Decks You Wish You Hadn't Sold?


Lately I've been thinking about the Vanessa. I sold it when I was trying to make some room in my collection. (The female Kings bothered me). But I might have to get another one, because I miss it, kind of.

I also wish I hadn't given my first edition Baroque Bohemian Cats deck to my twelve year old niece. And I wish I had kept the Silver Bohemian Gothic. Not because I liked it so much, but because other people do. I used to look through it whenever someone posted about how magical it was, and think... I just don't see it... (Now, whenever I see those posts, I have to try to remember back to how I thought the silver ink obscured the lovely, subtle blues and greys, and made facial expressions hard to make out.)

I've passed on a lot of decks in my time, but those are the ones I regret. I guess that's not too bad.

Le Fanu

Decks I wish I hadn't sold?

Nope. Never, never, never. I only ever sell/trade stuff which I know will never in a milion years do anything for me OR, I have 2 or 3 or 5 copies. I slightly regret trading one of my three LoS Minchiate decks, but as I still have two I don't suffer toooo much with that.

My Tarot Motto; "never underestimate just how much your tarot tastes change."


Never never never even if I don't like them to use. :D



None. Nada. And a ton of decks have flowed through my hands.
But then my persona is defined by the word ruthless.


There are a couple I wish I hadn't gotten rid of, but for the most part I don't regret getting rid of decks. It's part of getting rid of one part of your life and making way for another.

Miss Divine

Nope, I don't regret any I have passed on., well except for the Morgan Greer which I bought back a few months later because I missed that one.


None, I haven't sold or given away any decks. You never know when you might need them :D
I have sold or given away other items such as clothing and ended up regretting it. As a result I now think twice before giving something away. Also, if you already have a ton of decks it makes you think twice before buying more.....


Wait, gregory, you've never sold, traded or given away a deck?

Or you've just never regreted doing the above.



Wish I hadn't sold?

Too many to mention. But sometimes needs must.


No regrets! Once a deck enters my collection, it is there for keeps. I think photons have a better chance of escaping a black hole.