Do you tell them what each means?

Golden Moon

Hello, I have a qustion for most tarot/oracle readers. When consulting a client, Do you read for them explaning what each card means?? to make myself clear. Lets say you drew 3 cards, Queen of Wands + 3 of Swords + The Lover. Do you point at each cards and tell the client that the queen of wands means a woman in her life, 3 of swords, she's going through some heart aches as of now and the lover, this is due to a relationship. Or do you just say the same but without point and explain what each card means.

I hope i've made myself clear.


It depends on the client. If they are interested in the cards or if they ask how I know that then I will explain the cards. But I don't start out that way.

I don't just spout off to my sitters. I begin by asking questions about what I see and I ask them to only answer yes or no.
For instance, if I had pulled the cards you mentioned, the first thing I would do is determine if the Queen was her or someone else. So my first question to her would be if she felt there was a woman making trouble for her. If not, then I would investigate if my sitter was being a bit too logical in this relationship and if that was causing the problem.

I like this question! I'd love to hear how others read. :D


I will tell the client the meaning of the cards--not only the basic meaning but also the meaning according how the cards fall. However, my readings are pretty interactive. For example, after describing the meaning of the Queen of Wands in fairly close detail, I might ask the client if s/he knows anybody like the Queen or if s/he would describe his or herself the way I've described the Queen, etc. And there is also the matter of why the client is before me to begin with and how the Queen of Wands might relate to that. Then we go on to the next card. At the end of the reading the client and I are usually fairly close in our understanding of the cards and the situation they describe.

Occasionally because of the age or emotional state of the client I will give an over-all summary of what I see instead of going step-by-step but I resist doing that as a routine. For one thing, it's easier to make mistakes because I'm not giving each card my usual attention. For another, the client's next words are frequently "why do you say that?" And then I have to go back and explain, often out of context, why I've concluded that such-and-such is the case.

I would never conceal a card's meanings from someone though I might omit some of them if I thought they didn't apply in the particular case. ;)


Generally no, except when one asks me what this one or that one means, and when I felt the urge of telling what card is important in the reading.


When reading for others, i turn one card at a time. So yes, i guess i explain what the card means, but only in the context of the reading. I don't say "generally this card means yadda yadda", but "this cards here shows that you yadda yadda".

When all cards are turned, then i summarize the reading, connecting them in the best way possible. :)

Briar Rose

For me, I like to have all the cards facing up first, then I begin talking. A certain card or cards can have profound meanings in a spread.

I don't think it is necessary to tell the meanings of the cards indivdually. Together they tell a story.


I turn them over one at a time, take them in, then start talking after they are turned up- most people never ask about the cards in my experience. But sometimes I do have a habit of pointing out cards as I'm talking without directly saying what they mean. I guess it's an unconscious thing I do as reinforcement or something.


Golden Moon said:
Hello, I have a qustion for most tarot/oracle readers. When consulting a client, Do you read for them explaning what each card means?? to make myself clear. Lets say you drew 3 cards, Queen of Wands + 3 of Swords + The Lover. Do you point at each cards and tell the client that the queen of wands means a woman in her life, 3 of swords, she's going through some heart aches as of now and the lover, this is due to a relationship. Or do you just say the same but without point and explain what each card means.

I hope i've made myself clear.
I'm sure we all do it differently. First, for me I never read in person. I only read for others online. So there is no pointing to anything and the querent is not there when I do the reading. I do however include the card images in the reading.

But for me, I do tend to go through one card at a time and tell the querent for the most part in what part of the image I see which part of the answer. EG the umbrella she is holding says such and such, the clouds in the sky are saying...



Only if they point to it and say " what does that one mean?"


Sometimes, yes, depending on the length of the reading, the position of the card and the deck being used. If they ask me I tell them (this has happened many times) whilst also stressing context (i.e. flanking cards etc). In my early days of reading I did explain each card - I think that was more for my benefit, to help me create a verbal flow. Different strokes for different folks :)