Do have your own style of reading tarot?


I am like Little Buddha I start using playing cards before learned tarot cards. I was taught by my mother without a guide. Plus to I use my pyschic abilty in the reading to.

I was never was one use a certain method becasue everyone else was doing the same method. I was rebel at heart.

Use the intuition, psychic ability, and just looking at the cards has made me better read.

I feel you should use which method that works for you and go with that one.


LittleBuddha said:
Yes I do.

And it has taken me ten years to find it.

I started with a Rohrig, almost intuitively, with the LWB as a back-up. I knew no better.

Then I swapped for a RWS. I bought this book, that book, read this course and that website.

I chopped and changed. I read and read.

And years later, I felt less 'clued up' than I did when I started.

I tried the Marseille. I practiced and researched numerology.

And then ...

I thought 'S*d this!'.

I stuck with my Marseille. And all that I knew about the majors.

But for the minors, I borrowed everything I had learnt from playing cards.

Now, I have my own style or reading. The 'Ace of Coins' is unity. Endings and conclusions are brought by the 'Ace of Swords'. You can tell if a court is your best friend by whether they carry the '7 of Cups' with them. Each minor card has a keyword and I mould them together in trios, letting my intuitive mind fly with them.

So, I don't care that I don't read like anyone else. All I am interested in is perfecting this method and knowing the deck like the back of my hand. I look at a card now and instantly, I know what it is all about.

It's a matter of practice makes perfect as I move forward, as the cards shape and take on extra and more defined meanings.

I have also began to use the playing card spread in the Personal Prophecy handbook by Denorah Leigh. She uses 8 sets of 3 cards. Each trio sits in a different area. There is a lot of movement and cards rarely feel stagnant when they are read together.

Tarot has never been as fun as I am finding it now.


thank you little buddha for sharing your story. It sure has helped me with my own experience. This past year has been of a bit uneasyness re: my tarot readings. then i realized that i'v ebeen trying this and that 'cuz that's what is "supposed to be the way" to read the cards. all this while the cards have been telling me to please just listen to them like before.

it's been reassuring your post. thanks



celeste said:
If that's what works for you-then use it-no apologies.

It sounds like you have a strong intuition (as do I) and it serves you well.
All those other methods, are just that, methods and tools to open the tarot student up to divine wisdom and guidance in the cards. Most people are not as tapped into thier intuition-including some people who read tarot. They can still read tarot and do a good job ;they are just reading it on a different level.

I believe it was Christine Jette in her book Professional Tarot who stated there are four different types of readers: The Intrepreter, The Teacher, The Healer and The Mystic and a fifth type : The Alchemist: who blends all approaches.

Just go with what works for you and forget about what you think you "should" be doing according to all the books,yada, yada, yada.

I will never forget this one class I took where the teacher had a dictatorship approach to teaching (she was the only tarot teacher in town so I didn't have a choice). She had her favorites in the class -and I wasn't one of them-mainly because I was much more intuitive than she was and "got it" faster than she did even though she had years and years more of tarot experience under her belt than I did. She always had to "save face" and "be the expert". She went out of her way to undercut me , by cutting off what I was saying in class even though the others were benefitting by it (and me by what they had to say), she would "forget" to put my name and workshop on the program when we had public events, and when there were opportunities to showcase our work or volunteer at fundraising events and conventions, she would email all the students except for me-I found out out about them through the others and showed up anyway-that must've frosted her!

I've since had other teachers who were not so insecure and allowed me to be who I am and where open to my insights and even learned a thing or two themselves!

I find now, that while shuffling the cards I recieve my answer without even having to read them now(though I still do).

So, throw away the books and be yourself-be grateful for your natural talent that others have to work hard for.

One of the biggest hurdles that I've had to face and still do on occaison is trusting my intuition. Not so much as a tarot reader anymore, but more on the shamanic level (where I am now) where I get information by going on shamanic journeys -sans cards.

