Divine Circus Oracles Readings



:) This is a card that encourages you, if you aren't already, to be a person who isn't afraid to be themselves regardless of what's considered to be the norm. It's okay for you do take on a different role if you want to. You have a way of making things work anyway so if you want to take a completely different path from the rest, go for it because it's going to be successful no matter what road you take! This is a great card because it seems to reflect that you take care of business in your own way and apart from others. You also have a tendency to be able to rule the roost and people look up to you for the way you do. :)

Oh and keep in mind that it's okay to strut your stuff from time to time. Yeah!

Thanks for sitting..

Hi GotH,

Thanks for a lovely reading which totally resonates. At the moment I am recreating myself much to the protest of a panicking inner child! I do struggle to be myself a lot but am actively working on this and I think I am getting better and better all the time. I do have a tendency to rule the roost when I am dealing with my area of expertise as I have put years of work and passion into it and on a good day I think I can pass myself off as being knowledgeable and experienced.

BTW -I love the name of this card - I can be quite mothery (if that is an actual word) and sometimes I have to reign it in a bit)

Thanks a lot!



I saw this, but was unsure of how good it was.

Well maybe I'll purchase it!



This card encourages you not to compromise your integrity. Don't be fooled by false light and stay true to who you really are. Just because something looks bright doesn't mean that it really is on the other side or that it is good for you. And don't sell yourself short to anyone in order to fit in or to make someone happy by not being who you really are. Behind all the flashiness, you know what's right or not.. Stay true.

Ok i will keep this advice in mind.. i wonder why my fb for this didnt get posted.. Yes i wont sell my self short thats a common mistake... I am going to enjoy by myself .. Yes i know who i am

Yes i will stay true to who i am..

Something was wrong with tapatalk so my fervent apologies for not posting pack next i shall be double careful..


Ok i will keep this advice in mind.. i wonder why my fb for this didnt get posted.. Yes i wont sell my self short thats a common mistake... I am going to enjoy by myself .. Yes i know who i am

Yes i will stay true to who i am..

Something was wrong with tapatalk so my fervent apologies for not posting pack next i shall be double careful..

Well... There won't be a next time. This isn't the first time you fail with leaving me feedback and blame Tapatalk for it. IF what you say is true, I'd reconsider using Tapatalk from now on..

Edit - Do NOT sit for anymore of my reading offers and do NOT PM me for any reason..


If this is still going I'd love to see what you get! ^_^


If this is still going I'd love to see what you get! ^_^

I can open this thread back up if you'd like to do an exchange as well as for feedback since you just got this deck?


I can open this thread back up if you'd like to do an exchange as well as for feedback since you just got this deck?

Sounds awesome!


Okay.. I'm home now. I'll do your reading in just a bit. :) Looking forward to your reading for me as well..

I'll be back in a bit.


Madeira Darling...


Wow.. The energy I just got right now is.. Do you ever roar like a crazy wild beast? LOL... I just wrote out an entire reading and my internet service went caput! Lost all my reading and...... :mad: I became one angry wild animal..

Okay let's start over... So not only did I receive some powerful roaring energy about you, I feel there is some definite powerful and protective energy as well. The kind that people feel when they go to the zoo and watch the wild cats in their habitat. I'm also getting that you are extremely protective of the ones you care for or take under your wing. I feel for the enemies of your loved ones because they most likely would have to go through you before they can get to them. There is also a wild a free feeling about you that stand out to most. There's a confidence about you that is most powerful of all. This seems to be a strong point about you that makes people's heads turn.

Please let me know how this sounds..

Thanks for sitting.. :)


Madeira Darling...


Wow.. The energy I just got right now is.. Do you ever roar like a crazy wild beast? LOL... I just wrote out an entire reading and my internet service went caput! Lost all my reading and...... :mad: I became one angry wild animal..

Okay let's start over... So not only did I receive some powerful roaring energy about you, I feel there is some definite powerful and protective energy as well. The kind that people feel when they go to the zoo and watch the wild cats in their habitat. I'm also getting that you are extremely protective of the ones you care for or take under your wing. I feel for the enemies of your loved ones because they most likely would have to go through you before they can get to them. There is also a wild a free feeling about you that stand out to most. There's a confidence about you that is most powerful of all. This seems to be a strong point about you that makes people's heads turn.

Please let me know how this sounds..

Thanks for sitting.. :)
Dead on! I spend a huge amount of time and energy defending people I care about and I definitely... tend to be the center of attention and tend to ignore social norms nearly completely.

I pulled white duchess (actually, I pulled a couple of cards first but they didn't *feel* right) but when I pulled her I got something that definitely felt like the right energy. Your presence is healing to those around you, you're capable of being very cool and collected when you need to, and despite being someone with a lot of empathy you're surprisingly good at keeping a cool head in a crisis. You're good at bringing serenity and peace with you. Your energy is like... it's warm in that it's friendly and kind, but also there's a sort of soothing "cool" to it, a calm breath, fresh air. It's funny because I'm getting some like... you don't take yourself too seriously, but sometimes people find you intimidating I think, or have trouble telling when you're joking...