Dark Nature Cases


I got my beautiful lot of cases last week, once I can get to it I'm going to upload some pics of my decks swanning around in their new threads!

I got a Castle tapestry for my Magna Veritas, a Black Roses for my Solleone, Ethereal Dreams for my Granny Jones, Plum Wine for my Hoi Polloi, and finally a Golden Metal for my Mage deck.

I feel quite gready! But these are some of the decks that will be coming with me on my trip I think they will be protected quite well in these not to mention looking pretty gorgeous too! :D


I've never been consistent with using a spread cloth because I can't stand creases beneath my cards, and am unwilling to iron afresh each & every time . . . but it seems to me that using crushed velvet might be a way around this problem. Those with crushed velvet spread cloths--am I right? Can you fold the cloth up and unfold it later without noticing creases beneath your cards?


Hi Punchinella!

To be honest, mine is sooo gorgeous, I leave it on this small table I just use for reading. But I would think it wouldn't crease that much any way. FYI, I find that using those hangars with little clips on the ends to hang up pants or skirts works well, you just put a little something to cushion around the clips then hang the cloth from it by the ends. Keeps it very creaseless!


Oh now that's a thought, it never occurred to me that I don't actually have to fold it up :lightbulb


I just order two cases, one in the Halloween/copper color and one in the plum. It was a tough choice, I wanted them all. I also ordered the plum reading cloth.

They all look gorgeous.


You won't regret it, Londubh!

I have the plum and it's simply gorgeous!!! I never put the plum reading cloth away, I always leave it out as I love looking at it.

Congrats on your purchases! AND at a great price.



Oooo I think my Deviant Moon (that hasn't had a proper bag or case YET) needs a lovely case in King's Chamber brocade.

These are too beautiful! I can't wait to order!



I can share about one's I have. A red (not crushed, regular) velvet with black ties and little pewter skulls for one of my BG's (the skull beads on the ties so match the backs of the BG). An Ethereal Dreams (really lovely dark blue) crushed velvet for one of my Anna. K's. The cotton moon and stars with black background for other Anna. A black velvet for my psycards. Castle Tapestry for gilded Visconti. The plum crushed velvet in an oversized reading cloth. So if anyone is wondering about any of the above, I'm happy to share thoughts.


After a tense day at work it was lovely to come home and find lovely things waiting for me.

I received the plum crushed velvet reading cloth (beautiful color), a case in the same color and a case in the Halloween orange (which is more of an orange copper and very pretty).

My decks are sitting snug in their new homes and the rest of my cards now feel positively naked.


Yay Londubh!

So glad you got them. I have the plum cloth with a plum case coming. Isn't that color and material just amazing!?