You are who you are supposed to be and where you are supposed to be. Thats how I figure it.

Good Luck!

YUP! my shamanic work has taken me places, and it's now demanding more intuitive/healing work with divination somehow. still working on that one.



What I do...

This will be one long post. Wll you asked for it. LOL

Ok, here is what reading is to me. First of all a great joy and totally magical. A way to communicate with the universe and a way for it to communicate with you. Part of what makes it so magical to me is that each message from the universe your cards give you is very very unique and special. The way I read the same card never means the same thing twice, and yet what they have to say works and has truth to it. That to me is magical. Not only that but finding your own unique answers inside yourself just has a wonderful feeling to it. When you hear others tell you you're right on target, it's just an ego boost because you know you found the answers completely inside you and/or had the power to contact a higher power inside you, and hey that just gives you a wonderful feeling or inner power.

First if you want to try this, don't get too involved in any set meanings or book meanings. Again my suggestion it put that book away and don't look at it again as long as you want to read in this way. The purpose of reading this way is to let your intuition tell you the answer, not to follow anyone else's meaning, even if that anyone else is the creator of the deck. The answers, the way I try to work it, come from my own heart and soul and communication with higher powers, but not from a book.

It takes some trust, trust in your higher powers to always give you the truth and trust in yourself to see it. This also gets much easier with practice. Just try it as a game at first to see what happens. I'd suggest keeping your readings. And looking back at them in time. The more you see how accurate they are the more faith you have in the process. Practice on others too if you want to see how accurate they feel it is. You can always fine tune your method later, focusing more on what works best for you and less on what is less effective.

Ok, first thing I heard when learning to read intuitively....I read this somewhere on the Net and it was a tremendous help to me. I've always remembered this and it's been a great help to me. It's that in reading intuitively you sometimes (often) get the feeling like you're not sure what you're doing, you must be making this up.....very common feelings at the beginning until you learn to trust the process and that comes from experience. The fact is that those feelings are 100% normal, you should feel that way if you are doing it right in just ignore them as best you can in the beginning...and soon you will see that your reading are accurate despite them. And the doubts melt away after that.

The thing about my way of reading is that you are finding the answers from your subconscious mind and/or hearing answers unconsciously from a higher source. The point of it is to connect to these places and find the wisdom that comes from there and pull it into your conscious mind where you can put it into words and make sense of it.

The thing is, of course, that when you DO come into contact with info that your conscious mind is not aware of and start to add it into your reading, your conscious mind (which has no inkling of what the heck is going on in your unconscious) sees this info for the first time and goes "Where the heck did that come from, I didn't know that, I must be making it up."

And of course, nothing could be further from the truth, you're just pulling the answers from a deeper place than your conscious mind can comprehend. So my first advice is that when you start to doubt that you know what you're doing, or think you might me making it up...know this is not the case AND in fact that is very much a sign that you are doing everything perfectly. It is supposed to feel like that initially if you are doing it right. And trust me after enough successful readings this way, the faith in the process will come and you won't doubt anymore.

Other pieces of wisdom on reading this are two I found in my Celtic Wisdom Tarot book:

1) "Am I deluding myself? Meditation experiences (and Tarot ones reading this way) are often powerful. They push at the boundaries of our societies' narrow attitude to reality, which allows flesh and blood to exist but which doubts the existence of the soul or anything unseen." So no, You are not deluding yourself, even if initially you may feel that way.

2) "I think I'm making happen/imagining this. Imagination is a faculty of the soul: it views the unseen dimensions of reality, which are just as real as the physical world we inhabit. The images and metaphors of our dreams, poetry and song, our intuitive pictures and impressions of states, conditions, and archetypes are the truest more potent of gifts. Pay attention to your dreams, meditations and mystical experiences--everyone has them."

Ok, it ought to be easy enough to explain what I do. I have included the image of the card I used below.

