Deck of the week sign up group - week 39 - April 28th - 5th May 2012


I have two magnifying glasses, one with the little light in the handle. They aren't very expensive. I'd like to have a 10X jewelers loupe :) A man in a rock shop let me use his to look at the cabochons my dad made years ago, oh the stuff that shows up! Might be overkill on tarot cards, but what the heck!


did my first reading with Klimt for the week, though posted in my personal journal due to the contents. The metaphor it centered aroudn was "Sometimes you simply cannot feed all of your children" which is...kind of dark, LOL, but it was helpful to me as a reading, quite helpful. I do quite like this deck...


Ooh, I just got the Klimt at a local shop. It is soooo gorgeous. Look forward to hearing your thoughts :)


I've enjoyed the Tarot of the Sidhe so far. I wasn't sure how I would like it since I'm not a big fairy deck fan. The only other one I have is Shadowscapes. Although the art is kind of primitive, I still like it and it fits the wild spirit of the deck. I also like the fact that there are dark and light elements to this deck. It isn't all sweetness and light.


Went through the Dark Grimoire tonight, just taking in all the cards....

....There's a very strange sense of dread in this deck. Strange because it isn't repellant, it's quite attractive. I think it's because the images are so dreamlike. They don't seem real enough to truly terrify you, but they do leave you uneasy.

You know- I had the same thought. I did my first reading with the Dark Grimoire tonight- and had some mixed feelings. First off, I think I will infinitely like this deck better if I just throw out the LWB. I read through it, looked at the cards- and thought to myself WTF??? There isn't enough in the book to explain the cards in the ole Lovecraftian way (though I did read that stuff back in the day). But I forget which grimoire goes with what suit, and the history of it, etc. And the LWB doesn't add a darn thing! Rats! :(

I find that with LoS decks, the LWB is hit or miss. The Dark Fairy Tale deck- definitely a hit. This one, a big fat miss! It was almost enough to turn me off from the deck. But I looked at the images again with fresh eyes today and I do like that dreamlike quality. So I figured I would give it a go.

I had an excellent reading with it- but truthfully I am not lovin this deck like I did the last one- no love at first site here! Though when I asked what it could teach me and the Death card popped up- there was this far off and very eery voice in the background, quoting the immortality line from the LWB that raised goosebumps on my arms. Especially the part that, in some aeons, death does die.

It is a spooky little deck, so that is a big bonus. Whether or not it will be a powerhouse for reading- well, that remains to be seen.



I agree LoS's LWB are hit or miss. Sometimes they don't even seem to reference the deck at all! Sometimes, like Tarot of the Origins, they are almost essential to understanding it. Quite strange.

I haven't done a reading with it yet, will do my first one later. I am very curious to see how it goes. Even if I love the art and world, it may end up being more of a "creative inspiration" deck than a reading one. Which is fine with me! I write just as much, if not more, than I read. :)


Just a tip on Navigators, I do love that deck, but the majors are a bit too much to take in some times. Try a daily draw from just minors and courts a week though! It is a way to ease into the special Julia Turk universe.

The DaVinci is a great deck and the book by Caitlin Matthews are very nice also. I don't think it will be one that begs to come out from the shelf for some readings later on though, but definitely one I will come back to for deck of the week further down the road too.
So while I don't LOVE it I do like it. It's just not Sheridan-Douglas :p


Penthasilia, you are really make me curious about the Grimoire! I had the Necronomicon tarot and that was a miss, since it was less Lovecraftian and more Tyson, but the Grimoire sounds intriguing. I shall not investigate until I've renewed my deck budget, however. :p

Just a tip on Navigators, I do love that deck, but the majors are a bit too much to take in some times. Try a daily draw from just minors and courts a week though! It is a way to ease into the special Julia Turk universe.

This is why I tossed the large book for the time being! Doing a simple reading and being faced with three pages of information about the symbolism on the card was...well. I had no doubt about Turk's intelligence and artistic talent, but it was a bit much. The LWB has all the salient divinatory information anyway, which is excellent design.

On the usage front, I admit I've been feeling a little stale about the deck, although I did have a lovely experience reading for Chiska in the exchange thread. I think I can chalk that up to the fact that I've been reading with oracles more than tarot recently! Oracle decks, I find, are more personal, and have more personality -- they're very much designed to feel like meeting a friend for coffee instead of going to a fortune teller or a business meeting, which is what tarot feels like to me. Very serious. And I'm over here in the corner going very meekly, "But I just want to play!" The Navigators wants none of it.

I think I may need to do some fictional readings to loosen her up. Does anyone have tips for playing with a deck, as opposed to strictly reading with one?


My readings with the Grimoire have been awesome so far. I actually started laughing out loud when I turned the cards over last night because they were so spot on. Interestingly enough, I find this decks vibe to be protective, a kind of... dark,dreamy maternal. Hard to explain, but very welcome!


Dark Grimoire Tarot

Approaching the half-way mark with this week's deck I have mixed feelings about the Dark Grimoire. There are some unsettling images in the deck (in the Sword Courts particularly)and it exerts a wierd kind of attraction but I am not sure that I like the restricted colour palette used throughout. Today's reading was quite dark in tone (with a hint of paranoia) - although the first couple of readings on Saturday and Sunday were largely positive. I *think* this is a deck which requires more than a week to explore (the LWB is 'uber' terse even for Lo Scarabeo). It is not a deck that will edge its way into the Top Ten for me...nor even into the Top Twenty or the moment, at least...

Elendil :)