Dream interpretation - need help


Thank you.

So, not knowing anything about you, just wondering if there is a part of you that wishes for a partner or more of a commitment from a partner, a more settled home life, and/or more opportunities for adventure, fun, travel, etc.
yes, to the above

And perhaps you compare yourself to people who have what you wish for,
Actually I have not met anyone with "family life" I wish for. Most of the time I'm usually friends with men in these relationships so I also know when they cheat on their wife's and gfd. Basically I know all the dirt in that relationship and not much to envy.

and so right after you run into this person who has those things in his life, you want to take a look at yourself (the machine that takes a photo), and you find that subconsciously you wish or hope you could be more exotic/unusual/daring, or just more like the people who have what you want - but you know that's not really you.
Not me, this is true. Except I know the details and the dirt in those relationships and now I wonder if I have to be just as ignorrant as their female partners, just to have a relationship. This is sad.

And maybe you're confused at the end of the dream because you know who you are, so maybe all this wishing isn't really what you want, but an illusion or something you think you're supposed to want, when after all you are happy with who you are and what you have.
This is true. Knowing all these men, some best friends, watching their relationships and how much lies they tell each other.... this is not what I want. But now I wonder if what I'm hoping for is even real?

Was there someone in your waking life who was recently boasting or showing off about something that may have triggered some doubts or insecurities in yourself, which might have then prompted that dream?
That's all I got.
My goals and expectations for my life are so high that what people think I want is just too below me. Its like if I for example want to own a Lambourginy so I work my tail off year after year but people who own a Ford tell me that I should not be envious of what they have??? ... And so I stopped trying to explain to people that what you got is not really on my list because they just get angry because they think Im better than them. Hope this makes sence.


Hi Bluelagune,

I'm new to AT. Your dream felt like a past life when I read it. We are in a time where we are remembering past lives. Your soul and the soul of the man may have known each other in that life. Also, being in the gym is a sign of strength. You may be getting stronger in terms of self-love.

But don't dwell on it. You are headed for more dreams/realizations about past lives. It's part of the spiritual awakening process.


Hi Bluelagune,

I'm new to AT. Your dream felt like a past life when I read it. We are in a time where we are remembering past lives. Your soul and the soul of the man may have known each other in that life. Also, being in the gym is a sign of strength. You may be getting stronger in terms of self-love.

But don't dwell on it. You are headed for more dreams/realizations about past lives. It's part of the spiritual awakening process.

Welcome to the forum :) and thank you for kind words.