It's a very Rorschach/inkblot way of reading. That is what makes it so much fun. It really is like a game.

The main point here is no rational thought allowed, we're talking to your feelings here, not to your mind. If your mind gets to involved (especially in the initial stage of the reading process), you'll have to trash the reading and start again. Thinking and intuition are opposites. When you start rationalizing, your intuition turns off.

Let's go with the card below I thought it was appropriate as it's called "Intuition".:grin:

First of course, as in any Tarot reading, you keep the question in mind as you shuffle and choose your card(s).

I personally also keep a scented candle lit as I do so, and meditate on its flame and before I shuffle I ask for divine help. I will say something like"So and so is in turmoil and needs help concerning....I want to help her (and I feel the desire to help inside myself). Please send me the answers I need to help him/her and the wisdom to see them properly." I don't know how essential this part is to the reading, but I prefer to do it as it centers me more.

Ok, so the cards are chosen and in front of you. First of course you need to have faith that the right cards came up...which I guess is made easier for me also because I prayed for the right cards and I have faith that my prayers are heard and answered.

Anyway, let's say that the card below (Intuition) came up in answer to the question: "How does X feel about me?"

Remember this is a Rorschach/inkblot test you are looking at. Just a fun little psychological test.

It is NOT about what anyone else sees in the card, this is a very personal exercise that only you alone can do from your own unique soul. The card that came up came up specifically to illicit specific responses from your unconscious mind. No one else can interpret it but you in your own unique and wonderful way. That is why you will never see me posting my readings on AT.

I am a very firm believer that we are each very unique beings with unique ways of thinking and seeing the world. The right card comes up for you to interpret in your own unique way. Someone else's interpretation is irrelevant at best and faulty at worst if it differs from yours. The answers ARE inside you, it's just a matter of drawing them out. It's a very similar process to analyzing poetry, like we all did in school. It's all about analyzing imagery and different people see different things in a poem. And they are meant to and none are right or wrong....that forms their individual view of the poem.

Ok so you have your question and your card is chosen. Then comes the fun part.

Inkblot test time! Remember no conscious thought allowed. Only look at the image and write down the first thing that comes to mind. Just start with that.

Ok you the querent want to know what X thinks of her...

So when you look at the card image what stands out to YOU. What symbolism feels like it wants to be included in your answer. Again no thinking, just feel it.

Let's say as an example
--orange bird
--woman looking upwards
--woman's eyes closed
--holding yellow flowers
--lighthouse on top of the mountain
--ripples in the water
--woman half in water, half in "air"
--water is blue
--leaves form a horseshoe pattern

feel free to go on as long as you feel something calling to you that feels like it wants to be included.

And these will very much differ each time you use the card. One day you may see entirely different things in the image call to you than on another. Which is part of the magic of doing this.

Ok, no you have the foundation, on to step two.

Again no thinking allowed. Just ala inkblot test look again at each of these images one by one. We are no longer looking at the card as a whole, just each image one by one. Then you try to see what they are trying to tell you in this way: it's like those tests where the therapist says one word and you say the first thing that pops into your know what I mean? He says "work" and you say "tired" or something like that...BECAUSE the first word that pops into your mind if you have not thought about it is from your unconscious mind, and that is the goal here to connect with that, with your unconscious.

Ok for example, if your first was the orange bird. That contains two concepts by the way :eek:range and bird. So I split it into two and recombine later. Ok looking at the bird: for the word orange, the first word that comes to your mind: mine was just vivacious. Ok bird: freedom. Then you have two different concepts: vivacious and freedom. Then it's just thinking on the question one more time and what is your first reaction of how they fit on. Again just the first reaction, no thought allowed. Let's say your first reaction was that X finds you have a vivaciousness to you that he finds freeing.

Ok, again there's more of the foundation: orange bird lead you to "X finds you have a vivaciousness that he finds freeing."

