used crystals for others things before, to varying degrees of success, but I'm really hoping there is something that can help me out of this funk. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks :)


I suggest moonstone. :) And, maybe, getting out of your comfort zone to make new friends who might be both your same age and at the same stage of life? The stone itself can only do so much-- I remember when I had a lovely teardrop-shaped moonstone pendant, but the stone started spontaneously cracking from so long in a lonely, socially toxic environment. I tried to use it to cope, but I wasn't doing anything to get out.


I suggest moonstone. :) And, maybe, getting out of your comfort zone to make new friends who might be both your same age and at the same stage of life? The stone itself can only do so much-- I remember when I had a lovely teardrop-shaped moonstone pendant, but the stone started spontaneously cracking from so long in a lonely, socially toxic environment. I tried to use it to cope, but I wasn't doing anything to get out.

Thank you so much for your input. You have no idea how much I appreciate your taking the time to offer your advice. I will absolutely try the moonstone, but I do see your point about having to get out of my comfort zone. It's so hard to make new friends!!! But I've been trying and will continue. I'm a very social person, so being "out of the loop" so much hurts a lot. On the bright side, I'm just booked a vacation overseas with some "marginal" friends, if you know what I mean. Keeping my fingers crossed that maybe traveling together will put them more in the category of core friends, which would be so nice!


I know that garnets are good for alleviating the feeling of loneliness. it is also a love stone and will help to bring love closer to you. this includes platonic friendships as well as true love. it is also a stone that will bring about some balance in your life.

another stone that I would think could help is the rose quartz. I absolutely LOVE that stone. The rose quartz helps you to feel loved and is so gentle and calming. it is great to help you through tough emotional times. it is 'the heart stone' and can also aid in bringing love to you. it also helps one to feel more loving towards themselves also. btw, i recently found out that it is also a great stone to keep one looking lovely and wrinkle free, (not saying you have to worry about that, but when I found that out, it made me like even more! :p)

those are two stones that come to mind, and I'd especially recommend the rose quartz. it is truly a lovely stone. ;)


Generally, I feel that you already have a group of good family and friends around you; showing you care, concern love. But despite this, you are experiencing negative feelings and thoughts. So, what I am suggesting is that you could try Tugtupite to help to unblock those negativity from your heart and open up your heart to experience love.

A quote from the Book of Stones:

"Love is a many-side emotion, and much misunderstood. A great deal of what is expressed as love is any number of other things –codependency, dominance, need, even fear and anger. Most frequently, love as we know is a pale imitation of itself. Tugtupite, for better or worse, releases the pure emotion of love in all its uncontrollable intensity. What comes afterwards can take many forms, but they are all a consequences of this opening. Of course, nothing happens against one’s will. One must be open to these potentials for anything to occur.

As Tugtupite opens the heart, the upper chakras receive these energy and are opened and energized. This can lead to the harmonious and integrated function of the heart, third-eye, throat and crown chakras, in which all are enlivened andthere is joy and heighted awareness coursing throughout one’s emotional and mental bodies."


After the opening of the heart, I would suggest you to try Ocean Jasper.

Ocean Jasper brings one’s consciousness to the present moment, relieving worry about the future or bitterness about the past. It allows for the release of stress and escapism and helps one understand the value of there and now. Its capacity to gently focus one’s awareness on the positive, wholesome aspects of life can be a great boon to those who are lost in a cloud of darkness.



Like celticnoodle, quartz rose come first to my mind, but also the rhodochrosite. You should try to meditate with the stone you will choose on your heart, every week, as long as you will find it necessary.
When you will need some energy not to despair, you can try the citrine on your 3rd chakra (I think tiger-eye may be too aggressive for you).

(I'm sorry if I made a mistake in the names of the stones, I don't know their English names...:()


I have to say... I dont love rose quartz personally. I have struggled with loneliness at times and often experience exactly what you are talking about. I call it 30 something syndrome. LOL.

A stone I have recently found, love and wear everyday is Chrysoprase. I highly recommend it! I wear it on a chain with a moonstone, and a green amethyst.

I wish you luck and please feel free to PM me if you would like to chat anytime!


I am feeling very lonely lately. Like pit-in-my-stomach, hopeless, awful, gonna-be-alone-forever loneliness. I'm *not* alone, mind you, I have good friends and family, and I count my blessings for that. But I'm at an age where my friends are all married/having kids, don't have much time for friends anymore, and I'm single and feeling left behind, alone, and afraid (no, PETRIFIED) that I'll never have any of that for myself. It's just such a dark and ugly feeling, and even though I am grateful for so much in my life, this is almost debilitating at times. I am embarassed to admit this, but I am finding myself feeling resentful, jealous, inadequate, and bitter more often than I'd like. I'm not liking the side of myself that I've been seeing lately. I'm a generally happy person, but I just can't seem to access any of that positivity right now.

I've used crystals for others things before, to varying degrees of success, but I'm really hoping there is something that can help me out of this funk. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks :)

There's a lot of good advice in this thread, regarding stones and also reaching out to other people, but I'd like to add one item that hasn't been posted yet. Please consider talking to your family doctor about a depression screening. It's a MEDICAL condition, and can hit anyone at any time, even if they "haven't got anything to be sad about". Depression isn't about being sad, as it doesn't HAVE to be triggered by an external factor. (Though it certainly can be, if there's been reason for grief recently in your life.) It can be triggered by having some internal chemicals out of balance, and there are treatments designed to get that balance back where it belongs.

I just thought I'd put that forth because I know what depression is like, and I'd hate to see anyone have to do battle with an untreated case of depression. No one should have to withstand that.


great advice in the thread and I agree with it all- and I will add copper/copper minerals - azurite and malachite...
hope you are feeling not so lonley


There's a lot of good advice in this thread, regarding stones and also reaching out to other people, but I'd like to add one item that hasn't been posted yet. Please consider talking to your family doctor about a depression screening. It's a MEDICAL condition, and can hit anyone at any time, even if they "haven't got anything to be sad about". Depression isn't about being sad, as it doesn't HAVE to be triggered by an external factor. (Though it certainly can be, if there's been reason for grief recently in your life.) It can be triggered by having some internal chemicals out of balance, and there are treatments designed to get that balance back where it belongs.

I just thought I'd put that forth because I know what depression is like, and I'd hate to see anyone have to do battle with an untreated case of depression. No one should have to withstand that.

Thank you so much for your input, and I absolutely know where you're coming from. I have also gone through depression in the past. Fortunately, I don't think that is what is going on now, or if it is, it's to a much, much milder degree and only relates to one aspect of my life. But I will absolutely keep an eye on things. I truly appreciate your thoughts!