Deck of the week sign up group - week 39 - April 28th - 5th May 2012


I'm in with the Navigators of the Mystic SEA! Plus some Froud Faeries action on the side. Talk about whiplash. :p


Speed Dating! Awesome! :D

Okay, I shall make my choice....rolling....the random thingie gave me #14.

So, Bohemian Gothic, 2nd Edition it is! Funny considering I have already had a week with the 1st edition. Kind of like the Prague. Well, this is good.


Went through the Dark Grimoire tonight, just taking in all the cards. When I first got this deck I was a tarot baby and wasn't able to appreciate the minors as much, since I was still learning them. Some of them made me gasp out loud this time because they are so beautiful and brilliant.

Not really a fan of the courts or the Aces. I will have to pay special attention to them. I suspect the Aces will have more resonance once I start really delving into the tarot-Grimoire connection!

There's a very strange sense of dread in this deck. Strange because it isn't repellant, it's quite attractive. I think it's because the images are so dreamlike. They don't seem real enough to truly terrify you, but they do leave you uneasy. I am surprised at the depth and variety of the human characters. Some are joyful, some restrained, some terrified, some emboldened, but all so very human. It's a dark world but people are people, you know? I have a feeling this deck might give me some surprisingly uplifting readings. We will see! Looking forward to working with it.


I'm working with the Vision Tarot along with Oracle of the Goddess (Franklin) this week.


Even though I still haven't done much with the Tarot of Origins, I'm switching decks now. I think this is one I need to come back to later. It seems to read okay (judging by my sitters' reactions), although it never felt like it was easy to read for me.

So, this week, I'll be using the Dirty Tarot (which is actually a 40-card oracle, and I will totally sneak into the reading thread with it). I love that deck and it comes at the right time, too. :heart:


I played with the Navigators a bit last night.

Now, I've never used this deck before. I got it, and the book (which I thought I needed), opened the shrink wrap...and didn't even look at the cards. I just put it away. Not because I disliked it or anything, but I just didn't want to work with it that day, and continued to not work with it for a few years. I think I bought it because of Le Fanu's excitement about it, like many folks here, but I can't seem to find any of the posts that inspired me. Maybe they're in the archives?

I'm of two minds about this deck. Clearly it rewards deep study -- and it told me as much when I did an informal deck interview. ("How do you feel about working with me?" Oppression. "How can I counter that?" Work with me abundantly. "What will our relationship be like if I do?" I'll be your other half.) I'm simultaneously impressed and overwhelmed by the cards. They're nice and small for my poor double-jointed, juvenile-arthritic hands. The perfect size, really. The downside of that is that the images are fairly small as well, and I have to squint to see ALL THAT DETAIL, which of course all of which has a meaning. It's not just random crap thrown into the card. It all means something -- which is where my eyes started to glaze over. Information overload, you know? So I made the authoritative decision that I can use the book later if I want to, but for now, I'm going to stick with the LWB so I don't get overwhelmed and focus on the molehills to the exclusion of the mountains.

It is a lovely, lovely deck though. These people feel familiar somehow, even though I get a clear impression of "alien" from them. They're not of this world. They're more like creatures from an early or mid 1900's science fiction tale, where lizard-folk live on Mars under oil-painting skies and smoke crazy hallucinogenic drugs in technicolour seralingos. I love the androgyny of the people. The ones who do have obvious genitalia seem to me almost like genetic experiments or throwbacks, different or detached from society. Obvious maleness or femaleness also seems to come with an air of performance, or fabulous tattoos, or the tail of a snake instead of legs -- and they're almost exclusively in the Majors. Food for thought.

A funny side note! I needed to pick a journal to use for my readings, as I've been scribbling them onto whatever scrap of paper was within reach. I had a few blank ones in my closet; a brown leather one, a blue Indian-stylized one, and an owl one. After waffling about it for like ten minutes, I just up and grabbed my Faeries deck, and picked a card from it to help me decide. It was the Queen of Owls! How unambiguous is that! You have to laugh. The more skeptical I seem to get about cartomancy, the more the decks seem to want to prove themselves. :laugh:


Hi Everyone

Glad to see you all :) sorry I am a bit distracted, away from home and mega busy right now but I will keep up as best I can.

To be honest I don't think we need a deck of the month group. I was flexible in how I set this group up so people can work as they want to, there is no rule to say that your deck of the week cant be the same as last weeks deck or that it cant be your deck of the week for six weeks should you so choose. its merely a dedication to using that deck for the week to get to know if better, if you want to sign up again with the same one next week thats fine. This group is for YOU, for your explorations and for your way of working through your collection, while we have to have certain parameters I really do try to keep those to a minimum. I think part of our success as a group is the flexibility we offer within the group.

So if you need to sign up with a repeat, thats fine. Im going to be on my third week with the merryday because it was in my bag as I flew out the house on friday! lol so I have to be flexible or id be breaking my own rules :laugh: xx


Alamaris, I use a magnifying glass anytime I use a deck with a lot of small details in it. This helped immensely when I was studying with the Thoth and sometimes with other decks too. HTH with the Navigators deck.


Alamaris, I use a magnifying glass anytime I use a deck with a lot of small details in it. This helped immensely when I was studying with the Thoth and sometimes with other decks too. HTH with the Navigators deck.

You know, after some searching, I don't think we have a magnifying glass in the house! :bugeyed: Now would be a good time to invest in one, methinks...