And use the same process on all of them. Down the line. For examples

mountain-hard to climb=difficulties
-woman looking upward=spiritual sense
-woman's eyes closed= dreams, dreaming of something
-yellow flowers: yellow: happy, flowers=natural and gentle
-lighthouse on top of mountain=guiding light on top of the difficulties (mountain=difficulties for this reading, see above)
-ripples in water: ripples=movement/change, water=life(together something changing in X's life)
-half in water, half in air=balance between feelings and thoughts
-blue water: blue=sadness, water=life (something that makes him sad in his life)
-leaves in horseshoe pattern: leaves=something natural, horseshoe= good luck.

So there you have the raw material of the answer. You just have to pull it together. So let's say: "How does X feel about me?" In paragraph form...., all you need to do now is sense how all the info relates together. Again no real thinking, just your first reactions and gut feelings. Don't worry it gets really easy to do with practice.

OK : "How does X feel about me?"

He sees a vivaciousness that he finds freeing in you. This makes him happy. (if you get that sense that the freedom he feels makes him happy, go with it). X has had difficulties in the past in other relationships. He is a spiritual person and has prayed for a way to solve these problems and he has been dreaming of the right person to come along to meet his needs.

He wants someone that it feels natural to be with, someone who will be gentle and caring of his needs. He sees these qualities in you (the last sentence is justified by going back to the question, what asks what X feels about/sees in you.) You could equally see that it feels natural for him to be with you and he feels gentle feelings towards you. Both are valid ways of seeing it. In fact anything you sense as your first reaction to it is valid, if you see where I'm going, it's about your first reaction and feeling on what it means, always the first reaction.

He feels you were sent to him by a higher power in this life that is guiding him on how to overcome his difficulties, and he is grateful to that power and to you, for the feeling of freedom and naturalness and happiness he feels near you.

Your presence in his life has changed things for him.

His thoughts and feelings are well balanced when he is around you, both working ideally together and neither dominating the other.

Before he met you there was a sadness in him. He had been hurt in relationships before. Your presence is helping to change that for him . He feels natural and free to be himself around you. He feels he's very lucky to have you in his life...

So that's an example....

And for something more advanced when you are ready for it, LOL, you can try elaborating one day when you're on a roll by asking say, for the info "Your presence in his life has changed things for him", how did it change things, why is this a change for the better and sensing the answer in you. But I think that could be a bit advanced, you have to get used to using your intuition for readings in this way first.

If anyone reads like this too, or tries this, let me know how it's going, goes...



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Marseilles cards confuse me. I thought you need to look at the batons/swords in the cards and read the energy the arrangement presents to you, or something ...

Lyric said:
I often wonder where the tarot card "meanings" began anyway.
You may be confused when you first try to learn about the cards by the different and sometimes contradictory interpretations. The answer is, no one really knows what the cards mean, and the best thing to do is first learn one system really well and then build on it with your own experience of the cards, and perhaps other interpretations.

I started with the Tarot and then as a side quest studied Cartomancy with playing cards. It's amazing how, with playing cards, you could string the individual cards together to form what is akeen to words coming together to form one complete and ultimately coherant sentence. Surely, you could apply the same technique to reading Tarot cards? After that, Tarot reading became about not just narrating the individual meanings to the querant, but weaving the cards together to make a clear and concise message. With 78 cards at my disposal, the combinations are staggering!

I've maimed/modified a few spreads to illustrate the flow of the events chronologically -- left to right / bottom to top / top to bottom -- so that one may successfully weave their stories. Take the popular CC for instance.

Throw some intuition in and you have one thing(Tarot) to truly marvel.


crazelion said:
I use my inution more in readings than I focus on the read meaning it has help lot.
I'm sorry, can you define this sentence for me? Can you tell me what intuition means to you?
crazelion said:
I was taught by my mother without a guide. Plus to I use my pyschic abilty in the reading to.
I was never was one use a certain method becasue everyone else was doing the same method. I was rebel at heart.
Use the intuition, psychic ability, and just looking at the cards has made me better read.
Can someone tell me the difference between psychic and intuitive and why does intuitive disallow books?

