do you hoard your decks on a 50/50 chance they will speak to you? (i do)


First is Tarot of The Moon Garden set with companion book and a cute bag I think may be one of Sulis' totes. I swapped via another forum really wanted the deck but I have no connection to it.
it doesnt speak to me like my favourite deck does which has many voices that have helped me understand each cards meaning!. It doesnt haunt my dreams.
I find myself focusing on the blackness behind the images mainly. I wondered if it would make a good shadow deck.

I have 2 classical tarots 1 opened one sealed. ( I might sell one trade the other)

What id like to know is do other people have the Moon Garden Deck in their home hoarding it like me? refuse to let it go somewhere else as they have a 50/50 feeling it will work someday?
also do you have other decks like this you hoard in case of a 50/50 chance it will speak to you? I am just curious im not writting a book or anything i havent published any books and wont be. Id just like to hear others responses to this.

regards flicker

hope that clarifies it better sorry for the confussion.


Hi Flicker,

Your first question is do others have the deck and hoard it, but you didn't say which deck it is(unless I missed it).

To answer your second question, I do have several decks I didn't connect with at first. Some I still don't. What I've found with some is that when I put them aside and go back to them later, some of them begin to speak.

I have a few I doubt I will ever use, but yes I've hoarded them hoping that "someday" either I will use them or perhaps they are meant for someone close to me who just hasn't discovered them yet.

I have thought of trading them but I can't decide that letting them go is the right thing at this time.



My BBC deck was very much like that in the beginning. The art was pretty, and I liked the feel of the deck, but the images were just...flat. They said nothing to me, absolute silence. Magic Realist Press are my absolute favorite deck publishers, so I decided to put it aside and wait.

6 months or so later, I woke up in the middle of the night yearning for them. I grabbed them from their shelf on bookcase, pulled them from their box, and promptly fell asleep holding them.

Just goes to show you that sometimes, "hoarding" a deck is a good thing. Over time, we change and grow as people, and we awaken parts of us that were sleeping before. I think that sometimes, a deck is just waiting for certain parts of us to wake up so that it can speak to that part of us.

I think it all comes down to what you think works best for you. There are decks I have had before that I had no connection with, and I felt absolutely no urge to keep. I just found a better home for them and went on my way.

morticia monroe

I also have the Moongarden and rarely use it to read. It's not so much that I don't connect with it, but more like I connect so well with a few others that the Moongarden just isn't one that I reach for when reading.

I have kind of gotten ahead of myself in the collecting of decks,,,,I have no ambition to be a collector, it's just that I love the differences in decks, and find them all rather beautiful and unique in their own ways, and I like having a variety to admire. But there's no way I have time to read with them all right now.

Although most of my decks aren't for reading, when my man goes offshore I pull them all out of their boxes and bags and set them up around my room. Every morning, I draw a daily card from one deck, and find that card in all of my decks, moving it to the top. Then I read about it, think about it, meditate on it, and compare the cards, noticing differences and similarities.

So in one way or another, I do use all of them. And you're right, there have been many times when a little-used deck has popped into my mind and suddenly I feel the desire to read with it.


My answer is a big yes! I have decks that I work with quite well and others that attracted my eye because of the artwork. I have parted with some decks in the past to make room for more, but the majority of decks that I don't use for readings I keep for that day when I might finally click with them. Especially since decks go OOP and once they are the prices zoom through the roof and it is much harder to replace them. When that happens you are always sorry you let them go. It happens to the majority of us on AT!

I never expected to click with the Thoth, but now I do, so that is a good example and reason for having kept mine. Same goes with the BBC's. After losing a cat and being heartbroken, I wasn't really interested in working with a cat related deck. Suddenly I found myself pulling it out and studying it and doing a daily card with it. And now I love it.

I often think of my collection like a lending library...lending to myself. It is there, waiting for me when I am ready to give it attention, like a book sitting on a shelf waiting for the right person to come along and devour it. I may never read with all of them, but they are there....just in case! And I do hoard decks that I really love, in the sense of having double, triples or even more of favourite ones that I use a lot!


If you feel that it might work, give the deck a canche. When a deck definitely won't work we usually know that immediately.

Sometimes you don't pay much heed to a certain deck, only to see it slowly become a favorite. Other times, you fall madly in love with a deck, only to realize you actually can't use it for readings. There are no rules...

Give the deck a chance. If even then you deslike it, there's always the trading forum.


I am just looking at the BBC homepage as I love their decks. As a cat person myself I find the artwork appealing.It's amazing how the mind works that in time things can open up on a new level. wonderful that it has happened after a long wait. You must be happy that you didnt part with the deck.
In relation to connection my Dali I purchased speaks loudly to me so much so I dont allow the deck in my sleeping room. I once woke up to see see sprinkling of lights to the right side of me. I quickly moved my hand to the bedisde table and placed them in the draw.Thinking by morning I wont hear anything. I still could.
Yes! 'Flat' is how the deck feels. I see the deck as an attractive work of art and cant move past it.
I must go I have to vac the bedrooms (which is my worst job *yawns*) & paperwork to attend to. I think then I will settle down with my HTML books and a cup of spiced Chai. I have procrastinated too long but enjoyed being on the forum its very addictive :)

other questions my mind just threw out are.

1)When the deck starts talking to you do you find you neglect the rest?
" Yes I do this, then expect when I pick them up again that the deck will want to say hello to me again" sometimes they close off to me perhaps like people when you leave them alone too long they say, "Well you did forget me"

2) when the deck doesnt talk do you think it could be the fact that the artist didnt paint it from a psychic/spiritual esoteric viewpoint but as a work of art?


flicker said:
1)When the deck starts talking to you do you find you neglect the rest?
" Yes I do this, then expect when I pick them up again that the deck will want to say hello to me again" sometimes they close off to me perhaps like people when you leave them alone too long they say, "Well you did forget me"

2) when the deck doesnt talk do you think it could be the fact that the artist didnt paint it from a psychic/spiritual esoteric viewpoint but as a work of art?

1. No. I may use it more in the beginning to get familiar with it, but eventually it is just added to the revolving cycle of decks that I use on a regular basis.

2. Sometimes. Some tarot decks are just made better than others. Some seem like a bunch of artwork, albeit often lovely, that they slap on 78 cards and call tarot. But it may not be very workable, or may even have more of an oracle appeal to them. Everyone sees tarot through different eyes and uses them for different things, but if we are talking about doing readings, then yes, how the cards are represented have a great deal to do with how well they work in a reading. There are exceptions, too, with decks that have their own systems. Sometimes it is refreshing to work outside the box.


flicker said:
also do you have other decks like this you hoard in case of a 50/50 chance it will speak to you?

Well, I have quite some decks and there are only a few that I use on a regular basis.
Part of my collection is decks that I think will be very readable once I put the time and effort in. I don't switch around decks a lot, I have been using the Steele Wizard almost exclusively for the last months.
So some of my decks I will want to get to know better and really use.
Another part of my collection I keep because I just love looking at the decks even if I don't want to use them. I think I can still learn from them, see different views on the card meanings, even if I don't have the urge to read with them. Or I may just love to let myself get drawn into a different world or another way of thinking for a while. While you let yourself drawn in by a piece of art.
And then there are some decks that I am really doubting now, part of these will probably be up for trade some time in future. Or I may fall in love with them again and never want to part with them - who knows...