Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 154 : July 12th -July 19th


What a great week I had with my Ellis DecK! I bought that deck in such a frenzy...I mean, I saw it on here, rushed over to Taylor's site and checked out before I even read reviews or sought out images of other cards from the deck. I've gotten excited about tons of decks, but I've never bought one so quickly like that.

But when I saw the Ellis, it felt like an old friend. And working with it for a week only confirmed my initial feelings. After only a week, this has become one of my favorite decks. I'd seriously move it up to my top 5 list. True love! lol

Madame Squee

Unfortunately, I have done almost nothing with the Light and Shadow this week. Hopefully, I can get back to it soon. It's one of my favorites, and I think it would make a wonderful coloring book -- a great project for an in-depth study of it. (My time went to Lenormand this week.)

The Happy Squirrel

So I'm only reading with my Ellis this week, but does spending a LOT of time gazing at another deck and studying it for long periods of time count as cheating? Because I'm spending an awful lot of time with the Silicon Dawn this week as well!

What's ironic is that I only noticed the SD because several people compared it to the Ellis on the Decks forum. I was so incredibly impatient for my Ellis to arrive that I ordered the SD to kind of tide me over until the Ellis arrived. I'm really liking the Ellis...the colors appeal to me so much, and the artwork feels both retro and futuristic. I'm finding it very easy to read with as well.

But I can't put down the Silicon Dawn. What's wrong with me that I struggle with a little one week commitment to a deck? Last week was supposed to be my week with Dark Goddess and I shamelessly spent all my time with the Absurd!

Oooooooo Silicone Dawn.... That is an interesting deck! Different energy from the Ellis though.