I think somewhere we’ve skewed the English language.

Someone puleeze tell me…

A long time ago someone posted, “I’ve put away the books! I’m going to read intuitively!”

I was aghast, the sentence made no sense.

Intuitive, and books, are not enemies. You can read tarot books and read tarot intuitively. Assigning your own meanings is not intuitive reading.

What are you folks talking about?

Meanings, and intuitive readings are not the same thing.

Following preset traditional meanings, and finding your own meanings is not intuitive reading.

I know folks that ain’t never read books – that interpret the art and the colors and how the picture is put together, and they sure as heck will be the first to tell you that what they do is not intuitive.

Please define intuitive.

I was at a fair in Durango earlier in the fall, and there were these two readers. One was and Intuitive Tarot Reader. Next to her was a Psychic Tarot Reader. And next to them was an Intuitive Psychic Tarot Reader.

Neither Intuitive, NOR Psychic disallow the use of books. Intuitive or psychic abilities.

For your edification I repost the following:
Umbrae said:
…Sitting here with my way battered Hoi Polloi thinking about reading.

I dislike the word intuitive and its variants. It’s a communication trap, falling short of meaning:
Pronunciation: "in-tü-'i-sh&n, -tyü-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English intuycyon, from Late Latin intuition-, intuitio act of contemplating, from Latin intuEri to look at, contemplate, from in- + tuEri to look at
1 : quick and ready insight
2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.

Intuition has to do with conclusions, insight, without evident rational thought, etc.

“I am learning to read by intuition” says the student, “I’m throwing away the books!” Is that intuition – or is it reading by memory or art interpretation? I really think that they are very different things.

We ain’t even gonna go to memory work.

But lets look at that the word we are loath to use. That evil P word. Why don’t we use it? Because folks will think we’re nuts? Because the P word encompasses something that can neither be quantified or qualified or tested or measured? The P word.
Pronunciation: 'sI-kik
Variant(s): also psy•chi•cal/-ki-k&l/
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek psychikos of the soul, from psychE soul
1 : of or relating to the psyche
2 : lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge : immaterial, moral, or spiritual in origin or force
3 : sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences : marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding - psy•chi•cal•ly /-ki-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Often, this is what can often occur during a reading…a perception or understanding with or of that, which lies outside the sphere of knowledge.

Intuition is, “Gee the children are quiet, I’ll bet they’re up to something.”

Psychic is “Gee the children are quiet – they’ve found the gun.”

I’ve been called an intuitive reader. But I don’t start a reading based on body types and shoe selection (had a conversation the other night at a Tarot gathering about wearing what I call “White Man Shoes” and their evils), I knew a some damn good reader who worked off of shoes, handbags, and body types (endo/meso/ectomorphs). Used the cards as a prop (‘samekh’?), making statements based on general observations. That type of reading uses intuition.

Reading for friends and family can be intuitive, “Oh yes this is about your job blah blah blah…Oh and look this is Uncle Henry…” That’s intuitive – making connections. Albeit perhaps tinted with personal bias.

I like to read for strangers. I don’t want the back-story. I don’t want to make connections.

I ain’t no intuitive reader. I read based on numbers, suits, pictures, meanings I’ve discovered and cultivated along the way – that sometimes parallel accepted meanings and sometimes diverge, sometimes change with the wind; and sometimes there’s outside stuff. Don’t know where it comes from, has zip to do with cards and meanings – an no it ain’t always there…but it ain’t intuitive…or perhaps it is…?

Sometimes, like Kiama once said, “I’m as psychic as a shoebox.” Yup. Sometimes I is and sometimes I ain’t. Sometimes it’s just me and the deck and a head full of stuff. Sometimes, a doorway opens – tapping into a phone call in a parallel universe…

There’s another type of reading – don’t know what to call it – Art Interpretation? That’s close.

