De-Enabling Thread


I think the Dark Angels enjoy tormenting me. They called imploringly and then volunteered to be traded off as soon as they arrived. :bugeyed:
Do they think I am merely a waystation? Does my appearance or manner offend them? Hanging onto them is like grabbing a greased pig. 3rd replacement Deck! *sheesh*


Gregory - I really like learning more about the Kabbalah, and that deck is singing the siren song of "here, have something really meaty to chew on!" So the depth of it is actually the problem; I *like* that sort of thing. If only it were shallow!

... you are right, I am such a sucker. I will resist. For now. (But when my next classes are validated and there are books to buy with free shipping, I fear this will happen all over again! Ack!)

Cardlady22 - Huh, that's not nice of them to lure you in and then be all, "Nope, I want someone else." How rude! I don't like rude decks! *deep sigh of relief* ... >.>; ... but ... but ... so shiny! *hides head under pillow, waits for shiny decks to go away*


alesia said:
Gregory - I really like learning more about the Kabbalah, and that deck is singing the siren song of "here, have something really meaty to chew on!" So the depth of it is actually the problem; I *like* that sort of thing. If only it were shallow!
Oh I never said it got it RIGHT. It's a real thinks it knows it all, and I bet it doesn't. And you will spend so much time trying to figure out if it's RIGHT - and I gather you have college texts to read.... Buy Duquette's book on the Kabbalah instead - even if you don't get it, he makes you laugh !

And I bet HE hasn't got this deck :D He's FAR too smart !


Ah, a know-it-all who's on a different page in a different book in Greek when I only know Latin! ... sounds like my RWS, we don't get along at all. :p I have crazy amounts of crystallography and quantum mumbo-jumbo to look forward to, is it sad that I find the mysticy stuff sort of a relief after all that math?

The Chicken Qabalah is great, I'm a big fan of a lot of Duquette's books. Although considering some of his Goetic experiments, it's amazing he's lived this long...


OK then - now start reading the Book of Thoth, It's available on line - no money required. That will keep you out of mischief !


Well, I've read the Book of Thoth (I have the complete works of Crowley kicking around my hard drive) but the problem is twofold: Uncle Al is a bit of a horse's butt, and reading about the Thoth makes me want to play with it. Liber T is the same way, really any book on the tarot makes me crave shiny new cards...

I think I will just pull out my Shadowscapes and shuffle it gently and see if it will kick me in the butt again. It's so good at that! Or maybe start Shadow work with it, that'd get me away from my cravings...

Why am I so difficult! Bad Alesia! No new decks for you, you JUST got the Shadowscapes a month ago, be grateful for what you have! (SO not grateful for the $110 paperback textbook for a class on ethics that was written by the professor - how is that ethical, huh?)

Thank you for all your help, I've got to stop being such a sucker for shiny things - ooooh, look over there... shiiiiiny ...


alesia said:
Thank you for all your help, I've got to stop being such a sucker for shiny things - ooooh, look over there... shiiiiiny ...
Well, there does your de-enablement in your own words. The Thoth is not a shiny deck! Oh, I'm so good at this.

Why would you want a deck full of jommetry and grids? Forget it - any deck that needs a pair of compasses to draw, isn't worth the paper. And the backs are awful. The L-T is worse - a smoothed-out Thoth with a lot of the interesting details smudged out, it's an unhealthy green and the minors have been populated by monsters from childhood nightmares. No thanks - I grew up specifically to get away from all that stuff.

Save your money. Buy me a TG gift voucher instead.


alesia said:
Uncle Al is a bit of a horse's butt...

Truer words have never been spoken. Leave the Thoth for later ; Oh, look, there's a puppy!!!



alesia said:
Gregory - I really like learning more about the Kabbalah, and that deck is singing the siren song of "here, have something really meaty to chew on!" So the depth of it is actually the problem; I *like* that sort of thing. If only it were shallow!
It's not meaty, it's like chewing a mouthful of very sharp pointed sticks. It will perforate you, and unless you are big into facial piercing, you will be very unhappy.
And it still won't teach you anything about kaballa or anything else, except attention deficit disorder, which it has.


Tarot of the Vampyres.

I am saving my money! I don't want this deck! I already HAVE a pretty deck that I can't read with (Favole.)

And yet...every time I read something about ToV, I click over to amazon and come THIS CLOSE to buying it. Please help me. Thank you in advance.