I suppose some would call that intuitive. Looking at the pictures and writing about what the pictures do or say.

A while back, Firemaiden and I did a series of readings that we refer to as, ‘The Green Gargoyle readings”. When we did the readings, we had no idea of the person, their sex, their back-story, and we had no feedback. All the readings were done both blind and in a blind. There was no chance for any intuitive actions. We had the artwork, and whatever psychotic impulses we may have given way to (lol).

I’d argue that they were as far from the definition of intuitive as one could get.

Art Interpretation readings yes. Intuitive no.

Amongst us there are Psychic Tarot Readers, who have in their lives forced to use the term ‘Intuitive’. I think that’s sad.

And how can we discuss what the cards mean, if we cannot even say what we mean?

Then there’s timing and time.

“I don’t get timing…” “I need help with time-frames.”

Somebody always says, “Use your intuition…”

(Portions have appeared in prior posts)

[Time, time, time…

Ever been to Africa? You know, if you ever go to Africa, you’d understand what I mean when I say, “Africa time.” Things move differently. Out here, we build freeways to get there fast. We know what’s gonna be where and when, and by golly if’n it ain’t ya sure gonna hear ‘bout it!
Africa time.

In Africa, things move in their own time. Trains arrive when they arrive; animal herds arrive when they want…drives westerners crazy. But in Africa, the sun comes up – and the sun goes down…that’s time.

Had a friend who used to be a first-mate on coastal steamers sailing the passage between Seattle and Alaska. Whenever Kurt came back, he had what he called, “Sixty mile an hour disease.” To him it seemed as though everybody was moving at sixty miles an hour. On board ship, things moved much slower.

Time is a concept. It is a human construct to which we assign a prime importance in our lives.

Someone once said that time was invented so that everything would not happen at once.

Even the not real (no I’m not going there today). Wanna do numerology? What’s it based on? What is year 0? Is it the same for a Hindu or a Chinese or Jewish person? Time ain’t real! The Calendar is made up – like a LWB….

Time is just a concept. And does it move? Like the hands of a clock? Or does it stand still and we move through it? Is now the same for you and me? And how come Bob, regardless of when he leaves the house, always show up 20 minutes late?

I keep a clock in my garage/shop/sacred area that does not work. It didn’t work when it sat in my fathers shop when I was a child. But I can’t throw it away – for as long as I remember, it’s right twice a day…

Tarot time. You cannot ask the cards, “When.”

Through use, you will learn their idea of when. My times vary just a tad, sometimes depending on which deck I use…kind of like you speak differently with different friends. Something I had to get used to. How it works for you is something you will have to learn…about you.

Also, sometimes the cards are telling you exactly the ‘what and when’ of an event…but it’s tough to be objective about your subjective life-view. It’s difficult to see what you are looking at, especially when it may not be what you expected to see.

Once I heard of a teacher who taught, that if you were using a Celtic Cross spread, the Ace of Wands would be equal to June 1st. This person had the whole calendar figured out in the cards. Now I’m not saying that it was wrong. But I am saying, I had never heard of that before.

Here is the deal with timing…

I have never met two people with the same personal time, and there is only one way to find your ‘personal time’.

Journaling. One of the benefits of keeping that journal of yours is that you are learning your own system and concept of time. Timings set by cards will always be wishy washy, and over-ridden by your personal time. As you learn and grow, you will find things tend to shift.

Here is a suggestion for you; start doing readings for friends, but do not reveal the results. Write your readings down, and seal them in an envelope to be opened at a future date.

This way, the reading cannot influence future actions or events.

Secondly, it provides a benchmark as to how your timing works. I can tell in a layout roughly how many weeks or months in the future I am looking at, but it came from my experience, and I know it is not the same for everybody.

And thirdly, like the exercise where we did readings with some cards face down, you may find that your readings vary from actual events and time. Knowing how you work with this concept we call time, is important. It’s part of learning.

The other key to keeping a journal is that when you have major life changes, your timing system may change. My timing has changed drastically in the last five years, and I’m still coming to terms with that aspect of my own readings…hey…I’m human. I now have to add extra time to my readings.

Should you use a static timing system, the old this means this, and that means that, you may soon discover that it is too rigid.

I have found that timing is more loosey goosey than any other aspect. There are so many variables involved not only for you to be ready for an event, but also, perhaps the event will not occur until you are ready for it. And if there is more than one person involved – timing begins to become even more complex.

And the final bit is psychic. If you turn over the card and the little voice in the head says “2:15 Tuesday afternoon” and the card position is about future but not this coming Tuesday…what do you do? Follow what the book says? Follow what your journal says? Or follow what your psychic voice says?[/font]

Psychic, like your voice, is a muscle. Exercise the prior. As for the latter – mean what you say…

You know like...say what I mean. Gotta put this whole thing back on my lap.

I once advocated forced combustion of LWB’s. However I have never advocated forced combustion of books…any books…ever. Truth is, I have read from cover to cover every LWB I have ever come across. I’ve saved a rather large stack of them (although they are for specific decks like Mage, Vargo Gothic, & Tarot de los Muertos), and quoted numerous ones. A large percentage of LWB’s are completely without merit. A waste of recycled forest product. In my opinion.

As for advocating a non-book learning style, I believe that study of the images used on Tarot, will guide one to their own study, “Gee – I wonder what a hand reaching out of a cloud holding a cup ejecting five streams of water really means? Why five?” Book learning can answer questions before they get asked.

Questions should create the path; facts should be discovered in their own time and way…intuitively (hee hee hee). Journaling helps show where you’ve been. How your concepts and perceptions change and grow.

…Like this battered to poop Hoi Polloi…

Perhaps reading is about getting out of our own way, reaching beyond the sorting and capturing and pigeonholing, quantifying and qualifying, and ya just open up somewhere – who knows where it comes from but it does sometimes.

I was once asked, “Well yeah but tell us how?”

Well…I suppose you could start by storing all your decks away, and read or study only one very very basic TdM, RWS, or Thoth…and only one…for an extended period of time. Past the point of knowing it. Past the point of observation. Past the point of study. Into the realm of beyond knowing.

The realm where intuition stops and psychic begins.

See what I mean? :smoker:


Umbrae, you ROCK!!!!

:cool: :thumbsup: :smoker: :TEMPR

Little Baron

I have got to a point where I have no idea how to define quite how it is that I read. I just do.

And I have gotten to a point where I don't give a sh*t about defining it as this or that. Really, what is the point? Whether it is intuitive, psychic, or based on the ingredients on the back of my cornflake packet. Maybe there isn't a word for what I am doing. Not one that makes sense to me, anyhow.



LittleBuddha said:
I have got to a point where I have no idea how to define quite how it is that I read. I just do.

And I have gotten to a point where I don't give a sh*t about defining it as this or that. Really, what is the point? Whether it is intuitive, psychic, or based on the ingredients on the back of my cornflake packet. Maybe there isn't a word for what I am doing. Not one that makes sense to me, anyhow.


yup. i am in the same boat and that is why your post resonated with me and where i'm at. why do we have to define ourselves so much? human nature, rationality, right side of brain, whatever ....

i need a smoke now :smoker: hehe!


To Define, is to demarcate and describe, to enable further conversation – to define allows deeper communication.

If we cannot communicate – we cannot read for others, and the whole exercise of Tarot becomes moot.

Indeed it is long overdue to define intuitive – because using ones own card meanings is not the same as intuitive reading…

cuz if ya don't say what ya mean, do ya mean what ya say?

And yeah - I can think of 78 reasons to learn to communicate.

You wanna smoke? are you sure you don't mean you wish to burst into flame?